Evaluation of Section 11 Audit:

Section 11 Audit / NTW / NHCFT / Cafcass / Housing / Barnardos / CCG / NFRS / Public Health / Voices / Adults / Children's Social Care / Northumbria Police
STANDARD 1 – Senior management have commitment to the importance of safeguarding and promoting children’s welfare
How effective is the commitment of senior management to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children within your agency / organisation?
1.1There is a named person at senior level responsible for safeguarding and championing role clearly in job description / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green
1.2There are named designated people with clearly defined roles and responsibilities in relation to safeguarding and child protection across the organisation / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green
1.3Senior managers demonstrate good understanding of safeguarding / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green / Amber / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green
1.4Everyone in the organisation knows who the designated or lead person for safeguarding is / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green
1.5Children and young people are listened to, taken seriously and responded to appropriately / Green / Green / Green / Amber / Green / Grey / Green / Green / Grey / Green / Green / Green
1.6Corporate plans include reference to safeguarding / Green / Green / Green / Grey / Green / Green / Green / Green / Amber / Green / Green / Green
STANDARD 2 – There is a clear statement of the agency’s responsibility towards children and this is available to all staff
How clearly are the agency’s responsibilities towards children communicated to all staff?
2.1The organisation has a written policy and procedure for safeguarding and protecting children, which is in accordance with LSCB Inter Agency procedures / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green
2.2The organisation’s policy & procedure is available to all staff, and staff know how to access it / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green
2.3The policy and procedure is reviewed on a regular basis to maintain compliance with new legislation, service and personnel changes / Green / Green / Green / Grey / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green
2.4The policy and procedure has been reviewed since the introduction of Working Together 2013 / Green / Green / Green / Grey / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green
2.5All staff are aware of their own roles & responsibilities and those of the organisation for safeguarding and protecting children / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green / Amber / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green
2.6The organisation has effective complaints and whistle blowing procedures and systems for professionals and service users, which is in line with statutory guidance. Complaints are used to improve service outcomes through organisational learning / Green / Green / Green / Grey / Green / Green / Green / Green / Amber / Green / Green / Green
2.7The policy is mandatory for staff and volunteers / Green / Green / Green / Grey / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green
2.8Commissioning arrangements include monitoring of Section 11 responsibilities / Green / Green / Green / Grey / Green / Green / Grey / Amber / Grey / Green / Green / Green
2.9Organisations can demonstrate policies and procedures have a positive impact on outcomes for children / Green / Green / Green / Grey / Amber / Grey / Green / Grey / Green / Green / Green / Green
STANDARD 3 – There is a clear line of accountability within the organisation for work on safeguarding and promoting welfare
How clear is the line of accountability within the organisation for work on safeguarding & promoting welfare?
3.1 The organisation has a clear written accountability framework, which covers individual, professional and organisational accountability. / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green / Amber / Green
3.2 Staff understand to whom they are accountable and what level of accountability they have. / Green / Green / Green / Amber / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green / Amber / Green
3.3 Effective supervision and monitoring is available to all staff and this is quality assured by the organisation / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green / Amber / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green
STANDARD 4 – Service development takes into account the need to safeguard and promote welfare and is informed, where appropriate, by the views of children & families
How effectively does service development take into account need to safeguard? How is it effectively informed by views of children & families? How can you demonstrate improved outcomes?
4.1 Service plans consider how the delivery of services will take account of the need to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and young people / Green / Green / Green / Green / Amber / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green
4.2 Professional contributions to the Children and Young Peoples Plan include a focus on preventing children and young people from suffering harm / Green / Green / Green / Grey / Amber / Green / Green / Grey / Green / Green / Green / Green
4.3 Service development is informed by the views of children, young people and their families and their involvement is evidenced / Green / Green / Green / Green / Amber / Green / Red / Green / Grey / Green / Green / Green
4.4 Individual case decisions are informed by the views of children, young people and their families / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green / Grey / Grey / Grey / Grey / Green / Green / Green
4.5 Children are made aware of their right to be safe from abuse. This is achieved through information made available, for children, young people, parents and carers about where to go for help in relation to maltreatment and abuse / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green / Grey / Amber / Grey / Grey / Green / Green / Green
4.6 Information provided is in a format and language that can be easily understood by all service users / Green / Green / Green / Green / Amber / Grey / Green / Grey / Grey / Green / Amber / Green
STANDARD 5 – There is effective training onsafeguarding & promoting the welfare of children for all staff working with or, depending on the agency’s primary functions, in contact with children & familiesSTANDARD 5 – There is effective training onsafeguarding & promoting the welfare of children for all staff working with or, depending on the agency’s primary functions, in contact with children & families
How effective is training on safeguarding & promoting welfare of children for all staff & volunteers working with or in contact with children & their families? Can you demonstrate improved outcomes as a result?
