Mrs. Uma Mahendran

Room 201

Class Expectations & Rules with anOutline of Syllabus

928 634 7531 X2201 August 1, 2017

“Your success truly depends on your responsibility, active participation & attendance”


Credit 1 ( yearly; ½ credit for each semester) ; College Algebra 1 credit for year and 3 College Credits (if you earn C or above)

Everyschool policy is administered in my room also.

Be punctual; bring all materials, with homework which is due forthat day.

What is New at MUHS This Year- All Classes?

Students are expected to Participate in ALL Classroom Activities

Take Cornell Notes –We will guide and help YOU!


No hats are permitted in my room. I keep my room as quiet as possible unless we have discussions.

Thank you for not chewing gum with noise, and dispose them properly in the trash can.

Respect everyone in this room and earn respect.

Decent language and modest dressing ismonitored at all times.

Thank you for drinking water only inside my room and NOT Eating FOOD.

No electronic devices are to be visible or in use during the entire class time (unless permission is given by the teacher), otherwise itwill be confiscatedand given to the front office and parents may collect them afterschool. Kindly inform me if you need to use it to copy anything from my room.

Materials needed:

Text book Colored pens

Graph papers (we consume a lot) Pencils

Linedpaper (may use for taking notes ONLY) Highlighters

One 3”three ring binder specifically for math- with dividers for each chapter,

Students’ handbook

Protective sheets (to keep key concepts, summary of lesson, formulas, and rules for solving certain concepts)

TI 83 or 84 plus Calculator for College Algebra Second Semester only- You may check out from the book store during Semester 2. I have a class set of scientific as well as graphing calculators in my room. Use of calculator vary from test to test and courses.


Grades are compiled of Class work, homework, participation, note book, formative assessment) and Final exam. Details are below for each courses.

Algebra 2

Homework/classwork/participation/Quiz 30%

Test 50%

Final Exam 20%

Intermediate Algebra Semester 1 /College Algebra (DE) Semester 2

Homework/classwork/participation 25% S1 20 % S2

Test(/Quiz) 55%S1 60% S2

Final Exam 20% (BOTH SEMESTERS)

Progress Report- Electronically & Directly to the parents

Progress reports will be sent at the end of every of 3-4 weeks electronically to those who have e-mail IDin our school system. So, kindly update your e-mail contact with the school if you and your parents need to receive them.

Please communicate well with me FIRST (e-mail, or call me for a personal meeting) if there is a concern. I will be happy to sit with you and your child to resolve it or direct you to the appropriate person at the school.

Grades will be posted inside the classroom weekly, and the gradebook is updated Fridays only in the grade book.

HOMEWORK / Where to get it?

Weekly lesson outline & homework will be posted in my webpage for each course no later than Monday morning for that particular week.

Any changes will be posted in classroom board & my voice mail after 5:00 P.M daily.

A copy of weekly homework & updated daily homework will be in the classroom. It is students’ responsibility to copy them everyday.

Most updated one will be in my voice-mail updated after 5:00 P.M daily .Call 928 634 7531 X 2201 follow direction until you hear my voice

“Hi Good Afternoon! Thank you for calling. Today is……”

Home work will be given daily with NO exception on weekends) and needs to be submitted the next working day. DE Classes may have different strategy for homework

No late work is accepted generally. Individual case will be handled individually with proper communication.

Credit for any work other than quiz or test will be for completion accuracy and or their combinations

70% for completion, 30 % for accuracy and done by following my directions & steps

All work should be submitted on graph paper with proper heading - date, name, period, course, page number and problem numbers in pencil only.

Please DO headings with PEN

Work done on lined sheets or with a pen will not get eligible credit and/or will be asked to redo properly for less credit. Copy questions with diagrams, show all steps and BOX the answer(staple your sheets always)

Only neat and organized work will earn full credit. Credit is for accuracy and or completion OR their combinations. HW quiz(formative assessment) could be expected more often which will be a part of your HW grade.

