Big Rock: Writing
Fully Implemented / Partially Implemented / Not ImplementedIn 30 Days, we will know that we are successful when:
- Students are beginning to improve writing in complete thoughts. Paragraph development with a topic sentence, sentences of support and a concluding sentence has begun in 2nd grade. Capitalization, usage, punctuation and spelling are being emphasized at each level.
The Measures/Evidence we will use are:
- Student work/ assignments scored by grade levels
30 Days Action Strategies / Who is on point? / By when? / How communicated?
Students will
*write in complete thoughts / All staff / 9/30/15 / staff
*develop paragraphs with a topic sentence, sentences of support, and a concluding sentence / beginning 2nd grade / 9/30/15 / meetings
*age-appropriate will use correct capitalization, usage, punctuation, and spelling / All staff / 9/30/15 / Lesson Plans
*On Demand scrimmages will be scheduled. Students will receive feedback from each scrimmage. K-5 Teachers will be involved with scoring with discussion and feedback given to guide instruction. Exemplary writing pieces will be shared with students and teachers. / 5th / Beginning by September 30. / PLCs, Lesson Plans
SBDM Writing Policy will be examined and referred to for instructional guidelines. The KASC Common Core Standards Checklist will be utilized to guide instruction with I and I checks occurring. / All staff / 12/18/15 & ongoing throughout the year. / PLC’s
8 Teachers will attend Abell/Atherton, On Demand Training September 10. Teachers trained will share with staff and all teachers will implement. / PLE Teachers / Sept. 10 / Email, Conference form, Lesson Plans
Fully Implemented / Partially Implemented / Not Implemented
In 60 Days, we will know that we are successful when:
- Students write opinions, informational, and narratives with proficient support for your grade level.
The Measures/Evidence we will use are:
- Student work/assignments scored by grade levels
60 Days Action Strategies / Who is on point? / By when? / How communicated?
Students continue
*write in complete thoughts / all staff / 2/13/15
*developing paragraphs / beginning 1st / 2/13/15
*CUPS / all staff / 2/13/15
*on demand scrimmages / 5th / 2/13/15
Students develop pieces in various forms (story-real or imagined, letter, email, speech, article, editorial, etc.) / 3rd-5th / 2/13/15
Fully Implemented / Partially Implemented / Not Implemented
In 90 Days, we will know that we are successful when:
Students write opinions, informational, and narratives with proficiency for your grade level.
The Measures/Evidence we will use are:
student work/assignments scored by grade level
90 Days Action Strategies / Who is on point? / By when? / How communicated?
students continue / all staff / 3/15/15 / staff meetings,
*writing complete paragraphs / all staff / 3/15/15 / lesson plans,
*using CUPS / all staff / 3/15/15 / PLCs
*develop the 3 modes in various forms / all staff / 3/15/15 / lesson plans,
*on demand scrimmages / 5th / 3/15/15 / PLCs
Students will establish and finalize portfolios / all staff / Completed by May 8 / Staff meeting, PLCs