May 12, 2015
Regular session of the Minden City Council was called to order by Mayor ProTem Zimmerman at 6:00pm on above date. Councilmen present: Ploen, Wellman, Zimmerman Absent: Arnold, Armstrong Also attending Rich Schuning, Steve Perry, Greg Perry & Gerald McCool.
Motion by Ploen, second by Wellman to approve the agenda with the addition of Fire Dept member approval and Gerald McCool. M.C. 3-0
Motion by Zimmerman, second by Wellman to approve minutes of the AprilMeeting. M.C.3-0
Motion byWellman, second byZimmermanto approve the financial statement. M.C.3-0
Motion by Wellman, second by Ploen to approve the bills for payment. M.C.3-0
Kevin Zimmerman showed the council some of the color and design choices for the sitting wall and raised flower bed. The council liked the adobe color and decided to center the sitting wall between the 2 stone piers. Construction on the sitting wall should start within the next week depending on weather.
Steve Perry updated the council on the lagoon permit. Steve is still working with the DNR and we may be getting closer to a final resolution. Steve will update the council as more information is received.
Steve Perry updated the council on the cost of removing and replacing the concrete on Meadow Lane. The estimate for the reconstruction would be $678,000. This would also include repairing the end of Circle Drive. The council discussed the current Urban renewal area status and Steve will get more information and get back to the council. Motion by Ploen, second by Wellman to move forward with the repaving project on Meadow lane contingent on the Urban renewal status. M.C. 3-0
Mayor ProTem Zimmerman opened the public hearing at 7:01 pm on the 2014-15 Budget Amendment. Being no written or oral objections submitted, a motion was made by Wellman, second by Ploen to close the public hearing. M.C. 3-0
RESOLUTION #15-02 Motion by Ploen, second by Wellman to approve the 2014-15 annual budget amendment as published. Roll call vote: Ayes: Zimmerman, Wellman, Ploen Nays: none
Motion by Ploen, second by Wellman to approve the 2015-16 Sheriff Contract. M.C. 3-0
The council discussed the possibility of sharing an employee with Tri-Center schools. The council decided the City has no immediate need for an additional employee therefore no action was taken on the issue.
The council was informed of a new member to the fire department. John Price has joined the Minden Fire Dept.. Motion by Ploen, second by Wellman to approve John Price as a new Minden Fireman. M.C. 3-0
Gerald McCool expressed his interest in the vacant City Council seat. The council asked the city clerk to put a public notice in the paper to announce the possible appointment.
Motion byPloen, second by Wellmanfor adjournment at 8:00pm. M.C. 3-0
Approved bills:
MidAmerican energyUtilities(April)1699.30
Post MasterPostage water bills85.00
T. TennerSalary1743.94
R. SchuningSalary2845.34
P. BintzSalary1546.17
W. VanNordstrandsalary166.40
ETTPSFed, SS2437.37
United of OmahaIns.148.08
T. Tennerreimb for notary stamp/toner113.67
Bobcatnut for skid loader24.25
Tim’s servicemuffler repair416.02
McCarthy trenchingcurbstop removal377.50
Boland Recreationpergola in triangle10500.00
Diamond OilOil270.00
Ez Enterprisestrees/sprinkler down payment3028.00
SRFlagoon principal payment33667.50
Walnut Commphone bill138.66
Olmsted & perryengineering-lagoons & meadow ln861.55
Growers Unitedfertilizer260.00
R & S Wastegarbage2594.00
Verizoncell phones121.63
Gazettepub minutes/budget amendment196.56
Regional WaterWater717.80
C B Waterworkswater testing25.00
Wahleretainingsitting wall downpayment7025.00
Iowa DNRBintz/Schuning certificate renewal240.00
Feld Firefire dept boots7237.84
Dankofire truck dome light24.75
Zimmerman Salesreimb for echo lighting for triangle3543.99
Emergency Apparatusfire truck pump test730.08
Zimmerman Salesrock/electrical for triangle2904.35
Zimmerman Salesconcrete install & benches7708.46
Teresa TennerRichard Armstrong