2015-2016 / DIVISION/AREA:
Student Success & Support Program (SSSP) / DIVISION CHAIR/DIRECTOR:



Program/Pathway: Student SuccessandSupportProgramDate:12/21/2014

The Student Success & Support Program (SSSP), formerly Matriculation, was created by the Student Success Act of 2012 to assist students in setting and maintaining progress towards an educational goal. The focus of The Student Success & Support Program is to ensure that all students complete their college courses, persist to the next academic term, and achieve their educational objectives by providing comprehensive support services which include admissions, orientation, assessment and testing, counseling, and student follow-up.

As the district and college prepared for implementation of the new legislation efforts were focused to develop coordinated student success initiative plans attained through robust discussion that continued our path on data driven best practice models both locally and from our participation with Achieving the Dream network.

1.Assessmentof ProgramReview:

The implementationof theStudent SuccessActof 2012with SB 1456 hascauseda re-examinationand reconfigurationof the college’smatriculationservices.Wearenow workingtoalignour serviceswith themandatesofthe newlaw. Additionally,whereasbeforetheCounselingchairpersonwas alsothe coordinatorofmatriculation,with the appointmentofthe Dean of Student Services as thenew coordinator toheadthe SSSP,theservices provided bythe SSSPhavebeen more clearly delineated and that coordination has been further expanded through the collaboration of the tri-chair model of the Student Success Umbrella Committee, thereby, bringing all campus student success initiatives together as one team championing their shared vision and goals.However,as student success in community colleges continues to be redefined in California and nationally that cooperationbetween theSSSP,Counseling, other student success initiatives (Achieving the Dream, Basic Skills and Student Equity Plan) and Academic Affairsremains paramount to the success or our system along with accreditation reaffirmation.

SB1456mandatesthat servicesare,initially,to be targeted tonon-exemptfirst timestudentsas a reasonableapproachtophase inthe newrequirements. First-time students arerequiredtoidentify a courseofstudy,be assessedfor courseplacement, anddevelopataminimumanabbreviated SEP. Non- exempt first timestudentswho complete orientationandassessmentare required to identify a course of studybythe completionof15 degreeapplicable units orpriortotheend of the thirdtermof enrollment(unless ashorter periodisrequiredby thecollegeorother program such as federalfinancial aid). If a student doesnotcomplete theserequirements,itmay have aneffect onhis/her registration status in asubsequentterm.

2.Activitiestoaddress program needs:

Additional programfacultyandstaff willneedtobe hired to helpfulfill the newmandates for the SSSP and approved plan.

  • The number of students assessed in 2014 increased by 15% over the prior year (see the figure below).

  • Close to 3,000 students were assessed and given orientation in the 2014 calendar year. Exactly 2,932 went through the assessment and orientation process, In comparison to 2013 where 2,545 students went through the same process.
  • The fall 2014 semester is significant because the implementation of the new math testing instrument MDTP occurred at the beginning of the fall semester. After a full fall cycle of testing, or the 314 cycle, a preliminary comparison can be made to the spring semester where Compass was still being used as the math testing instrument. We are in the process of completing a local validation study with the preliminary report scheduled for release in February 2015.
  • As identified in the SSSP plan, hours of operation for the center were expanded up to four days per week with day, evening and Saturday testing options. A proctor was hired to support the extended hours of operation, however Personnel Commission informed the campus that in order to continue with this position after two-consecutive semesters, the position would need to be filled on a permanent basis.
  • In order to meet the needs of the increased assessment testing, two adjunct faculty were assigned as dedicated to the Assessment Center to provide advising immediately after students complete orientation and assessment starting July 2014. The counseling faculty support real-time and one-stop center focused advising at the time of orientation and assessment resulting in the completion of an abbreviated student education plan.

Data collected in fall 2014 reflect the following outcome of the intervention

Position / Service Type
Counselor #1 / Provided counseling services to 620 students.
Counselor #2 / Provided counseling services to 86* students.