Your paper should look like this…

Your work should have the following Headings IN PEN Neatly.

Unit #, Type of work (BW, HW, CW, QUIZ, TEST, Notes) Name

Page# & problem #s Date (when it was given)


Course name

Copy question (or at least the relevant part) before you answer them.

If you DO NOT follow these your HW points will be a reduced one with a chance of correcting them during the FIRST THREE weeks only.

This year I am planning to help to those who have difficulty to do and submit homework on time. If you have happened to have FIVE zeros during the FIRST 2-3 weeks, I will allow you to repair them either by making them up by coming to my room for HALF credit or I will delete ONE ‘0’ for the completion of NEXT FIVE consecutive ones.However, ALL works from a particular chapter should be completed BEFORE the Chapter Test.

Graded HW will be place at the back of my room, and if you would like to see them kindly get them by yourself. I DO NOT give them back individually. Collect & Save them in your binder to review/study for quiz & Tests.


Grade book will be updated once every week, mostly on Friday BEFORE I leave the campus.I normally write comments in the gradebook. Kindly read them. (No HW, need to come lunch time, disappointing, AWESOME, and excellent, meet me, parent need to call me…..)

Everyday Expectations

Bring all materials every day (Text book, Three Ring binder, with enough graph sheets and paper calculator, Pen, Pencils). Student handbook should be brought everyday and use it to record your daily HW.

Students are expected to be inside the room BEFORE the tardy bell rings, otherwise they will be considered as tardy and need to face the consequences. It is students’ complete responsibility to collect and complete the missed work if he / she ends up in ‘Tardy Sweep’ and all work should be submitted the next day.

As soon as you enter my room,please sign in for attendance by yourself and take your seat and begin the bell work when the tardy bell rings.

BELL DO NOT dismiss my class; I will dismiss the class once everyone seated and quiet to be dismissed.

In my class students are expected to be seated at all times, and the bell WILL NOT dismiss my class, however I will dismiss the class once all students are seated in their own seat and quiet.

I keep my classroom as quiet as possible while I am teaching and when students are doing individual work or group work. However, I will be happy to answer any question, anytime, when directed to me in a respectful way.

Students are expected to participate actively during class time and needs to copy all notes and examples which will be checked THREE times during the FIRST semester for ALGEBRA 2 ONLY.

Try not to sleep, and participate to be successful.

Absence & How to make up work or Test -NO LATE WORK IN NORMAL CIRCUMSTANCES

Anticipating minimal absence by DE-student’s especially Pre-calculus students during second term. .If students miss a day or two it is their full responsibility to learn & complete all missed work (including notes) within TWO days. Long absence will be handled individually.

If you have an anticipated absence (SA) your due work is expected to be turned in the day BEFORE or the due day(somehow).

If there is a TEST/Quiz during your anticipated day, kindly communicate well with me BEFORE the absence during lunch time and make individual arrangements with me to make it up. Otherwise you will be given the Test/quiz the day you come back and expected to complete during class time. So, you will MISS the lesson, but it is your responsibility to learn it by yourself (plan to come to me during lunch or office hours) but NO extension of work will be granted.


Tests & Quiz will come periodically and at normal circumstances everyone is expected to do and complete within the class period.You WILL NOT be allowed to do the TEST unless you complete the related review. If review is NOT completed then your priority is to complete the review FIRST, thenMissed test or quiz should be taken care of during my office hours. Quiz Tuesday & Friday Lunch time, Tests on Thursdays after school.

Remember, there will be deduction of points for late homework as well as late Test as you did not take responsibility (2%)

There will be cumulative tests also at the end of few chapters. (Benchmark Tests)

All quiz and test will be graded and returned to the student within two to four days and will be collected back and will be kept in student’s individual folder.

If you would like to see them kindly come to my room during any non -teaching time(or at the end of a period once we finished activities) and I will be happy to give you a chance to peruse them.

Every Student’swork is graded by myself, so there may be some delays in posting grades. Kindly be patient with me.

