1. League rules require that grievance be raised either by an individual or the club, in writing, to either the League Secretary or the Umpiring Secretary.

2. The League Committee, being aware of events or activities may elect to cite certain clubs or individuals.

3. i) If informal mediation cannot resolve the matter then, from whatever source, having established that there is a case to answer, the Chairman must form an investigative/disciplinary sub-committee under section 11.3(i) of the Constitution.

ii) This committee to comprise any two from the Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Umpiring Secretary, Match Secretary, plus one of the Player Representatives.

iii) All members must come from different clubs and no member shall have any association with, or be a member of the same club, as any of those involved in the complaint/grievance/disciplinary matter.

iv) In the event that insufficient suitably qualified personnel are available, then other committee members may be co-opted, provided they comply with 3iii.

4. i) The Investigative/Disciplinary committee shall write to all involved detailing the allegations and inviting submission of written evidence or statements.

ii) Following receipt of written evidence the 1/D committee may at their absolute discretion, offer a personal hearing, to which all who have submitted written evidence must be invited.

iii) Or, following consideration of the written material and having found the case proved, may simply invite for interview, those against whom penalty must be considered. At which time the adjudication will be announced.

iv) In either event, all those party to the dispute must be made aware of the final adjudication, in writing and without delay and advised that should an appeal be considered, then it must be made to the League Chairman within 10 days.

5. i) In the event that an appeal is made, the League Chairman must ask the County Chairman to form an Appeal Committee.

ii) to comprise:A County Official (who shall act as Chair) The 1/D Committee Chair Another west Suffolk committee member

iii) This committee shall consider the appeal, consider the original written evidence/statements, and if it thinks fit, receive any new evidence.

iv) The Appeals Committee may then affirm, rescind or vary any decision of the I/D committee.

v) This decision must be communicated in writing to the West Suffolk League Chairman and the parties involved, and shall be final and binding on all.

Issues February 2009