Summer Reading books and projects

6th grade English

Tina Summerford, English/Reading teacher

Listed below are the books for summer reading. Required reading means that you must read it over the summer. A test on the book will be during the first nine weeks.

Sixth grade English:

  1. Required reading:

Love that Dog by Sharon Creech

  1. Extra list:You are to choose one book from the extra list. Read this book and complete one of the projects on the following pages.

The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle by Avi

The Wednesday Wars by Gary D. Schmidt

Hatchet by Gary Paulsen

Listed below are projects to complete after reading your extra book. You may choose one of the following projects and complete it in an original and colorful way. These are due the week we return to school - August 11, 2017.

  1. Word Collage. Write the title of the book in the center of a sheet of paper. Look through magazines for words, phrases, and sentences that illustrate or tell something about your book. As you look, think in terms of the theme, setting, plot, and characters. Work to get 50 words, phrases, or sentences so the whole surface is covered. The visual impact of the collage should tell a potential reader a lot about the book. Paste the 50 clippings to a 12”x12” poster board. Be creative!!

Level 1 DOK

  1. Create a diary or journal in the voice of a character from your book. Follow the events of the novel and give your chosen character’s impressions and reflections on those events. Go between the lines of the novel and aside from telling exactly what is happening, tell HOW the character is feeling or WHAT the character is thinking. How would he/she write about the events in his/her own journal? You must write 12-15 journal entries. The project should be 250-800 words (2-4 typed pages, double spaced.)

Level 2 DOK

  1. Create with cartography (that’s mapmaking, FYI). Look closely at the places that were important in the book. Illustrate a map that shows where they all are in relation to one another. Create a key explaining why each place is important to the story. Your map should be poster board size. You must include at least 5 places and 5 paragraph-long explanations for the significance of each location. Paragraphs must be at least 100-150 words in length.

Level 3 DOK

  1. Write a pamphlet or handbook. Think of an issue that was very important to your character. Create a pamphlet aimed at persuading others of the importance of the issue. Include factual information, testimonials, pictures or graphics, etc. For example, Charlotte from The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle by Avi might want to create a pamphlet explaining the reasons women should have more life choices.

Level 3 DOK

  1. Write a pamphlet for people traveling to the place and time of your book. Introduce the culture and describe differences in lifestyles and beliefs that travelers from your place and time should know about. What do people there eat? What kinds of jobs are available? What behaviors are considered polite or rude? What do people think is most important in life? Your pamphlet should fully show your understanding of the book.

Level 3 DOK

  1. Biography and sketch. Student will choose one character from the book and write a 300 word biography (typed, double space.) The biography should explain where the character lives, the conflict(s) the character faces, tell about their family life, and summarize the resolution (ending) of the novel. Then the student will draw a sketch of the character. The sketch can be a head and shoulder picture or a scene from the book. The sketch must be in color. Both sketch and biography must be mounted to a poster board. Drawings must fill the page and be no smaller than 8 ½” by 11” white copy paper.

Level 2 DOK

  1. Create a newspaper for your book. Summarize the plot in one article, cover the weather in another, do a feature story on one or more interesting characters in another. Did anyone die? Write an obituary for the character. Include an editorial and a collection of advertisements that would be significant to the story. Your newspaper must include at least 5 stories and should be laid out as a newspaper.

Level 3 DOK

Depth of Knowledge (DOK) Chart

Depth of Knowledge (DOK) – Level 1 basic – Level 2 intermediate – Level 3 advanced

  • Level 1 – (on the line)

What are the facts? What do you know about the facts?

  • Level 2 – (between the lines)

How do the facts affect you? What is the relationship between the facts?

  • Level 3 – (beyond the lines)

Do you agree or disagree with the facts? How could you create/improve the facts?

Please remember: Plagiarism is a big deal. Anytime you turn in someone else’s work as your own, whether you found it on the internet or borrowed it from their computer, you are plagiarizing. All plagiarized assignments will be given a zero. Don’t do it!