Safety and Infection Prevention:
One Hand Washes the Other
TIME / PROGRAM AGENDA October 24, 20137:30-8:00 / Registration
8:00-8:15 / Opening Remarks
9:15-9:20 / Scott Israel, CIC, CRCST,CMRP Service line educator Yale New Haven Hospital
The Infection Preventionist and Central Sterile Processing
Review of 2011 Multi society guidelines for reprocessing flexible endoscopes. Sterile processing policies and procedure manual, procedure logs, quality control records, education & competency.
9:20-10:15 / Break and vendors
11:15-11:20 / J. Hudson Garrett Jr, PhD, MSN, MPH, FNP-BC, CSRN, VA-BC PDI
Evidence Based Strategies for Effective Skin Antisepsis:
An HAI Prevention Approach
Transient and Resident Flora-Skin Pathophysiology-CLABSI Pathogenesis-Transmission
of Healthcare Acquired Infections: FDA Tentative Final Monograph-Product Evaluation
Clinical Study Evaluation
11:20-11:30 / Introduction of new Board of Director members
11:30-1:00 / Lunch and Vendors
2:00-2:05 / Jane Kirk, RN, MSN, CIC and Linda Weld, RN,MSN, CIC
Electronic Hand Hygiene Compliance Monitoring:
What You Need to Know
Use of electronic Hand Hygiene Compliance Monitoring Systems, current methods of measuring Hand Hygiene compliance to provide enhanced data collection for Hand Hygiene to improve patient outcomes
3:05-3:10 / Angela Laramie-Massachusetts Department of Public Health
Sharps Injury Prevention and Surveillance: Lessons from Massachusetts
Current data related to sharps injuries and use of that data to effectively train staff to prevent injury in daily practice.
3:10-3:20 / Closing remarks/Contact hours
At the conclusion of the program the attendee will be able to:
Ø Discuss and interpret recommended methods for disinfection and sterilization of patient equipment.
Ø Describe effective skin antisepsis to prevent procedure-related healthcare associated infections.
Ø Differentiate between effective compliance tools and methods in the use of electronic equipment to monitor employees’ hand hygiene practices, to construct a model that will improve hand hygiene in their practice setting.
Ø Understand the current data related to sharps injuries and utilize that data to effectively train staff to prevent injury in daily practice.
This program is appropriate for healthcare professionals in Acute, Sub-Acute, Ambulatory Care, Long Term Care facilities and Home Health Agencies, This includes: Professionals in infection Prevention and Control, Quality Improvement, Safety, Risk Management, Physicians, Medical Technologists, Laboratory Scientists, Nurses, Professionals in Sterile Processing, Engineering and Environmental Services.
This activity has been submitted to the Vermont State Nurses Association-Inc for approval to award contact hours. The Vermont State Nurses Association’s Committee on Education is accredited as an approver of continuing nursing education by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.
Advance registration deadline is October 11, 2013. An additional $15.00 fee for all registrations received after October, 11th 2013 including on-site registration.
Please register online at APICNE.ORG either:
· Online payment system or
· Mail check, payable to APIC NE, INC, to WILMA SALKIN, 23 HIGHWOOD RD., BONDVILLE, VT 05340.
Payment is due by October 11, 2013. Information and registration forms are located: PRINTED BROCHURES WILL NOT BE MAILED. Online confirmation is your proof of registration.
TUITION: includes continental breakfast and lunch.
· $125: APIC New England Members
· $125: for groups of 5 or more from the same institution (at least one APIC NE member per group)
· No Charge for APIC New England BOD Officers
· $140: APIC National Members
· $150: Non-members
· $100: Poster Presenters (contact Lesley Henley,RN, BSN, ICP at Online Reservations can be made. )
· Partial Day Registration: $75 Morning or afternoon sessions (excluding lunch)
Refunds are issued upon written request prior to October 17, 2013. An administrative fee of $25.00 is charged. No refunds after October 17, 2013.
Handouts are located online at APICNE.ORG. They will be available on or after October 21, 2013. In an effort to keep costs low and eliminate unnecessary waste, printed handouts will not be provided.
SPEAKER BIOGRAPHIES: Speaker bios can be found online at APICNE.ORG
The program is held at the Springfield Marriott, Springfield, MA. Reservations must be made by October 7, 2013 to be eligible for the APIC NE discounted rate of $129.00 per night. You may call either 1-413-781-7111 or 1-888-236-2427. Mention APIC New England-Fall Conference.
Online Reservations can be made.
Click on this link to book a room online®: Book your group rate: APIC -- Fall Conference >.
We make every attempt to ensure your comfort throughout the conference. It is advised that you bring a sweater or jacket as temperatures vary and the room may feel cool as the day progresses.
DIRECTIONS: The Marriott is located at the corner of Boland Way and Columbus, 1500 Main Street, Springfield, MA 01115.
From South (Hartford, New Haven, etc.)
· Take I-91 North to Exit 6 – (Springfield Center).
· At the (4th) traffic light; the hotel will be in front of you. Park in the Tower Square Garage attached to the hotel.
From the North (from Northern Massachusetts, Vermont, etc.)
· Take I-91 South to Exit 7– Springfield Center, Columbus Avenue.
· Go to the first light and make a left under the highway, and stay to the left.
· At the next light (Columbus Avenue) make another left and the hotel will be immediately on your right. Stay to the right.
· Drive up the ramp into the Tower Square garage.
From East or West Mass. Turnpike (Rt. 90) West (from Albany, Boston, Worcester, etc.)
· Take exit 4 off the Mass Turnpike to I-91 South to Exit 7 – Springfield Center, Columbus Avenue.
· At the light turn left
· At the next light, turn left and the hotel will be immediately on your right
· Drive up the ramp into the Tower Square garage.
· The Springfield Marriott is within just a few blocks of the Peter L. Picknelly Transportation Center. Travel arrangements can be made with the Peter Pan Bus or Amtrak. The Bus station is located at 1776 Main Street. Call 800-343-9999 or visit or for more information.
At the conclusion of the program the attendee will be able to:
1. Scott Israel, CRCST, CMRP, CIC
a. Explain basic concerns important when handling and processing endoscopic instruments
b. Review general processing and inspection requirements for rigid, semi-rigid and flexible endoscopes
c. Explain the rational for quality control program
2. J. Hudson Garrett, PhD, MSN, MPH, FNP-BC, CSRN, VA-BC
a. Describe the role of the patient’s own flora in the transmission of HAI
b. Review the role of skin antisepsis on the reduction of skin contamination
c. Discuss how to select a proper skin antiseptic to reduce the incidence of CLABSI
3. Jane Kirk, RN, MSN, CIC and Linda Weld, RN, MSN, CIC
a. Define and describe electronic Hand Hygiene Compliance Monitoring Systems.
b. Compare and contrast each system with current methods of measuring Hand Hygiene compliance
c. Explain the potential impact of enhanced data collection for Hand Hygiene on patient outcomes
4. Angela Laramie
a. Participants will be able to describe which devices and which procedures are involved in sharps injuries in Massachusetts hospitals as well as who is getting injured (by occupation).
b. Participants will learn the difference between frequency and rates and will learn how to present data over time using various denominators in rate analysis.
c. Participants will learn about prevention measures used in Massachusetts hospitals to prevent sharps injuries among healthcare workers.