5.1 Mandatory safeguarding training is in place which includes a clear induction process that is delivered in a timely way. / Green / Green / Green / Grey / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green
5.2 Staff receive ongoing safeguarding training and individual training plans are in place based on identified need via an appraisal process. / Green / Green / Green / Amber / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green
5.3The organisation can evidence safeguarding training undertaken by staff through a database. / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green
5.4Outcomes and findings from reviews and inspections are disseminated to appropriate staff and volunteers. / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green / Grey / Green / Green / Green / Green
5.5The organisation can demonstrate impact of training and practice and improved outcomes / Green / Green / Green / Green / Amber / Grey / Amber / Grey / Green / Green / Green / Green
STANDARD 6 – Safer recruitment procedures including vetting procedures and those for managing allegations are in place
How robust are organisation’s recruitment, vetting and managing allegations procedures?
6.1 The organisation has safe recruitment and selection procedures in place, in line with statutory guidance. / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green
6.2 The organisation has a procedure for managing allegations. / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green
6.3 A senior has been identified for the managing allegations procedure and knows who the LADO is and when to contact them. / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green / Grey / Green / Green / Green / Green
6.4 Audit processes are in place to monitor safe recruitment and managing allegations. / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green / Grey / Amber / Green / Green / Green
STANDARD 7 – There is effective inter-agency working to safeguard & promote the welfare of children
How effective is inter-agency working by your organisation? How do you demonstrate improved outcomes as a result?
7.1 Staff know how and when to share information in a way that is both legal and ethical to safeguard and protect children and young people. / Green / Green / Green / Amber / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green
7.2 Safeguarding data collected is made available to the LSCB, practitioners, service users and commissioners. / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green / Grey / Green / Green / Green
7.3 The organisation routinely evaluates outcomes from the perspective of the child or young person / Green / Amber / Green / Amber / Green / Green / Grey / Grey / Grey / Amber / Green / Green
7.4 The organisation has in place a programme of internal audit and review that enables them to continuously improve the protection of children and young people from harm or neglect. / Green / Green / Green / Green / Amber / Green / Green / Grey / Amber / Green / Green / Green
7.5 The organisation ensures effective contribution to Section 47 enquiries, Conferences, child protection plans and core groups. / Amber / Green / Green / Green / Amber / Grey / Green / Green / Grey / Green / Green / Amber
7.6 Participation in multi agency planning at multi agency meetings is monitored and non attendance addressed. / Green / Green / Green / Green / Amber / Green / Green / Grey / Grey / Green / Green / Amber
7.7 Children and their families are consulted regarding the effectiveness of inter agency working. / Green / Amber / Green / Grey / Green / Grey / Green / Grey / Grey / Amber / Amber / Green
STANDARD 8 – There is effective Information Sharing
How effective are the organisations arrangements for information sharing governance?
8.1 The organisation has a clear policy on appropriate information sharing to ensure children are safeguarded and their welfare promoted. This is explicitly covered in the induction process. / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green
8.2 The organisation has a named person who can provide advise to staff in relation to information sharing. / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green / Amber / Green / Green / Green
8.3 The LSCB Thresholds document is widely available to all staff / Green / Green / Green / Green / Amber / Grey / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green / Green

Agency Action Plans:

Standard / Agency / Any actions required to improve effectiveness? / How will you do this? / Who will lead? / Timescale? / Action taken
1 / Voices / We will make safeguarding more explicit in our missions and plans / we will refer to safeguarding explicitly on our promotional materials and website / Carol Southam / end of sept 2014 / Completed
NFRS / Further training for senior managers and frontline staff on safeguarding / safeguarding training / Leigh Wallis and adult/children's services / From April 2014 (training is scheduled for senior managers in April) / Completed
Housing / Review requirement for safeguarding children training for key staff / via children's services/NSCB training programme (if appropriate) / Julie Young / By end of June 2014 / The requirement for training for staff was completed within the required timescales; arrangement of that training was delayed following a group re-structure. Refresher Training for Safeguarding Adults training has now been delivered to all Housing staff during March 2015
Education / Determine designated person for safeguarding if FIS/admission and sustainability officers are not in the DP team?
