H.K. PARK et al.

utilization of analogy experimental method for the preliminary verification of the safety system with highly buoyant or extrme test condition

H.K. Park, M.S. Chae, J.Y. Moon and B.J. Chung*

Department of Nuclear Engineering, Kyung Hee University

1732 Deogyeong-daero, Giheung-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do 17104, Republic of Korea



Safeties of nuclear systems are to be verified during the design and licensing periods. The experiments are to be performed at severe conditions and require expensive facilities. The paper introducesan experimental methodology based on the analogy between heat and mass transfer. The basic idea is to replace heat transfer systems with corresponding mass transfer systems. Here the copper-sulfate electroplating system is used.This experimental method can achieve high buoyancy with small facilities due to the reduction of cupric ions at the cathode induces large density decrease of the fluid.A few published researches of the authors are summarized as the examples of the applications, simulating highly buoyant flow conditions of the In-Vessel Retention and External Reactor Vessel Cooling (IVR-ERVC), Reactor Cavity Cooling System (RCCS), and even a Critical Heat Flux (CHF) problems. Utilization of this analogy experimental method willease the preliminary verification of the nuclear safety system.


Design of the nuclear safety systemsare one of the most important issues in the nuclear industry.The system performances must be verified during design and licensing periods. Especially for the thermal hydraulics point of view, basic phenomena of the safety system are to be confirmed through the preliminary works. However, it is hard to conduct the safety verification of the large facilities,due to its extreme condition in case of the severe accident or large size requirement for natural convection tests.

This paper suggests the experimental methodology for a highly buoyant or extreme test condition with compact test rig based on the analogy between heat and mass transfer.The copper-sulfate electroplating system is employed as the mass transfer system. The cupric ions are transferred from anode to cathode when the potential is applied and they work as the heat transferred in the heat transfer system and are easily and accurately measured by the electric current measurement. The reduction of the cupric ion concentration causes buoyant force near the cathode. Using this system, large buoyance can be established with relatively small test rig. This paper summarizes some papers of the authors to introduce the methodology regarding theIn-Vessel Retention via External Reactor Vessel Cooling (IVR-ERVC) situation, Reactor Cavity Cooling System (RCCS) and Critical Heat Flux (CHF) phenomenon.

2.Analogy between heat and mass transfer

Heat and mass transfer systems are analogous asthe mathematical models describing the two phenomena are of the same form [1]. Therefore, although the two phenomena are different in nature, these can be treated mathematically as the same. Table1 summarizes the governing parameters for heat and mass transfer systems. Here we suggested is copper sulfate-sulfuric acid (CuSO4-H2SO4) electroplating system. This system have been well established in several decades by the pioneers. In this system, the ionic concentration gradient causes buoyancy force which achieves high Rayleigh number with relatively short length scale. Moreover, the measurements are achieved by the electric circuit which is superb in terms of the accuracy relatively to the other measurement tools. Thus, applying this methodology for the nuclear power plant systems, the high buoyant-induced systems can be simulated readily using compact test rig. This technique was developed by several researchers [2–5], and the methodology is well-established [6–13]. Compared with temperature measurements, this technique is attractive as it provides a simple, low-cost, accurate method through the electric current measurement [14,15].


Heat transfer / Mass transfer
Pr= / Sc=
Nu= / Sh=
Ra= / Ra=

Fig. 1 depicted schematic diagram of the CuSO4-H2SO4 electroplating system. In this system, cupric ions are reduced at the cathode surface. The resulting decrease in the cupric ion concentration in the solution induces a buoyant force. Thus the cathode is used as the hot wall. To minimize the electric migration of the cupric ions, sulfuric acid is added as the supporting electrolyte to increase the electric conductivity of the solution.


3.1.In-Vessel Retention via External Reactor Vessel Cooling (IVR-ERVC) situation

There are two severe accident strategies to mitigate release of the radioactive material from reactor vessels. One assumes the reactor vessel break and introduces core catcher underneath to cooling the core melts. The other assumes it maintains its integrity by the natural convection of the core melt and outside cooling (IVR-ERVC). The authors conducted the experiment for IVR-ERVC situation using Mass Transfer Experimental Rig for Oxide Pool (MassTER-OP) [13, 16]. Relocation of the nuclear fuels in the reactor vessel forms a hemisphericaloxide pool under the metallic layer. This oxide pool was simulated by CuSO4-H2SO4electroplating system. Themodified Rayleigh number of over 1015 was established with all of 0.167 m test rig. Fig. 2 shows the phenomenon and the test rigs to simulate it. Tests were performed at the inverted arrangement to use the cathode for the measurements. And piece-wise electrodes enable to measure local average values and then phenomenological analysis can be performed. MassTER-OP simulate with2D and 3D test rigs.

(a) General flow patterns of the oxide pool [17]

H=0.042 m H=0.1 m H=0.167 m

H=0.042 m H=0.1 m H=0.167 m

(b) 2D and 3Dtest rigs for simulate oxide pool

Nusselt numbers (Nu) at the curved surface of the reactor vessel and boundary between oxide pool and metalliclayer (Top plate) were measured and compared with existing heat transfer results both 2D and 3D experiments.As shown in Fig. 3, the lower Nu’s were measured at the curved surface and the higher Nu’s were measured at the top plate both 2D and 3D cases. These results were caused by difference of the Prandtl number (Pr).The Pr of MassTER-OP was 2,014 and the others were less than 10. Therefore, thermal boundary layers of the MassTER-OP were much thinner and thus central rising flow contains more fresh bulk fluid than those of lower Pr cases.As a result, the higher Pr, the higher Nu of the top plate were measured. Fig. 4 shows the angular Nu ratios compared with existing studies. The general trends were similar but small discrepancies occurred at the uppermost region. The authors insisted that difference ofPr and geometrical feature influenced the results. Further details of these results can be found in the corresponding papers [13, 16].