*The second counselor housed in the center was hired in January 2015 as reflected in the smaller counseling appointment caseload.

  • The same dedicated faculty provided front door interventions by working closely with the Admissions & Records Office along with Outreach and Recruitment teams to ensure that all first time students complete the college admission process and receive the earliest priority group registration appointment possible.
  • Classified (2) –The absence of the Student Services Assistant had a significant impact on matriculation services as efforts to backfill the incumbent while on leave were unsuccessful during this transition and implementation year for SSSP. While a proctor helped alleviate the increase in testing demand

The SSSPcontinues workingclosely with Counseling,AdmissionsandRecords, Enrollment Management, Academic Affairs and other areas of campustoensure thatallaspectsof SB 1456 are addressed.

The collegehas created Harbor Advantageasameansofensuringthatour first-time college studentsare offered allofthe tools andresourcesthe collegehastoachieve studentsuccessas outlined bythe Student Success Act.The SSSPwasinstrumental inthe developmentofHarbor Advantage andwill continue tobe anintegral part of its operation.

2014-2015 / DIVISION/AREA:
Student Success & Support Program (SSSP) / DIVISION CHAIR/DIRECTOR:

The SSSPcontinues tolookfor waystoimprovetheorientationandassessment process.We are lookingtorevamptheonlineorientationandhavebeenworkingclosely withmath and English facultytoimprove the placementtestscurrently offered.

The SSSPcoordinator continuestoserveoncampusanddistrictcommitteesthataresteering

the implementationof SB1456.

3.Howareyourprogramimprovements associatedwithyour SLOs:

Improvements totheorientation/assessment processandthe schedulingof assessments align with SLO2(Studentswill be satisfied withthetestingandorientationprocess).

  • Students are offered several methods to make appointments for the orientation and/or assessment test. Off-campus students may make appointments through the LAHC webpage or by phone. Students who are on campus or would like to speak with a staff may make an appointment in person at the Assessment Center. The amountof timeneeded tocompleteorientationandassessment has decreased. Our new math testing instrument places a time limit on students, replacing a computer-based test that at times took many hours to complete. Lastly, we created a one stop center where students can have their orientation, take their assessment test, and see a counselor immediately afterwards to complete an educational plan. Students who may not be able to see a counselor immediately may make an appointment with the SSSP counselor at a later date.

Improvements tothe scope ofinformationprovidedandcontinuousupdating of orientation alignwith SLO3(As aresult ofcompletingtheorientation, studentswill demonstrateawareness of the college processesandsupport servicesavailable tothem).

  • Students will be able to identify campus resources that may help them through their educational journey at LAHC after completion of the orientation. In collaboration with the Counseling Department, the orientation is a living document that is revisited regularly to ensure that up-to-date information is presented, and that the presentation of the orientation is attractive and effective. Also, counselors are trained before they can facilitate the orientation so that all of the student body receives a uniform experience. Furthermore, counselors highly encourage students to enroll in Personal Development courses to develop a deeper understanding of campus resources than can be provided in a one hour orientation.


-Full-time SSSPCounselortoassistwithorientation,assessment,counseling,andfollow-up services for at risk students.

-Full-time Student ServicesSpecialisttocoordinateofficefunctions andassisttheDean

-Full-timeDataManagement Support Assistanttomaintainorientationandassessment materials, SARS,andtrackstudent data

-Full-time Senior Secretarytoassist specialistwithoffice functions

-Full-time Student ServicesAssistant toprovide support to officefaculty/staffandassist in daily officeoperations

-2ExaminationProctors tofacilitateassessmentexams

-2C.G.C.A.s toassist inallaspectsoforientationand assessment

-1 StudentWorker toassistwith frontofficesupport


-Developmentof an improved onlineorientationwithbuilt-in post-orientationquizfunction

-Continued useofSARS forappointment tracking

-Batch uploadinterface forDECtoinputstudentcontactinformationasrequiredby SB 1456

