Dr Helen Cotton
Dr Jonathan Mortimer
Dr Tariq Khalil
Mr Christian Jennings MBE – Business & Practice Manager
Patient Participation Group (PPG)
Minutes from the 25th meeting held on Wednesday 26 July 2017
6.30pm – 8.30pm
Rob Anderson – patient representative
Virginia Berkeley – patient representative
Sally Anne Cairns – patient representative
Elaine Clarke – patient representative
Dr Roger Durston – Senior Practice Partner
Christian Jennings – Business and Practice Manager
Ela Kwasny-Spechko – patient representative, chair
Anne Marten – patient representative
John Marten – patient representative
Sally Anne Olivier – patient representative
Peter Reardon – patient representative
Janey Sharratt – patient representative
Susan White – Patient Services Manager
Elaine Clarke – patient representative
- Welcome and apologies
EKS opened the meeting by welcoming attendees and recording the names of those who had sent their apologies.
- Minutes and matters arising
The PPG is keen to welcome new members and agreed that this could be achieved by changing both the format and focus of some meetings. To date the primary emphasis of the group has been to discuss general PPG matters, both in relation to the practice and more broadly other South Southwark locality groups.
Following discussions at the meeting, it was confirmed that PPG members are in favour of supporting CGS in delivering a “Patient Open Evening” event later in the year. CJ suggested that this is scheduled for end of September or early October. Thursday afternoon was put forward as a possible option as the practice is closed for training at this time. There was a preference for a later start time, which would enable those who work to also participate. Invitees will be targeted and contacted by text/mailshot. PPG members to host the event.Consideration to be given to inviting patients from St. Giles
Dr Durston emphasised the need to be clear about what we are trying to achieve by arranging such an event. Desired outcome – make our PPG more relevant to people in the community. Devote half the meeting to one specific subject. Aim to draw patients closer to the practice and make it more relevant to their everyday life.
EKS proposed that the Patient Open Evening is combined with the regular PPG meeting scheduled for October, which would give patients a taste of what the PPG is about, who attends and what is discussed. It was agreed that a short PPG meeting will form part of the event and the main message will be that patients do have a forum in which issues of their choice can be discussed.
ACTIONS/NOTES: King’s College Hospital to be approached to support event and provide a speaker. Date to be confirmed as soon as possible and PPG notified. Time confirmed as 6.00pm to 8.00pm which will include a short PPG meeting. Agenda to be circulated as normal. All patients with COPD to be targeted. CJ to arrange side stands.
- Annual survey – feedback summary
EKS informed the group that after the April meeting she had contacted CJ in the hope that the annual survey period could be extended to get more feedback from patients. This did not happen. Data collected to date will need to be reinput due to current link expiring. EKS will try to produce graphics to support statistical data.
EKS to circulate results when available and results will be discussed at the October PPG meeting.
- Practice guide/ Patient Information Leaflet
RA prepared a draft new look practice leaflet, which it is suggested will replace the previous rather dated and lengthy practice guide. This was distributed to the PPG for discussion. He explained that the aim was to identify a format which is easy to produce, cost effective and provides the information which patients need. It was agreed that information should be presented in order of priority, in a positive way, in colour, with date and reference to more detailed information being published on the website.
EKS to produce content for leaflet which will then be circulated to staff for comment before being passed onto RA who will produce a draft which will be circulated to PPG. Dr Durston suggested that the name should be changed to “Patient Guide”.
- Practice update
CJ provided an update on progress with the merger project. Version 5 of the business plan was submitted two weeks ago for comment and final amendments to be made. The final business plan (Version 6) which will include all amendments requested by the CCG is due to be submitted to the CCG Board on the 7 September 2017 for final approval.
- Feedback from patients
INR (International normalized ratio) monitoring was raised as an issue and the ineffective and costly manner in which monitoring is currently delivered. It was noted that monitoring could be carried out more efficiently and cost effectively by using a monitor and testing strips already on the market, but funding for the strips is not in the current budget. PR was advised to put everything in writing and send this to EKS & CJ, who would raise the query at the next locality meeting.
EKS questioned whether or not the Pharmacy First programme was still in operation. This programme had been widely publicised approximately 12/18 months ago, but was no longer as obvious in into pharmacies. EKS tested this in the Lloyds Pharmacy based in Sainsbury’s. She was very surprised to learn that the duty pharmacist knew nothing about the programme and eventually confirmed that it was a service offered Monday – Friday only and not available to patients at weekends. EKS questioned this information and eventually received the medication she required free of charge, but this was not something done willingly or easily.
ACTIONS/NOTES: CJ to raise a quality alert about the Pharmacy First programme.
The Newsletter is overdue and it is hoped that something can be put together by the end of the year. EKS requested help with content and input from both surgery staff and members of the PPG.
ACTIONS/NOTES: CJ to think about content for newsletter and what information should be provided to patients regarding the proposed merger
The meeting closed at 6.00pm
- Date of next meeting to be confirmed as soon as a date is agreed for the Patient Open Evening.
CCG –Clinical Commissioning GroupCGS – Camberwell Green Surgery
CQC – Care Quality CommissionDNA – Did Not Attend
IHL – Improving Health LimitedLMC –London Medical Council