MONDAY, APRIL 3, 2017 – 7:30PM
Council Members present: Lotvedt, Rheault, Kraft, Berg, Bartsch, Longie, and Steinke. Also present were City Attorney Hartl and City Auditor Stewart. Absent was Mayor Geiszler.
Council President Lotvedt called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm. Council members recited the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll call of council members was taken by Council President Lotvedt.
There was one addition to the agenda, Annual Fire Department Financials. There were no other amendments, additions, or deletions to the agenda.
Motion by Longie to approve the minutes of the March 13, 2017 Regular Council Meeting. Second by Berg, all voting yes, motion carried.
Bills Paid Since Last Meeting of 3/13/17: Convention & Visitors Bureau $4271.95, Domingo Ramos $500.00, Heart of America Library $33632.95, Rugby Job Authority $21462.11, Rugby Park District $7098.19, Rugby Sanitation, Inc. $23728.04, Payroll Checks $48913.68, Social Security $7889.64, Medicare Taxes $1845.18, Payroll Taxes $5405.50, AFLAC $793.49, ND Child Support Division $384.00, NDPERS $460.00, NDPERS $7546.88, Sanford Health/NDPERS $13080.88, State Tax Commissioner $ 1803.16. Total Bills For Payroll $88122.41. Grand Total All Bills Paid Since Last Meeting of 3/13/17 $178815.65.
Bills To Be Approved at 04/03/17 Meeting: Atco International $389.40, B & J Excavating $9208.00, Baymont Inn & Suites $180.53, Comfort Inn $163.80, D & S Motors $70.82, Dakota Supply Group $2657.89, Elizabeth Heisey $350.00, Ethanol Products $734.20, First District Health Unit $66.00, Glenko Enterprises $1755.17, Gretel Vavrovsky $262.49, HACTC $294.00, Harper Oil Co. $1544.00, HE Everson $848.30, HESEB Unlimited $100.70, idesign $2354.50, Jennifer Stewart $199.29, Johnson’s Plumbing $257.07, Kimball Midwest $126.24, Merchants Bank $10500.00, Municipal Government Academy $75.00, NAPA $8.94, Newman Traffic Signs $426.95, North Central Printing $249.49, Petty Cash $85.02, Pierce County Auditor $3408.33, Ramkota Hotel $200.00, Rebecca Jordan $125.00, Rugby Insurance Agency $408.00, Rugby Lumber $213.95, Rugby Sanitation $198.00, Rugby Service Center $899.58, Sensus $1893.15, Souris Basin Planning Council $136.96, SRT $35.91, Streicher’s $29.99, US Bank $800.00, US Bank $39435.00, Verizon Wireless $419.19, Vicky Reile $105.00, Wells Fargo $500.00, Wells Fargo $3044475.00. Total Bills Submitted For Approval $3126190.91.
Bills were reviewed by Longie and Steinke. There was a motion by Steinke to approve payment of the bills. Second by Longie, roll call vote, all voting yes, motion carried.
The March Municipal Judge’s Report was reviewed and considered. There was a motion by Berg to approve the Municipal Judge’s Report. Second by Longie, all voting yes, motion carried.
The JDA financials were presented by Tanner Johnson, JDA board member. Johnson explained they had paid their 2017 Special Assessments in February. He also noted their balance as of the last JDA meeting. Rheault questioned Johnson regarding the Executive Director open position. They will be conducting interviews in April for that position. There was a motion by Bartsch to approve the JDA minutes and financials. Second by Fossum, all voting yes, motion carried.
Fire Chief Dave Schneibel, Jr appeared to answer questions on the Fire Department’s Annual report to the council. He explained that Liz Heisey reviewed their financials and that the Fire Department will continue to employ Heisey to review their financials, as a financial consultant. Fossum questioned the amount of donations on the financial statement. Chief Schneibel explained that the majority of their donations go through the Fire Auxiliary, not the fire department itself. There was motion by Rheault to approve the Annual Fire Department report. Second by Bartsch, all voting yes, motion carried.
