December 14, 2017

Want to write better grants?Then consider the Vollum Writing Program, a professional science writing course open to OHSU graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and faculty. Classes begin Wed., Jan. 10, 2018, 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., and meet every Wednesday for the following four weeks.
Agency / Announcement Title
NIH / Open Mike: Be Careful to Pick the Right Funding Opportunity Announcement
NIH / R15 Academic Research Enhancement Award Parent Announcement
Internal Funding Opportunities
OHSU Presidential Bridge Funding
Presidential Bridge Funding is meant to support established investigators threatened by an imminent lapse in research support. Grants are made for a one-year project period from the date funds are awarded. Up to four grants will be awarded.
Application deadline: Jan. 8, 2018
Amount: $50,000 over one year
Eligibility: Open to OHSU investigators only who are at or above the level of assistant professor (or its equivalent) and who have previously had R01 or similar funding.
Oregon Roybal Center for Aging and Technology Pilot Program
The overarching objective of this program to improve technology as well as to translate that technology into useful tools to improve the health of the aging. ORCATECH offers the use of its Life Laboratory for translational research to study how to best use technologies to assess health and maintain independence in a person’s home.
LOI deadline: Jan. 15, 2018
Application deadline: Feb. 19, 2018
Amount:Up to $45,000 over one year
Eligibility: Open. Submit all inquiries and letters of intent to Tracy Zitzelberger.
Cancer Research UK and OHSU Knight Cancer Institute Spark Award
Provides up to £20,000 for UK-based researchers plus $20,000 for their OHSU-based counterparts for up to one year to build multidisciplinary teams that will continue to work together in the future and to fund their pilot experiments, travel and networking costs, and associated running expenses.
Application deadline: Jan. 16, 2018
Amount: Up to £20,000 plus $20,000 for one year
Eligibility: Applicant must be an OHSU faculty member or a CEDAR scientist.
Cancer Research UK and OHSU Knight Cancer Institute Project Award
Supports new and existing collaborations of scientists from diverse fields with up to £250,000 for UK-based researchers plus $300,000 for their OHSU-based counterparts for up to two years, which may be used to pay for postdoctoral researchers, technical staff, associated running expenses, and up to £5,000 in equipment costs.
Application deadline: Jan. 16, 2018
Amount: Up to £300,000 plus $250,000 over two years
Eligibility: Applicant must be an OHSU faculty member or a CEDAR scientist.
Oregon Tax Checkoff for Alzheimer's Research Fund
This research granting program is organized through the Oregon Partnership for Alzheimer’s Research (OPAR),
a statewide program administered through the Layton Aging & Alzheimer's Disease Center at OHSU. The
mission of OPAR is to foster the development of promising research on Alzheimer’s disease in Oregon. Priority
for funding is given to investigators just entering the field of dementia research.
LOI deadline: Feb. 9, 2018
Application deadline: Apr. 17, 2018
Amount:$20,000 over one year
Eligibility: Open. Submit all inquiries and letters of intent to Allison Lindauer, PhD, NP.
Featured Funding Opportunities
Vascular Cures’ Wylie Scholar Program - career development opportunity
The Wylie Scholar Program will enable the recipient to devote a significant amount of their total effort towards fundamental vascular research over a sustained period, thereby helping the recipient to qualify for independent funding from national health agencies. The award may be used to support research in the following areas: basic science, translational, clinical research, outcomes/health services research, teaching, community service, and patient care.
Internal deadline: Jan. 5, 2018
Application deadline: Mar. 2, 2018
Amount: $150,000 over three years.
Eligibility: Limited submission: Applicant must hold a full-time faculty appointment as a vascular surgeon. OHSU may only nominate one candidate.
American Psychological Foundation F. J. McGuigan Early Career Investigator Research Prize on Understanding the Human Mind - career development opportunity
The F.J. McGuigan Early Career Investigator Research Prize is given biennially to recognize and support the efforts of an early-career psychological scientist who is pursuing research that aims to advance, either empirically or theoretically, a materialistic understanding of the human mind.
Application deadline: Mar. 1, 2018
Amount: $25,000 over one year.
Eligibility: Open.
Non-Federal, Foundation, and Corporate Opportunities
Applying to a corporation or foundation on thePresident’s List? Please fill out aNotice of Intent Form.
