I. Call to Order
● Vice President Sandhu called the meeting to order at 6:12 PM
II. Quorum Roll Call
Roll CallName / Present / Absent / Excused/Late
Executives / President Alex Lee / 1
VP Abhay Sandhu / 1
Controller Joe DeAngelo / 1
O/R Jade Wolansky / 1
Senators / Samantha Chiang / 1
Sam Park / 1
Julie Jung / 1
Ricardo Martinez / 1
Shaitaj Dhaliwal / 1
Chase McFadden / 1
Adam Xu / 1
Josh Dalavai / 1
Sofia Molodanof / 1
Adilla Jamaludin / 1
Parteek Singh / 1
Irveen Grewal / 1
Total / 10 / 2 / 0
Commission Chairs / AAC - Hemali Patel / 1
GASC - Alison Tam / 1
BFC - David Heifitz / 1
IAC - Nick Flores / 1
EAC - Sara Williams / 1
ECAC - Komal Sharma / 1
EPPC - Sarah Risher / 1
● With 10 Senators present out of 12 seated, quorum was established.
III. Picnic Day Report
● Chelsea Hernandez, Picnic Day Chair: 103rd Picnic Day theme is “growing together”. Parade Marshal is Dr. Bryan Enderle & Isao Fujimoto. Participant applications close on February 2nd at 5:00 PM. it is $10 to participate in the parade.
IV. The Pantry Report
● Item not heard.
● Juliana Luna, Housing Advising for Undergraduate Students Chair: Having an info session for housing soon. Changed the way we process paperwork, switched to online forms for sustainability. Using Trello for transparency. Creating a website with Creative Media.
VI. Mental Health Workshop
● Shaw Ramey-Wright: Take survey on www.surveymonkey.com/r/CBVNN6X. There are a lot of connections between mental health issues and student leadership. Wants to create a workshop series on campus.
VII. EC Gardens Report
● Nicholas, EC Gardens Chair: Everything is going well in the garden, budget needs to be cut/readjusted. Looking to get volunteer interns.
● No objections to taking a 10 minute recess.
IX. Public Discussion
● Senator Chiang: An ASUCD Senate Bill to allocate $31.69 from Senate Reserves to purchase flowers & paper affirmation bags for the 6 senators terming out in Fall 2015.
○ Senator Chiang moved to see this bill as emergency legislation. The motion was seconded.
Emergency LegislationName / Yes / No / Abstain
Senators / Samantha Chiang / 1
Sam Park / 1
Julie Jung / 1
Ricardo Martinez / 1
Shaitaj Dhaliwal / 1
Chase McFadden / 1
Adam Xu / 1
Josh Dalavai / 1
Sofia Molodanof / 1
Adilla Jamaludin / 1
Parteek Singh / 1
Irveen Grewal / 1
Total / 3 / 7 / 2
○ With 3 in favor, 7 against, and 2 abstentions, the motion to see this bill as emergency legislation failed.
● Chair Flores: Someone filed a petition to overrule the ballot initiative of the court dissolution. Going to move forward with the Legislative Appeals Committee, basically a 3 person committee who will remain impartial.
○ Vice President Sandhu: What does the bill do?
■ Chair Flores: LAC Bill created the committee and its membership.
X. Consideration of Old Legislation
A. SB #10 - Dalavai
● No objections to tabling this bill.
B. SB #15 - Engel
● No objections to tabling this bill.
C. SB #18 - DeAngelo
● No objections to tabling this bill.
D. SB #19 - Ghosh
● Pro-tem Jamaludin: SB #19 is to have a mental health & grief workshop. There will be fuzzy socks, epsom salts, & candles given out in gift bags.
● Senator Singh moved to call SB #19 into question. The motion was seconded. With no objections, SB #19 carried.
E. SB #20 - Engel
● No objections to tabling this bill.
F. SB #21 - Flores
● Senator Dalavai moved to call SB #21 into question. The motion was seconded. With no objections, SB #21 carried.
G. SB #22 - Flores
● Senator Dalavai moved to call SB #22 into question. The motion was seconded. With no objections, SB #22 carried.
H. SB #23 - Flores
● Senator Dalavai moved to call SB #23 into question. The motion was seconded. With no objections, SB #23 carried.
XI. Introduction of New Legislation
● Senate bills going to committees:
○ An ASUCD Senate Bill to allocate $1391.40 for UCD Mental Health Conference custom ink t shirts - Chiang/Savage
○ An ASUCD Senate Bill to enact quarterly senator evaluations - Chiang
○ An ASUCD Senate Bill to allocate $255.50 for the Pay it forward program - Ghosh
○ An ASUCD Senate Bill to amend the structure and organization of the Aggie Public Arts Committee. - Sikand
○ An ASUCD Senate Bill to create consistency with Constitutional Amendment #49 by removing or amending all mentions of the ASUCD court in the bylaws - flores
○ An ASUCD Senate Bill to create the Legislative Appeals committees and a hiring process for its chairperson and members - Flores
XII. Status of Legislation Previously Passed
● All legislation has been signed.
XIII. Ex-Officio Reports
● Chair Patel:
○ AAC did not have a weekly meeting since we were able to handle out business online. We've been tacling a couple of case studies as well so our main focus has shifted to that.
● Chair Flores:
○ IAC meeting on Monday, went to EAC and B&F on Tuesday, responded to the Court petition and wrote a bill to create an interim arbitrating body while I create a new Court, went to the OASR brainstorm on Tuesday which was a great and productive space to create an actual agenda moving forward given President-elect Trump
● Chair Williams:
○ No legislation in commission this week. Set a meeting with Bob Seeger, Alex Lee, and Georgia Savage about student housing in the LRDP. Attended OASR-coordinated meeting with LRDP folks in regards to Russell Fields.