Kevin Lashman, from the Convention and Visitors Bureau, was in attendance to present the annual financial report. He explained that some of the material presented last month, were Chamber of Commerce financials. Those are not part of the Convention and Visitors Bureau. This clarified the questions that were asked last month. Rheault asked Lashman when they would be relocating the Convention and Visitors Bureau/Chamber of Commerce. Lashman informed the Council that their scheduled to make that transition in May. Attorney Hartl asked Lashman, who they hired for the CVB/Chamber Director position. Lashman explained the new hire was Miriah Koenig, who is from Rugby. Lashman went on to explain that the position requires someone who is passionate about Rugby and excited about the City’s attractions. There was a motion by Kraft to approve the Convention and Visitors Bureau Annual Report. Second by Fossum, all voting yes, motion carried.
The council considered the Planning and Zoning Minutes. Steinke informed the council about what they had discussed at the last meeting. Steinke requested that the zoning maps be updated. Lotvedt suggested that Interstate Engineering could help the City with that. There was a motion by Steinke to approve the Planning and Zoning Minutes as presented. Second by Longie, all voting yes, motion carried.
Attorney Hartl opened the two Sand and Gravel Bids received. The first one was from Deplazes Redi-Mix. Washed sand $16/yard; Class 5 Gravel $12/yard; Prices include delivery to Rugby. Attorney Hartl opened the second bid from B & J Excavating. Class 5 Gravel $15.50/yard; Washed sand $23.50/yard; Salt upon request. Prices include delivery to Rugby. No other bids were received. Attorney Hartl gave the bids to Auditor Stewart. Fossum made a motion to accept the bid from Deplazes Redi-Mix and use B & J Excavating as a back-up. Second by Kraft, all voting yes, motion carried.
The Resignation of Public Works Supervisor, Rick Larson was considered. There was a Motion by Steinke to accept the resignation of Rick Larson, effective May 25, 2017. Second by Kraft. Discussion followed. Fossum questioned if Larson was going to retire and stay retired, or would he be back as part-time help? Lotvedt responded that Larson would come back if the City had an emergency situation at the Water Department. It had been moved and seconded to accept Rick Larson’s resignation; all voted yes, motion carried.
Attorney Hartl reviewed and explained to the Council the two Gaming Site Applications received. The first one is for the Northside Lounge for February 2017-June 30, 2017. They are adding bingo, so they are required to apply for the change requiring council approval. The second application is for Lee’s Bar for July 1, 2017-June 30, 2018. There was a motion by Rheault to approve the Gaming Site Applications for both Lee’s Bar and Northside Lounge. Second by Berg, all voting yes, motion carried.
Committee Reports:
Recreation: Chairman Berg turned it over to Marquis Stricker. Stricker is looking to expand the current 9 hole Frisbee Golf Course at Ellery Park to the southwest at the ball diamonds with 9 additional holes. This expansion would include the farthest west ball diamond that has been abandon for a number of years. Stricker has drafted an aerial map that shows where each hole will be located. The cost of the additional 9 hole Frisbee Golf Course will be around $3,000. Stricker is hoping the City Council will donate $1,500 to the course. Stricker has already approached the Park Board, who has agreed to donate $1,500. There was a motion by Fossum to donate $1500 to the 9 hole Frisbee Golf Course expansion. Second by Kraft, roll call vote, all voting yes, motion carried.
Berg explained to the council the need for internet service at the Swimming Pool for use by the Pool Director and for the use of Lathem Biometric Finger Print time clock. Currently the pool employees use a punch card time clock. Switching to the Lathem clock would automate the time records. The recommendation to the council from the committee is to install internet service at the pool and purchase the Lathem time clocks
Finance: Chairman Longie explained to the council the recommendation for the City to charge $20 per thousand gallons of sewage and have the individual who need to dump contact City Hall to do so. City Hall will then dispatch Public Works to open the gate and bill the individual quarterly. There was a motion by Kraft to charge $20 per thousand gallons of sewage and have the individual dumping contact City Hall to do so. Second by Longie, all voting yes, motion carried.