-Webfocus reportingofinputted contact information

-Document Imagingsolutiontoconvertthe Assessment Center toa paperlessoffice


-Increasedlabspacewith moretestingstations toaccommodate increasedtestingdemand


The SSSPiscommittedtofollowingall guidelinesandproceduresestablishedbySB1456andtheDistrict Office

2014-2015 / DIVISION/AREA:
Student Success & Support Program (SSSP) / DIVISION CHAIR/DIRECTOR:


Core Personnel/ListofPermanentStaff

Unit: SSSPDate:12/5/2013

AssignedTime / Responsibility / EstimatedCost / Funding Source
.25 / Dean/SSSPCoordinator / $0 / EOPS/CalWORKSFunds
1.0 / StudentServices
Assistant(Vacant) / $54,360 / SSSPFunds
1.0 / StudentServicesAide / $43,920 / SSSPFunds
.4 / SSSPCounselor / $40,320 / SSSPFunds
.25 / ExaminationProctor / $8,500 / SSSPFunds
.5 / CareerCounselor / $51,300 / SSSPFunds
.5 / RetentionCounselor / $45,000 / SSSPFunds

Total FTEP:3.9

Total Hours taught: N/A

Total Hours of releasetime: N/A TotalCost forFaculty:$136,620 TotalCost forAdministrators:$0

TotalCost ofClassified Staff:$106,780

Totalcost FTEP(FullTimeEquivalentPersonnel):$243,400 Please attachcopyofyourcurrent OpPlan.

2014-2015 / DIVISION/AREA:
Student Success & Support Program (SSSP) / DIVISION CHAIR/DIRECTOR:


Core Expenses

Unit: SSSP


1.Required by board/State/Federal/Accreditationstandards

2.Required by licensingagreement

Description of activity / EstimatedCost / Justification / Code
Materials / $20,000 / Necessary toprovide
Online Orientation / $5,000 / Requiredtocomply
with Title VDistance Educationrequirements
Equipment / $10,000 / Necessary toprovide
Development / $5,000 / Requiredbystate
regulations for categoricalprograms

Narrativejustification:Liststatuteswhich requirethisexpenditure.


2014-2015 / DIVISION/AREA:
Student Success & Support Program (SSSP) / DIVISION CHAIR/DIRECTOR:



Unit: SSSP

Prioritized listof unitneedsrequiredfor programcontinuance or improvement

Only placeexpendablerequest inthis field.

Prioritization / Description of
activity / Estimated
Cost / ProposedFunding
Source / Justification / Code
1 / SARS Suite / $6,000 / SSSPFunds / Used intracking
student appointment information
2 / CollegeSource / $4,000 / SSSPFunds / Used tocheck
articulation agreementswith othercolleges and universities
3 / Marketing
Materials / $10,000 / SSSPFunds / Used to
disseminate informationabout campus services
4 / CopierService
Agreement / $1,000 / SSSPFunds / For regular
maintenanceof Assessment Centercopier

JustificationNarrative:Howdoesyour activitysupport thecollege EducationalMaster Plan? The essentialactivitiesproposed support student retention, completionandsuccess.

2014-2015 / DIVISION/AREA:
Student Success & Support Program (SSSP) / DIVISION CHAIR/DIRECTOR:



Unit: SSSP

ListNon-costactivities here

Priority / Description of activity / Justification / Code
1 / MaintainAPMS Interface between Compass andDEC / Necessary toprovide placement
resultstostudents andupload placement resultsintoDEC
2 / AttendSSSPmeetings andtrainings / Stayabreastof the rulesand
proceduresbeing introduced to complywith SB1456
3 / Consultwithmath andEnglishfaculty / Math andEnglish departments decide theassessmentmaterials
that areused

Justification: Howdoesyour activitysupportthe college Educational Master Plan?

The serviceswe propose toprovidewith these funds support studentretention, completionand success.