2 / NHCFT / Review substance misuse pathway with addictions and maternity services / establish MA pathway group, introducing operational monthly MA meeting and review pathway / Janice McNicholl, head of midwifery services / April 2014 / completed
Public Health / All providers report s/g incidents on a quarterly basis. S11 to be made explicit within contract to give extra assurance / 1. Revise all current contracts. 2. additional letter will be sent to all contractual organisations to include S11. / service manager for children and young people and sexual health / 2 months / completed
Voices / We need to strengthen our whistle blowing policy and procedure / review and update current policy / Carol Southam / end of July 2014 / completed
2 / NFRS / Further staff training for frontline staff on safeguarding / safeguarding training / adult/children's services / Within 12 month – currently being negotiated
LIST / Procedures need to be reviewed following WT13 being introduced. / review procedures / Judith Dodds / September 2014 / LIST protocols and procedures have been reviewed internally. They have been forwarded to line manager for further auditing and review.
3 / NHCFT / Annual update of accountability shared across Trust communications / provide updates through trust communications eg team brief, bulletins, training and supervisions / Jane Abbott, Named Nurse / April 2014 / Completed
NHCFT / Establish Operational Managers safeguarding children sub-committee / develop terms of reference and implement monthly schedule of meetings, with accountability to Trust Safeguarding Board / Linda Parmley, OSM / June 2014 / Completed
NFRS / Development of an effective quality assurance model / monitor this through the fire and rescue plan / to be determined by senior leadership team / over next 3 years / Toolkit developed, implementation strategy currently in development
Barnardos / Annual audit / Barnardos quality assessment framework / ADCS / April 2014
Children's Social Care / Ensure all staff aware of any changes in structure, and changes to policies and procedures and accountability across the different service areas eg family placement, CST, FRP / by providing updates and information about changes and developments in accessible newsletter / working group in place / may 2014 then updates every half-term / Completed
4 / NHCFT / Continue to ensure that children, young people and families views are taken into account when planning services / through the range of participation activities outlined in section 4 / Jane Abbott, Named Nurse / ongoing / completed
4 / NFRS / Consultation process to inform the future of NFRS' community safety academy will include addressing issue of involving yp in service development and ways of circulating information to them regarding safeguarding and protection from abuse / NFRS workshop / NFRS assistant chief officer and community safety academy policy and team manager / Next 12 months / Completed within Community Risk Review
Barnardos / quality standards are being implemented around service user participation and customer satisfaction / targets will be set through business plans / locality ADCS / April 2015
Children's Social Care / Leaflets to be provided to area offices to be given to children and young people involved with area social workers about child protection investigations or child in need support / copies of leaflets to be circulated and printed off to take out to families. A specific booklet for children as well as information for families is needed. An updated leaflet re child protection investigation is needed. / Completed
5 / NHCFT / Finalise production of the DVD to be used at induction for all staff / implemented through HR training and development strategy / Kelly Angus / June 2014 / completed
NFRS / Measuring the impact of training and practice will be included in the development of an effect QA model / monitor this through the fire and rescue plan / NFRS senior leadership team / Next 3 years / ongoing
Education / To review safeguarding training within the team / email sent to school admissions team to ascertain level of training undertaken / Linda Vernon / 27th june 2014 / completed
5 / LIST / Review of safeguarding within appraisal process of LIST / Kath Lennon / October 2014 / All LIST team members have undertaken safeguarding training. Within team meetings and supervision safeguarding procedures are reviewed to keep team members current. New recruits are provided with additional support to explain the processes for Safeguarding concerns and reporting procedures.
LIST / Review of evaluation measures for safeguarding outcomes i.e Early Help Assessment, supervision measures etc / Kath Lennon / October 2014 / Team members follow safeguarding procedures to ensure that agreed outcomes are followed.Discussions with LIST managers and line manager ensures internal consistency.
6 / NHCFT / Raise awareness within the Trust of the role of the HR manager re LADO, what to do and who to go to if concerns are identified / access to hard copy of safeguarding file to be rolled out to all departments / Heather Carmichael, Safeguarding lead of adults / April 2014 / completed
Voices / Formal review of procedures and audit processes / agenda on organisation board / Carol Southam / within business year / completed
Education / Procedure needs to be reviewed and shared with colleagues who have returned from maternity leave / share with all colleagues within FIS and school admissions, also discuss within appraisals / Karen Carnaffin / by 27th June 2014 / completed
LIST / Review and create procedure for LIST working / review / Paula Hesford / September 2014 / LIST have safeguarding procedures in place which include processes for allegations against staff. County procedures including the LADO would be followed. Discussions with LIST managers and line manager ensures internal consistency.
When recruiting new staff county procedures are followed. The most up to date (Feb 15) safer recruitment info has been circulated to relevant staff as has the LSCB information on managing allegations.
7 / NHCFT / Consolidate early help assessments including the MAF and CAF into practice / 1. strategic endorsement at LSCB of EH strategy. 2. MA sub groups and the trust safeguarding operational team / 1. Rosemary Stephenson/Debbie Reape 2. Linda Parmley/Janice McNicholl/Jane Abbott / March 2014 / Completed
NHCFT / Review safeguarding supervision procedures to ensure effective response to national learning / trust safeguarding team to review processes and implement through governance / Jane Abbott, Named Nurse / June 2014
NHCFT / Review outcome measures for CYP / Participation Team / Tracy Scott / Sept 2014 / completed
NTW / It would be beneficial if children's services copy the safeguarding team into all correspondence re CP meetings/core groups in order to monitor any non-compliance / CS's to cc NTW's safeguarding team into all letters/emails re child protection to practitioners within NTW / Children's Services / TBC / In line with the NSCB procedures re contribution and attendance the trust SAPP team have introduced a system of receiving the letters from CSC and identifying families involved, informing trust staff of their duty to provide reports and when appropriate attendance at meetings. This is triangulated with the SAPP practitioner for that LA.
7 / NFRS / safeguarding training for senior and frontline staff / safeguarding training / Leigh Wallis and adult/children's services / over next 12 months (senior manager training scheduled for April / Completed
Barnardos / Attendance at meetings and timeliness of reports / monitoring system within services / ADCS and CSMs in relevant services / system to be in place by May 2014
Housing / Review of customer feedback mechanisms / forms part of housing services customer excellence programme / Claire Hancock / TBA / Customer feedback of particular areas of Housing Services is regularly completed; with regard to the allocation of Disabled Facilities Grants and within the Private Sector Team service reviews of the Homefinder service and the Homelessness & Housing Options Service are currently being undertaken and consideration of customer feedback will be included in this process.
Children's Social Care / GP practices need to be more informed about the need for information in a timely manner to avoid frustration when completing S47 investigations / Via NSCB - area teams to ensure that they continue to use the written requests for GP information at the start of CP investigations - need to review letter to see if this can assist GPs in providing relevant information / Completed
LIST / LIST team to understand threshold document / training for LIST re threshold document / Angela Cunningham / October 2014 / Training for each LIST team is being organised in liaison with Social Care
LIST / Data compilation on shared drive for centralised safeguarding recording in LIST / set up spreadsheets in managers section on shared drive / Judith Dodds / September 2014 / Matrix set up and in place on S Drive. Managers to populate half termly
8 / NHCFT / Ensure awareness of thresholds document is regularly provided / include in trust communications eg team brief, bulletins / Jane Abbott, Named Nurse / Annual update / completed
Voices / Document staff responsible for information sharing / advice / this will be included in the policy / Carol Southam / by end of sept 2014 / Completed
Barnardos / Refreshment of understanding of Thresholds / briefings in team meetings and supervision / CSM's / Annually – this year by June 2014
LIST / Staff training around threshold document / arrange team training / Angela Cunningham / October 2014 / Training for each LIST team is being organised in liaison with Social Care