Ordinance: Chairwoman Steinke made the council aware of the changes the committee is recommending for the Fireworks Ordinance. The council discussed many of the changes in the ordinance. Attorney Hartl was concerned with 9.36.021 of the ordinance referring to, subject to inspection, he was concerned that should not be worded as such. He recommended removing it from the ordinance. Attorney Hartl suggested wording it as subject to inspection with consent of vendor. Fire Chief Schneibel would like it to be subject to inspection. Currently the Fire Department does not know where fireworks in the City of Rugby are stored. The department has an idea where there might be fireworks, and feel it would be beneficial, in the event of fire, to know where they are stored.
Attorney Hartl recommended changing the wording to read, all locations are subject to inspection, upon the consent of the vendor. Any denial of such inspection will result in not issuing a permit the next year.
The Council conducted the first reading of the Fireworks Ordinance No. 405 submitted for adoption by the Ordinance Committee. Attorney Hartl reviewed the ordinance and recommended approval with the changes he recommended. Changes to Municipal Code Chapter 9.36 included changes to the limitations, addition of vendor permits, and changes to the violation penalty. Motion by Rheault, to adopt Fireworks Ordinance No. 405 that amends Rugby Municipal Code Chapter 9.36 to the Fireworks Ordinance. Second by Steinke, roll call vote, all voting yes, motion carried.
Public Works: Chairman Lotvedt discussed City Wide Clean-up. This will be held May 19 & 20, from 8:00am – 5:00pm. This will be handled the same as last year, where the dumpsters will be available at the City Shop for residents to haul their refuse up to. City Employees will be there to help residents unload their items. Lotvedt also informed the council about the road closure on Country Road. The culvert is washing out and they are looking at options for fixing it. Public Works will be cycling all the gate valves on the water valves this summer.
Bartsch questioned if we have received payment from Northern Plains Electric for the fiber repair that occurred last fall. Northern Plains had cut the fiber connection between Wells 8 & 9 last fall while trenching. The City submitted a bill to NPEC for the repairs, but has not heard from them. Attorney Hartl will be going out to the site with Public Works employee Greg Boucher to get a better idea of what happened last fall. After that he will take the necessary action to resolve this.
Public Safety: Committee Member Chuck Longie discussed the fifth police officer, the emergency snow routes in regards to the Chief of Police, and the opening and closing of the Armory by the Police Department. Longie also questioned Chief Rose about their car and body cameras. Chief Rose reported that one of the car cameras is not working. Longie suggested that be repaired or replaced immediately. Steinke also encouraged that if a body camera fails, to repair or replace that immediately too.
Longie also questioned Chief Rose about the 171 hour schedule for the Police Department. Chief Rose informed council that it is currently on hold, and may be looked at in the next budget cycle. Bartsch also questioned if the narrow banding of the sirens has been complete. Fire Chief Schneibel believes that they may be complete because all of the alarms went off at their last meeting. In the past, they have not been able to set off all of the alarms from the fire hall. Chief Schneibel will follow up and check to see if this is complete.
Personnel: Auditor Stewart explained that the safety clothing for Public Works has been ordered from I design. As the clothing is being received it is being distributed to the Public Works employees. They also discussed the resignation in the Public Works Department, and the hiring that will occur in the future for that vacancy.
Buildings/Property: Chairman Berg explained that the flooring in the Armory west entrance and the restrooms on the west side should be installed this week. Lotvedt expressed the need to go through City storage buildings. The next committee meeting will consist of touring these structures. Committee will meet at City Hall and go from there for that meeting.
City Equalization meeting will be held on April 11, 2017 at 7:30pm in the Otter Tail Meeting Room.
City Hall will be closed on Friday, April 14 in observance of Good Friday.
Kevin Leier, Rugby High School History teacher, told the council about the North Dakota Studies course he teaches. They have been studying downtown Rugby, and the history of a number of the business structures on Main Street. On May 4, 2017 at 6:30, in the RHS Auditorium, they will be presenting a Mini Documentary on the Rugby Downtown. Leier extended an invitation to the council to attend.
There being no further business to transact or to come before the Council at this time Kraft made the motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:03pm. Second by Steinke, all voting yes, motion carried
Jennifer Stewart, City Auditor Date Submitted
Arland Geiszler, Mayor Date Approved