Credit for quiz & test is for accuracy only. No retakes under normal circumstances (Individual situation is handled individually)

NO extended time will be given unless 80% of the students need (maximum 10 minutes will be given)

Extra Help& Office Hours

If students need extra help, they may come to me during my office hours. This will be Tuesday & Friday Lunchtime 12:45 P.M-1:10 P.M

Thursday 3:25 P.M-4:25 P.M.kindly communicate with me the day before. This can be used for getting help, to talk to me and to make up your missed Tests or Quiz. Try to be prompt.

Hall Pass

Restricted useof hall pass is allowed. Hall pass is NOT allowed during the FIRST 15 minutes or until I finish teaching and the last 15 minutes unless it is urgent. Students will get NO more than THREE times per semester.

Never leave the room without a signed hall pass. (Teacher’s discretion - individual situation)

OUTLINE OF SYLLABUS (may have changes as we progress)

Each quarterly exam includes concepts from chapters 1 throughthe current chapter.

Algebra 2 / College Algebra
Term 1 / Chapters1,2,3,4,5( if time permits) Pre-test
½ yr. Exams / Chapters 1-3 Review only, 4-13, if time permits 14 without a GRAPHING calculator. Pre-Post -Test 1/2 yr. Exams( may change if we purchase a new text book)
Term 2 / Chapters6,7,8,9,11,12,13
AZ Merit Practice & Test
Final Exam , Post Test / chapters 1-8 with Graphing calculator Final exam
Pre- Post -test

I prefer e-mail contact which allow me to response quickly even during class time or within 24 hrs.


Thank you,

Uma Mahendran

Date: August 1, 2017

Math Teacher


Room 201

Dear Parent/Guardian

Kindly read all pages and sign this page with your name, e-mail and phone contact with date.

If you have any concern or did not follow what I wrote in this packet, kindly write it down or contact me. (College Algebra students have an additional one with couple added rules to be successful to earn the DE credit.)

You will be able to check your child’s progress and other details about his/ her work;you may get it through online through the school’s website. To do this, you may have to get your child’s appropriate pin# and/ or ID # to create an account which will be easily available in the counseling office.

Grades will be updated every FRIDAY before I leave the school. Home work can be obtained through my voice mail daily after 5:00 pm, and may be from the grade book and or my web page.

My contact e-mail (prefer e-mail) Phone 928 634 7531 X 2201

I am excited and looking forward to work with your child. Kindly help me to help your child. Thank you in advance for all the support and help for the year and I am sure together we will have a GOOD YEAR 2017-2018.

I do appreciate if you do not contact me at my home phone and for your e-mail message to be short and specific.

Let me take this opportunity to ask your apology if I have to docouple adjustments to my classroom rules as we learn and progress and also for any human error in this document. However, if there is going to be a major change, then I will inform you through a letter or through your child’s progress report.

Thank you for understanding.

Mrs. Uma Mahendran

August 1, 2017

Any concerns?

Name of student ______Signature of the student______

Algebra 2, College Algebra Period______(circlethe correct one)

Name of Parent/Guardian______Signature of Parent/Guardian______

Date______Contact phone number & e-mail (parents)

Best and quick way to contact the parent & time with contact information (cell number, land number, work number or e-mail, with name)

Students’ e-mail/ cell number: (will be kept confidential and will use it only for urgent matters)

This is my schedule this year (Teaching 6 Blocks) kindly be patient with me to get a response to your phone call or e-mail. I will try my Best to do that within 24 hours.

Teaching Office hours

Periods 2,3,5,6 Algebra 2 Tuesdays & Fridays 12:45 P.m-1:10 P.M

Periods 1 & 4 Int. /C. Algebra (DE) Thursdays 3:25 P.M- 4:25 P.M

“Let us take Pride in Earn the Credit by being an Active learner”

“Let us make 2017-2018 a successful YEAR in your Life”

“Failure to prepare is prepared to fail”

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