Sponsor / Title, Amount / Eligibility / Application Deadline
A-T Children's Project / Research Grant
$150,000 over two years
Funds innovative and novel strategies for suggesting, developing and evaluating specific disease-modifying and symptomatic interventions for ataxia-telangiectasia. / Open / ▲ Feb. 1, 2018
Mar. 1, 2018
A-T Children's Project / Postdoctoral Fellowship
$80,000 over two years / Open / ▲ Feb. 1, 2018
Mar. 1, 2018
New York Stem Cell Foundation / Robertson Award Program: - career development opportunity
- Stem Cell Investigator Awards
- Neuroscience Investigator Awards
Up to $1.5 million over five years / Open / Feb. 21, 2018
Parkinson's Disease Foundation / Parkinson’s Advocates in Research Leadership Awards Program
$10,000 over one year / Open / Feb. 26, 2018
American Academy of Neurology (AAN) / Medical Student Summer Research Scholarship - career development opportunity
$3,000 stipend for internship / Applicant must be a member of AAN’s Student Interest Group in Neurology. / Feb. 28, 2018
American Academy of Family Physicians Foundation (AAFPF) / Research Stimulation Grants
$7,500 over one year / Applicant must be a member of AAFPF. / Mar. 1, 2018
American Psychological Foundation / Wayne F. Placek Grants - career development opportunity
$10,000 over one year
Encourages research to increase the general public’s understanding of homosexuality and sexual orientation, and to alleviate the stress that LGBTQ individuals experience in this and future civilizations. / Open / Mar. 1, 2018
Congress of Neurological Surgeons / Resident Research Fellowship in Cerebrovascular Disease
$15,000 over one year / Open / Mar. 1, 2018
American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons / Educational Grants and Awards:
- General Surgery Resident Research Initiation Grant
$20,000 over one year
- International Fellowship Grant
$50,000 over one year / Open / Mar. 1, 2018
American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons / Educational Grants and Awards: - career development opportunity
- Medical Student Research Initiation Grant
$4,000 over three months
- Career Development Award
$150,000 over two years / Open / Mar. 1, 2018
Foundation Finding Blindness / Career Development Award - career development opportunity
Award amount varies / Open / Mar. 1, 2018
American Psychological Association / Distinguished Scientific Contributions Awards:
- Public Interest
- Application of Psychology
Award amount varies / Applicant must be a member Society of Addiction Psychology. / Mar. 1, 2018
Lupus Research Alliance / Funding Opportunities:
- Dr. William E. Paul Distinguished Innovator Awards in Lupus and
Up to $1 million / Applicant must be at or above the level of assistant professor (or its equivalent). / ▲ Mar. 5, 2018
June 25, 2018
NIH Federal Opportunities
NIH grants are submitted toPre-Award administration 10 business days prior to their due date.
Sponsor / Opportunity / Amount / Application Deadline
NCI / Research Specialist (Core-based Scientist) Award (R50) - career development opportunity / Award amount is not limited; project period of up to five years. / Final call:
▲ Dec. 17, 2017
Jan. 18, 2018
NCI / Research Specialist (Laboratory-based Scientist) Award (R50) - career development opportunity / Award amount is not limited; project period of up to five years. / Final call:
▲ Dec. 17, 2017
Jan. 18, 2018
NICHD / Studies in Neonatal and Pediatric Resuscitation (R01) and (R03) / R01: Award amount is not limited; project period of up to five years.
R03: Up to $100,000 over two years. / ▲ Jan. 5, 2018
Feb. 5, 2018
NIDCR / Dental Specialty and PhD Program (K12) - career development opportunity / Award amount is not limited; project period of up to five years. / ▲ Jan. 9, 2018
Feb. 9, 2018
NIDDK / Multidisciplinary Urologic Research Career Development Program (K12) - career development opportunity / Up to $3 million over five years. / ▲ Jan. 13, 2018
Feb. 13, 2018
NIDA, NIBIB / Imaging - Science Track Award for Research Transition (R03)- career development opportunity / Up to $150,000 over one year. / ▲ Jan. 17, 2018
Feb. 16, 2018
NEI / Audacious Goals Initiative: Translation-Enabling Models to Evaluate Survival and Integration of Regenerated Neurons in the Visual System (U24) / Up to $5 million over five years. / ▲ Jan. 20, 2018
Feb. 20, 2018
NIDA / Development of Medications to Prevent and Treat Opioid Use Disorders and Overdose (UG3/UH3) / Up to $15 million over five years. / ▲ Jan. 25, 2018
Feb. 25, 2018
NINDS / Promoting Research in Basic Neuroscience (R01) / Award amount is not limited; project period of up to five years. / Feb. 5, 2018
NCI / Mentored Clinical Scientist Research Career Development Award to Promote Diversity (K08 Clinical Trial Required) - career development opportunity / Award amount is not limited; project period of up to five years. / Feb. 12, 2018
NCI / Mentored Clinical Scientist Research Career Development Award to Promote Diversity (K08 No Independent Clinical Trials) - career development opportunity / Award amount is not limited; project period of up to five years. / Feb. 12, 2018
NIEHS / Transition to Independent Environmental Health Research Career Award (K01 - Clinical Trial Allowed) - career development opportunity / Award amount is not limited; project period of up to three years. / Feb. 12, 2018