(a) Mean Nu of the curved surface. (b) Mean Nu of the top plate.

(a) Comparison of the existing studies. (b) Comparison of the 2D and 3D results.

3.2.Reactor Cavity Cooling System (RCCS)

In the RCCS, where highly buoyant flows are induced in a duct geometry, the flow regime becomes similar to the mixed convection.As shown in the Fig. 5, the authors conducted mixed convection tests using a simple circular geometry in order to explore the fundamental phenomenon.Grashof number of over 1010 was achieved with the vertical pipe of less than 1 m. The empirical correlation was developed by varying the height of vertical pipe, as shown in Eq. (1).Also the experiments were performed to investigate the impairment of local heat transfer in a vertical pipe. Fig. 6(a) shows the average heat transfers of buoyance aided and opposed flows according to the Buoyancy coefficient. Fig. 6(b) shows the non-monotonous behaviors of the mixed convection heat transfer along test section. Heat transfer decreases due to entrance effect during developing and enhances by the transition. In the turbulent mixed convection, buoyancy-aided flow showed an impairment of the heat transfer along the axial position due to the laminarization. And then, the heat transfer was enhanced as increasing buoyancy forces since the recovery of turbulence production. For this reason, mixed convection phenomenon of the cooling system must be established.Further details of these results can be found in the corresponding papers [18, 19].

(a) Test facility(b) Test section

(a) Mean Sh ratio with respect to the Bo [17](b) Local Nu with respect to the elevation


3.3.Critical Heat Flux (CHF) phenomenon

Many studies have been performed for Critical Heat Flux (CHF) in last several decades. However, the experiments are not easy, due to theextremely high temperature and controlling problem by thermal inertia. The authors simulated boiling condition again with the electroplating system in order to overcome these problems. At a low electric potential, only the cupric ions are reduced at the cathode. But at a high electric potential, hydrogen ions in the solution reduces and forms a gas plume over the cathode surface and thus two-phase flow behaviour can be simulated by two-component flow. In spite of the difference between two-phase and two-component system, the prime phenomena of the CHF situation were observed and measured by Jeonget al. [20].In these point of view, authors conducted experiment with horizontal copper plate. The sudden drop of the current value was measured, which similar to the CHF phenomenonas shown in Fig. 7 andtook photographs in stepwise current value (a)-(d)and compared with the results by Ahn and Kim [21] (e)-(h) as shown in Fig. 8.

(a) 10 kA/m2 (b) 50 kA/m2 (c) 200 kA/m2 (d) 270 kA/m2


(e) 100 kW/m2 (f) 400 kW/m2 (g) 1,400 kW/m2 (h) 1,500 kW/m2


The detailed quantitative study on CHF simulation is currently performed measuring departure bubble diameter, vapor mushroom hovering time and macrolayer thickness etc. After establishing this analogy, the CHF phenomenological study on the ERVC can be performed varying geometrical parameters of the reactor insulator.


Several nuclear safety systems were simulated using electroplating system: IVR-ERVC situation, RCCS and CHF phenomenon.Highly buoyant conditions were tested with compact size facilities.The results were compared with the existing heat transfer results and well agreed with them.The authors figured out the basic heat transfer characteristics and flow regime of the oxide pool and mixed convection problems. Moreover, the fundamental phenomenological study have conducted using piece-wise cathode. And this electroplating system is applicable to boiling problem such as CHF phenomenon and will be developed in further works.

Although the results by the electroplating system would not be able to be accepted by the regulatory body, the authors expected that the preliminary verification of the system can be performed with the methodology.


This study was sponsored by the Ministry of Science, ICT & Future Planning (MSIP) and was supported by Nuclear Research & Development program grant funded by the National Research Foundation (NRF) (Grant code: 2014M2A8A1030777).


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Hae-Kyung Park received his BA and MS degrees from Nuclear Engineering Department in Kyung Hee University and now a second year Ph.D student. He published papers on the fin heat transfer enhancement and In-Vessel Retention of core melts. Currently his research interests are IVR-ERVC (In-Vessel Retention – External Reactor Vessel Cooling) with more focus on the CHF (Critical Heat Flux) phenomena.

Myeong-SeonChaeis a Ph.D. students at Nuclear Engineering Department in Kyung Hee University. She has papers for the natural convection and mixed convection in a horizontal and vertical pipe. She has been studying the mixed convection experiments in PCS (Passive Cooling System). She received Curie Student Award for her research achievements in Korean Nuclear Society.

Je-Young Moon is a Ph.D studentin Nuclear Engineering Department in Kyung Hee University. She has been studying Rayleigh-Benard natural convection and awarded from undergraduate student research competition through the NtUss (Nuclear technology Undergraduate student society) Program. Currently her research interests are development of concentration measurement method for cupric ion.

Bum-Jin Chung is a Professor of Nuclear Engineering Department in Kyung Hee University. He received his Ph.D. in 1994 from Seoul National University, Republic of Korea, on the topic of AP-600 containment cooling capability assessment. He has worked for Korean Ministry of Science and Technology and studied in the University ofManchester, U.K. He had published a series of articles on the experimental researches of the condensation phenomena. He had been the Professor in Jeju National University for 10 years since 2002. He had served as the national nuclear R&D program manager at the National Research Foundation of Korea for a year and joined the faculty of Kyung Hee University, March 2013. His current research interests are the mixed convection heat transfers, electrochemical systems, HTGR (High Temperature Gas Cooled Reactor) thermal hydraulics, and severe accident phenomena.

Department of Nuclear Engineering, Kyung Hee University

1732 Deogyeong-daero, Giheung-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do 17104, Republic of Korea