● Chair Sharma:
○ Went over applications with my commissioners. We received 8 applications and we decided on interviewing 6 of them. Sent out emails today on November 17th and asked chosen applicants to fill out doodle poll so that I know what times they are available for an interview. I hope to have all interviews done between Monday 11/21-Wednesday 11/23 so that they can be confirmed during the last senate meeting on December 1st.
● Chair Risher:
○ Started interviews for commissioners this week.
● Secretary Wolansky:
○ Marketing Committee, Helped Bike Barn adjust info on Student Housing website, Advertise Champagne Award, Working on sticker bill
● Controller DeAngelo:
○ Went to meetings, planning Winter quarter check ins with all unit directors
XIV. Elected Officer Reports
● President Lee:
○ State of the Association address
○ Housing Taskforce
○ Interviews
○ Shrem Museum opening
● Vice President Sandhu:
○ Meeting with Jon Li, ASUCD Scholarships, Meeting to prepare for City of Davis Town Hall, Shifa Board Meeting, Meeting with Adilla, Community Town Hall Speech on Alcohol Abuse in the City of Davis, Meeting with Alex, Meeting with Sarah Risher to introduce her to the Association.
● Pro-tem Jamaludin:
○ Reviewed legislation, made agenda, organized interviews, internship in Sac and Davis
● Senator Jung:
○ This week, I mainly worked with Suhaila from Aggie Public Arts Committee to re-organize the structure of the committee; a bill will be seen next week. I also helped the Pantry with some stock issues that they have because there has been double the use than usual. I had my office hours and regular Aggie Reuse shifts.
● Senator Dalavai:
○ Went to OASR on Tuesday to talk about post-election stress relief, held office hours, toured KDVS & Aggie Studios in lower Freeborn.
● Senator Molodanof:
○ Monday: I had my senate office hours and senate staff meeting and discussed some new things to work on to help improve our campus. Besides working on the water hydration stations and 24 hour hotline, my staffers want to improve the lighting on campus to improve campus safety.
○ Tuesday: I had my senate office hours.
○ Wednesday: I had my senate office hours.
○ Thursday: I met with students regarding the dissolution of the judicial branch. Many students came to me with their concerns about the importance of having a branch that is protected by the constitution. Many alumni also reached out to me to discuss the issue. I have been working with Nick and looking at possible solutions. In the afternoon, I also met with Ryan Wonders, a former ASUCD Senator to discuss campus life and learn more about his field of work in Washington, D.C.
● Senator Chiang:
○ Called into UC-wide conference call for undocumented students and allies
○ Met with the Mental Health Conference Publicity Director
○ Secured free photography from SAMC for the Mental Health Conference
○ Secured $1000 from Student Health and Counseling Services for the Mental Health Conference and $2,500 more from Student Affairs
○ Attended OASR officer meeting
○ Met with Mental Health Conference Logistics Coordinator (We have a logo now!)
○ Met with Mental Health Conference Workshop and Panel Coordinators
○ Did an interview with The Aggie for Pre-Law Association
○ Held senate staff PEACE training
○ Organized legal training workshop for undocumented students and allies with the UC Undocumented Legal Services Center
○ Attended Marketing Committee Meeting
○ Held photo shoot for Mental Health Conference Board
○ Authored legislation for Mental Health Conference funding, Fall 2016 farewells funding, and quarterly senator evaluations
● Senator Park:
○ Held staff meeting on Monday
○ Held office hours on Tuesday
○ Finalizing draft for a Senate Resolution to support Russel Fields proponents
○ Setting up a meeting with the current leadership of the Veterans Student Organization in UC Davis to create a joint resolution to honor our student veterans
○ Will be hosting office hours tomorrow
○ Happy to report that Aggie Job Link (AJL) has a new web interface that is more user friendly
● Senator Grewal:
○ Meeting with Nisha, student health and center student assistant and a health educator, Emilia - to compile a proposal
○ Meeting with Bill Garitty to discuss my role on the Library planning and steering committee and planning on what I will present to the administration
○ Meeting with SCA board
○ Had office hours
○ Put out another staff hiring for next quarter
○ Conducting data collection for Punjabi classes
○ Working with my staff to work grant proposals
● Senator McFadden:
○ Tabled for IFC/Pantry food drive
○ Scheduled to help conduct EPPC Commissioner Interview
○ Scheduled Bike Barn shadowing for next Monday :)
○ Resubmitted hiring packet :(
○ Submitted response and took headshot for The Aggie article on my appointment
● Senator Xu:
○ Finally I get my translation documents done!!! Like I said two weeks ago, I will make it happen before Thanksgiving! So we will have a Chinese Version of SHIP insurance for SHCS. I will talk with Doctor Vu and Chiang about the details in the documents. I had three midterms this week. One on Tuesday, one today and one tomorrow. Basically I studied for the most time of the week. I just scheduled a meeting with the Interim Provost next Tuesday. We will talk about some issues from International students.
● Senator Martinez:
○ Hectic week with midterms. Met with staff on Monday to continue the work on the Council. Attended the Chicanx/Latinx graduation committee and held office hours on Thursday.
XV. Approval of Past Meeting Minutes
● Pro-tem Jamaludin moved to approve minutes from November 10th, 2016. The motion was seconded. With no objections, the minutes from November 10th, 2016 were approved.
XVI. Public Announcements
● Public announcements were heard.
XVII. Adjournment
● Vice President Sandhu adjourned the meeting at 7:44 PM.
Minutes taken & completed by:
Naeema Kaleem | ASUCD Senate Recorder