NIEHS / Transition to Independent Environmental Health Research Career Award (K01 - Clinical Trial Not Allowed) - career development opportunity / Award amount is not limited; project period of up to three years. / Feb. 12, 2018
NIDCR / Mentored Career Development Award to Promote Diversity in the Dental, Oral and Craniofacial Research Workforce (K01 Clinical Trial Required) - career development opportunity / Award amount is not limited; project period of up to five years. / Feb. 12, 2018
NCI / Mentored Research Scientist Development Award to Promote Diversity (K01 Clinical Trial Required) - career development opportunity / Award amount is not limited; project period of up to five years. / Feb. 12, 2018
NCI / Mentored Research Scientist Development Award to Promote Diversity (K01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) - career development opportunity / Award amount is not limited; project period of up to five years. / Feb. 12, 2018
NCI / Transition Career Development Award to Promote Diversity (K22 Clinical Trial Required) - career development opportunity / Award amount is not limited; project period of up to three years. / Feb. 12, 2018
NCI / Transition Career Development Award to Promote Diversity (K22 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) - career development opportunity / Award amount is not limited; project period of up to three years. / Feb. 12, 2018
NIDDK / Mentored Research Scientist Development Award (K01 - Clinical Trial Required) - career development opportunity / Award amount is not limited; project period of up to five years. / Feb. 12, 2018
NIDDK / Mentored Research Scientist Development Award (K01 - Clinical Trial Not Allowed) - career development opportunity / Award amount is not limited; project period of up to five years. / Feb. 12, 2018
NINDS / Advanced Postdoctoral Career Transition Award to Promote Diversity in Neuroscience Research (K22 - Independent Clinical Trial Not Allowed) - career development opportunity / Award amount is not limited; project period of up to five years. / Feb. 12, 2018
NINDS / Advanced Postdoctoral Career Transition Award to Promote Diversity in Neuroscience Research (K22-Clinical Trial Required) - career development opportunity / Award amount is not limited; project period of up to five years. / Feb. 12, 2018
NINDS / Faculty Development Award to Promote Diversity in Neuroscience Research (K01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) - career development opportunity / Award amount is not limited; project period of up to five years. / Feb. 12, 2018
NINDS / Faculty Development Award to Promote Diversity in Neuroscience Research (K01 Clinical Trial Required) - career development opportunity / Award amount is not limited; project period of up to five years. / Feb. 12, 2018
NIDDK / Academic Research Enhancement Award in Diseases within the Mission of NIDDK (R15) / Up to $300,000 over three years. / Feb. 15, 2018
Multiple Institutes / BRAIN Initiative Fellows: Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award Individual Postdoctoral Fellowship (F32) - career development opportunity / Award amount is not limited; project period of up to three years. Note the application due date of March 15. / ▲ Feb. 15, 2018
Mar. 15, 2018
NIDA / Behavioral Science Track Award for Rapid Transition (R03) - career development opportunity / Up to $75,000 over one year. / Feb. 16, 2018
NIDA / AIDS-Science Track Award for Research Transition (R03) - career development opportunity / Up to $450,000 over three years. / Feb. 16, 2018
NHLBI / Mentored Career Development Award to Promote Faculty Diversity in Biomedical Research (K01 - Clinical Required) - career development opportunity / Award amount is not limited; project period of up to five years. / Feb. 20, 2018
NHLBI / Mentored Career Development Award to Promote Faculty Diversity in Biomedical Research (K01 - Clinical Trial Not Allowed) - career development opportunity / Award amount is not limited; project period of up to five years. / Feb. 20, 2018
NCATS, NIDDK / Microphysiological Systems for Modeling Diabetes (UG3/UH3) / Up to $6 million over five years. / ▲ Feb. 20, 2018
Mar. 20, 2018
NIDCD / Early Career Research(ECR) Award (R21) - career development opportunity / Up to $300,000 over three years. / Feb. 27, 2018
NICHD / The Role of Stem/Progenitor Cells in the Pathogenesis and Treatment of Gynecologic Disorders (R01) / Up to $2.5 million over five years. / ▲ Mar. 1, 2018
Mar. 30, 2018
NHLBI / Programs to Increase Diversity among Individuals Engaged in Health Related Research Coordinating Center (U24) / Up to $500,000 / Mar. 1, 2018
NIDDK / Pragmatic Research in Healthcare Settings to Improve Diabetes and Obesity Prevention and Care (R18) and (R34) / R18: Award amount is not limited; project period of up to five years.
R34: Up to $300,000 over two years. / Mar. 1, 2018
NCI, NIDA / Tobacco Use and HIV in Low and Middle Income Countries (R01) and (R21) / R01: Award amount is not limited; project period of up to five years.
R21: Up to $275,000 over two years. / ▲ Mar. 5, 2018
Apr. 4, 2018
NICDH / Translational Research in Pediatric and Obstetric Pharmacology and Therapeutics (R01), (R03), and (R21) / R01: Award amount is not limited; project period of up to five years.
