Heritage High School PTSA
General Assembly & General Board Meeting
March 14, 2017; Media Center (and Auditorium)
The General Assembly Meeting took place in the Auditorium at 6:50pm. There was a quorum of over 20 people. Lorise and Nini explained the changes that were needed to the budget: Decrease in Membership , Husky Night add in Sams Xpress Car Wash, Reduce Rebates line items. Reduce the PTA Dues line and increase the Teacher Grants line (due to $1500 added in for corporate grants.) Terry Batchelor made the motion to make the changes to the budget, Dr. Tate seconded – all in favor.
General board meeting was called to order at 7pm – no quorum . – in attendance : Lorise R, Terry B, Edythe G, Principal Lyons, Steve S, Nini H, Kevin H – guest in attendance: Kim M, Gina S, Monica M
Lorise said there was a mini grant to be approved (but will wait until there is a quorum) Ms Roche is looking for $155 for membership in AATF (last year received 2 grants = $125)
Principal Lyons – showed a slide show with all the information on where we stand and what we are looking to grow to: for 2016 graduation rate was 93.6% - goad is 95% (explained how some of the stats are misconstrued due to kids moving and not being in system any longer, those who graduate in 5 years rather than 4, etc… Steve S would like to know how Special Needs works into the number (Mr Lyons will check into). ACT training will start April/May for select teachers and then they in turn will work with all the teachers needed.(pta grant). Goals are to include faculty voice and participation in creating school culture. 4C implementation in classrooms. Interdisciplinary collaboration by establishing PLT structure supporting 4C. Learning Spaces: Convert 3 locker bays which will cost $50K. Would like to eventually convert other 3 locker bay areas. There will be tables with whiteboards to write on with dry erase markers, large TV in area for learning purposes also.
Terry B – Membership at 597. 2nd semester drawing for a HT gift card
Lorise for Deanna (fundraising) - $620 for samsxpress car wash, Deanna will be moving and will need to be replaced for next year. 3/30 McDonalds fundraiser – still need help. Real McCoys brought in $211. 4/22 Grammas Diner, 5/6 Chipolte, in May we will also do Pelican Snowballs
Scholarship – info will be out soon. Kevin will get on website also. Available 4/1 – 4/30 and handed out senior night.
Business Alliance – Reality of money went well. Leadership conference at downtown WF; meeting next week.
Steve S – Special Inclusion – 2nd annual transition fair. 4/5 3-6pm at HHS. Services for Special Ed (flyer was handed out) Will need help promoting, will contact other schools. Terry B asked about refreshments and offered to help. Nini pointed out there is a budget to cover expenses. Kevin will promote on website, social media etc…. Need to ask Sharon S how promoted last year.
Hospitality – teacher appreciation in May. Talent show 4/1 - $8 ticket
Nini - $13000 in bank – payments to come out still but expect more to come in from spirit nights. $430 check from HT – bonus check will come in for next years budget.
Nominations are going well. Need to get slate out 10 days prior to vote in May.
Terry B – brought up the danger of turning left out of parking lot and suggested Dr Lyons looks into this safety issue.
Next meeting 4/18; 6:30pm
Meeting adjourned 7:50pm