Minutes of the Local Development Committee (LDC)
held on Monday20th July 2015
7:30pm at St John’s Church Community Hall
134/15 Attendance and Apologies for Absence
Those present: Councillors J England (Chairman), G Clark, V Edwards, M Curnock,D Milbank and D Trangmar. Also present, the Clerk Mary Burroughs.
There was one member of the public present who had come to speak on behalf of the Football Club.
135/15 Declarations of Interest and Notification of Change to Members’ Interests
Cllr. Curnock declared a non-pecuniary interest in matters relating to the Football Club. There were no other Declarations of Interest or changes notified to Members Interests.
Standing Orders were suspended for public speaking:-
Mr Andrew Crisp, representing the Football Club (FC) spoke on the club's frustration at the lack of progress being made on the pitches and pavilion. Towards the end of 2014, a site plan was agreed with Horsham District Council (HDC) which would allow for maximum use of the pitches and a location for the pavilion and main pitch was agreed. In April, Countryside (Andrew Fisher) spoke at the Annual Meeting and advised that work on the pitches would start "in four weeks time". Good progress was being made but Mr Crisp advised that all had gone quiet again.
On 1st June, the Football Club met with representatives from the Football Foundation, The Football Association, Sussex County FA and HDC. At that meeting it was established that HDC were not in a position to apply for grants to provide the facilities. Representatives also confirmed that HDC have to provide facilities on a 'like for like' basis.
The Football Foundation (Craig Low, SE Technical Project Manager) noted their concern at the amount of £500 per square meter used by HDC as an estimate to build the pavilion, saying that in 2011 when the S106 agreement was signed the cost for a football pavilion should have been closer to £1,000 per square not £500 i.e. twice the budget of £250,000. As work has not commenced the pitches will not be ready for March 2016 and the FC will remain in their current home at the Leisure Centre.
The Football Club asked for the council's support. The Parish Council's response is at 136/15 iii. below.
136/15Horsham District Council (HDC) Meetings
Action points from the Meeting 18th June
- Proposal for additional funding to supplement the £250k secured for the football pavilion
At the HDC meeting, the Parish Council was advised that they could submit a proposal to HDC for additional funding to supplement the £250k secured through the s106 agreement for the football pavilion. It was agreed that the Clerk should make contact with the Football Foundation to ask for their assistance in putting forward a case to HDC.
Pitch fees were also discussed; the FC advised that the quality of the pitch had deteriorated. It was agreed that the PC would ask HDC if a reduction in fees was possible.
- How to use the additional £40k S106 compensation payment from Countryside Properties
It was agreed, as the payment was for compensation for the loss of recreational land, that it should, subject to forthcoming plans, be used for enhancements to/improvements on (landscaping, planting, fencing, access etc.) linking the verge between the Village Centre and Neighbourhood Centre to make the village more cohesive. The Clerk will advise HDC.
- The Football Club - it was agreed at the Parish Council (PC) meeting on 6th July that the Clerk should request a meeting between HDC, the FC, the PC and Countryside Properties. The Clerk has requested possible dates from HDC. At this meeting, it was agreed that the invite should be extended to District Councillor, Matthew French and Tom Crowley, Chief Executive HDC. (At a subsequent meeting with HDC on 21st July, HDC advised that a meeting had been arranged between them and the FC on 6th August 2015. In light of this being arranged, it was agreed with the LDC Chairman, Cllr. England that the Clerk will ask that the PC be invited to this meeting).
137/15 The Village Centre (VC)
- Future plans
The VC's wish list and potential layouts for the Village Centre were taken to the HDC/WSCC/BBHPC meeting on the 18th June as a starting point for discussions. Trevor Beadle was to co-ordinate a meeting between the VC, the PC and himself to progress matters but this meeting had not been arranged. The Clerk will chase for a meeting date.
- Legal Advice
The Clerk advised that the advice from Rawlison and Butler on behalf of the VC Management Committee is due this week.
138/15Unilateral Agreement - Land North of Old Guildford Road
Members discussed the content of the S106 and Unilateral Agreement received from Horsham District Council (HDC). Concerns had been raised in connection with the allocation of contributions and in the detail of the wording of the agreement. It was agreed that HDC should be asked to enter into a deed of variation to reflect the following:-
Allotments - if the demand for allotments cannot be established then the land should be used as an area for recreational play.
Community Facilities - in addition to the Scout Hut and the Village Centre, the Parish Office and the provision of Youth Space/Facilities should be added.
Open Space and Recreation - 'the remainder' towards improvements at the Village Centre, the Scout Hut and improvements to the Sporting Facilities at Byfleets Lane (Cricket, Tennis, Stoolball and Dirt Jumps). Also, improvements to the Broadbridge Heath Leisure Centre should be specifically listed in the agreement not as an 'or' so that contributions between village facilities and district facilities are clear.
Traffic Calming - any proposed scheme should be integrated with as part of the overall traffic calming scheme.
The Clerk will feedback this information to Paula Slinn, Principal Planning Solicitor, HDC
139/15 - Infrastructure and Traffic Management
At Tom Crowley's request, Colin James, Director of Strategic Planning & Place, WSCCtook the issue of moving forward the traffic calming schemes in the West of Horsham package to their internal governance meeting on 29th June and got, in principle, support.
He advised that if WSCC has received sufficient S106 monies that approval could be given in July to progress from design to implementation – hopefully as early as September immediately after the detailed design is completed in August. He also advised that he seemed to have strong support and was hoping for progress in the next month.
It was agreed that the Clerk should request an update from Paul Addison and Richard Humphrey, WSCC on the latest detailed design traffic calming scheme for the village as well as how work was progressing on funding the improvements and signalisation to the Farthings Hill roundabout and works to Great Daux and Robin Hood roundabouts.
140/15 - Infrastructure requirements for the Horsham District
Horsham District Council has asked the Parish Council to provide information on any additional infrastructure or services required as a direct result of new development in the area.
It was agreed that the Clerk should comment on Traffic Calming, Traffic Management, Schools, Healthcare, Sport & Recreation facilities, Buses, Telecommunications and an upgrade to the bridleway from Baystone Bridge to Christ's Hospital. The Clerk will share the feedback with Cllr. England prior to sending the return to HDC.
141/15 Next Meeting(s) – to be agreed
Meeting closed 9:40pm