R03: Up to $100,000 over two years.
R21: Up $275,000 over two years. / ▲ Mar. 5, 2018
Apr. 4, 2018
Multiple Institutes / Short-term Mentored Career Enhancement Awards for Mid-Career Investigators to Integrate Basic Behavioral and Social Sciences (K18 - Clinical Trial Required) / Award amount is not limited; project period of up to one year. / Mar. 6, 2018
NCATS / Collaborative Innovation Award, Clinical and Translational Science Award Program (U01) / Award amount is not limited; project period of up to five years. / Mar. 6, 2018
NIDDK / Multi-Center Clinical Study Implementation Planning Cooperative Agreements (U34) / Up to $450,000 over two years. / ▲ Mar. 10, 2018
Apr. 10, 2018
NCI / Predicting Behavioral Responses to Population-Level Cancer Control Strategies (R21) / Up $275,000 over two years. / Mar. 12, 2018
NCI / Intervening with Cancer Caregivers to Improve Patient Health Outcomes and Optimize Health Care Utilization (R01) and (R21) / R01: Award amount is not limited; project period of up to five years.
R21: Up to $275,000 over two years. / ▲ Mar. 12, 2018
Apr. 12, 2018
NIAID / Getting To Zero: Understanding HIV Viral Suppression and Transmission in the United States (R01) / Award amount is not limited; project period of up to five years. / Mar. 14, 2018
Non-NIH Federal Opportunities
Sponsor / Title, Amount / Eligibility / Application Deadline
▲LOI / Pre-Application
NSF / Collaborative Research in Computational Neuroscience
Award amount varies / Open / Coming soon:
Jan. 5, 2018
SAMHSA / Minority Fellowship Program
Up to $1.4 million over five years / Open / Feb. 12, 2018
CDC / Research to Evaluate Medication Management of Opioids and Benzodiazepines to Reduce Older Adult Falls
Up to $3 million / Open / Mar. 1, 2018
FDA / Flexible Funding Model - Infrastructure Development and Maintenance for State Manufactured Food Regulatory Programs (U18)
Award amount is not limited; project period of up to five years. / Open / Mar. 1, 2018
CDC / Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Research Centers: Special Interest Project Competitive Supplements
Up to $1 million / Open / Mar. 1, 2018
CDC / Technical Assistance for Response to Public Health or Healthcare Crises
Up to $3 million / Open / Mar. 16, 2018
Limited Submission Grants with Upcoming Deadlines
Opportunities noted as Limited Submission require institutional review through the Office of the Vice President for Research. Opportunities noted as Limited Submission at School/Department level require coordination through your department chair, division head or dean.
Sponsor, Title / Internal CoordinationDeadlines
▶External / Eligibility
OHSU may submit only one application:
The National Cancer Institute Predoctoral to Postdoctoral Fellow Transition Award (F99/K00) - career development opportunity
The award will facilitate the transition of talented graduate students into successful cancer research postdoctoral appointments, and provide opportunities for career development activities relevant to their long-term career goals of becoming independent cancer researchers. / Final call:
○Dec. 15, 2017
▲Jan. 17, 2018
▶ Feb. 17, 2018
Limited submission / Open
OHSU may submit only one application:
The National Science Foundation Major Research Instrumentation Program
Serves to increase access to multi-user scientific and engineering instrumentation for research and research training in our nation's institutions of higher education and not-for-profit scientific/engineering research organizations. An MRI award supports the acquisition or development of a multi-user research instrument that is, in general, too costly and/or not appropriate for support through other NSF programs. / Final call:
○Dec. 15, 2017
▶ Jan. 29, 2018
Limited submission / Open
OHSU may submit up to five applications:
Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation Clinical Investigator Award - career development opportunity
Supports the most promising early career physician-scientists willing to devote their efforts to the development and application of new diagnostic approaches and therapeutic strategies for cancer and cancer prevention through clinical investigation. / Final call:
○Dec. 15, 2017
▶ Feb. 1, 2018
Limited submission / Applicant must have completed their terminal degree within four years prior to the time of application.
OHSU may submit only one application:
American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases NP/PA Clinical Hepatology Fellowship - career development opportunity
Provides salary and benefit support for certified and licensed Nurse Practitioners or Physician Assistants pursuing a full-year of training focused on clinical care in hepatology. / Final call:
○Dec. 15, 2017
▶ Feb. 1, 2018
Limited submission / Applicant must be a member of the AASL.
OHSU may submit only one application:
Brain Research Foundation Fay/Frank Seed Grant
Provides start-up money for new and innovative research projects that have the potential to become competitive for an NIH grant or other external funding sources. The goal of this grant is to succeed in opening future opportunities for research, collaboration and scientific advancement. / Final call: