The Adventure Butter
Barbara Stenka
“Hi, Jeremy,” I said shyly as I have never met him outside the school. Also, I have never heard him talking as joyfully as now.
“Hi,” he said quietly.
“Is that your grandpa?” It struck me. “Your own grandpa?“ I turned my head in the direction of the old shopkeeper.
“Kate, behave yourself!” mum scolded me.
“I’m sorry, mummy. But it is so amazing!” I exclaimed looking at the man. “And this is my classmate, Jeremy Frowner.”
“Good morning,” said poor Ratty. However, at this moment he didn’t resemble rat at all. Hewas wearing a red hat, a thick sweater and wasn’t even as pale as usual.
“Oh, so you’ve already got a friend!” said the grandpa happily, taking the fishnets from Jeremy.
“Yes, I’m a friend,” I smiled to Jeremy. “And this is your grandpa’s shop! How cool! You’ll be coming here!” I got even more excited but Mary Anne started to pull me impatiently to go for the bread with butter.
“Yes… I will. And what about…you?“ Jeremy took his courage.
“Of course! Goodbye!” I waved and sent kisses to hamsters.
“It was inappropriate, my child!” my mum said helplessly at home, again.
“What was inappropriate?” Peter asked at the table, putting sausage slices on the sandwiches.
“Kate is all…inappropriate!” Greg laughed.
“She waves her hands at the old man,” Mary Ann whined, “smacks and screams so loud that the whole estate can hear her.”
“Kate, who were you kissing at?” Peter suddenly got interested.
“Do you have a boyfriend?”
“Oh dear God! and Paul is on the road. I’m not handling this.” My mum shook her head.
“Don’t worry, mummy,” I calmed her down. “He’s not a stranger anymore. It’s Jeremy’s grandfather. I’m going there again tomorrow.” I said smacking happily while Mary Ann went to pray, taking a rosary and muttering something to herself. She will certainly ask God tomake me better. But I have no idea what God could make of me.