BDI3C - Interview Assignment

Name: ______

An interview is an excellent opportunity to find out about and gain a new perspective and appreciation for someone who runs their own business. You may choose a friend or family member, an acquaintance, someone you do business with (e.g. store owner), or someone you don’t know who you would like to learn more about.

Step # / Task
1 / Develop a list of suitable questions
  • As a class we will develop a list, then you will choose the questions that work well for you from the list we generate

2 / Contact the entrepreneur and ask for the interview
  • Since time is valuable to an entrepreneur, allow him/her to pick the time and place most suitable
  • Interview is to be completed outside of school hours

3 / Conduct the interview
4 / Prepare a report that includes the following:
  • Title Page
  • Interview Assignment, BDI3C, Mrs. Langdon, Date, Your Name
  • Introduction of Entrepreneur
  • Name of entrepreneur, business name & type/description of business
  • The Interview
  • List of your 10 questions and the 10complete answers received
  • Entrepreneurial Characteristics
  • Using your notes on “Characteristics of Entrepreneurs”, list 8 characteristics and/or skills that you feel the interviewee possesses. Describe howthey demonstrate those characteristics.
  • Summary Statement
  • Conclude with summary statements about what you learned from the entrepreneur andfrom the interview process.
  • Thank You Email
  • Attach a copy of the thank you email you sent to your entrepreneur
  • Must be sent to entrepreneur with 2 days of interview day

5 / Present the following information to the class:
  • State name of the entrepreneur, the business name & type/description of business
  • Share the 8 characteristics that your interviewee possesses, and describe how they demonstrate those characteristics
  • Share your summary statement about what you learned from the entrepreneur

Marking Scheme:

Written Report
  • Intro of Entrepreneur
/ /1.5
  • The Interview
  • 10 Questions (.5 marks each)
  • 10 Complete Answers
/ /5
  • Entrepreneurial Characteristics
  • 8 Characteristics (.5 marks each)
  • Explanation of Characteristics
/ /4
  • Summary Statement
  • About Entrepreneur
  • About Interview
/ /1
  • Printed thank you email, sent with 2 days of interview, evidence through BCC
/ /10
  • Business Professionalism
  • Handed in on time
  • Typed (.5 mks) & includes 4 bold headings
  • Free from spelling & grammatical errors
  • Mark sheet included with report
  • Title Page
/ /6
TOTAL / /50
  • Intro of Entrepreneur
  • Name of Entrepreneur
  • Business name
  • Type/Description of Business
/ /1.5
  • Entrepreneurial Characteristics
  • 8 Characteristics (.5 marks each)
  • Explanation of Characteristics
/ /4
  • Summary Statement
  • About Entrepreneur
/ /.5
  • Business Professionalism
  • Presents on Assigned Day
  • Professional Presentation
/ /4
TOTAL / /20

1.2 – BDI3C, Business and the Community

Interview Assignment