
CrynalltInfantsSchool is very much part of the community to which we, pupils, parents, teachers and governors all belong. The governors are responsible for the general management of the school, acting within a policy framework set by National Legislation, the Welsh Assembly and the Local Education Authority. It is the responsibility of the Acting Headteacher to carry out the day to day management of the school. At Crynallt Infants the Acting Headteacher and the Governors work in partnership and liaise closely on all matters affecting the school.

The Board of Governors meet formerly once a term, with the Acting Headteacher, for a general review of the school. Governors also meet at other times to deal with specific issues, either as a whole or in working groups where appropriate. All fundamental decisions would only be taken at a full meeting of the Governing Body.

Governors at Crynallt Infants’ are elected, appointed or co-opted and this enables the Board of Governors to reflect fully the community to which it serves. A Clerk to the Governors is also appointed to take minutes and to deal with the correspondence.

(The information in this prospectus is correct up to the date of printing – September 2012)

The School Governorscurrently are:-

ChairmanCllr. P. Rees

Vice ChairpersonRev. L. Newman

LEA Representative Mrs P. Russ

Cllr.J. Warman

Minor Authority Representative Cllr. G. Singh

Co-OptedMrs L. Ribton

Parent Representative Mrs L. Johnson

Parent Representative Mr C. Gittins

Parent Representative Mrs K. Williams

Parent Representative Ms J. Ellis

Staff Representative Mrs. M. Puckett

Teacher RepresentativeMr M Fitchett

Acting Headteacher Mrs. P. Sheppard

Clerk to the Governors Mrs. B. M. Brooks

The School Staff currently are:-


Acting Headteacher / Mrs. P. Sheppard
Acting Deputy Headteacher / Mr. M. Fitchett
Teachers / Mrs. L. Sweeney
Mrs. E. D. Hitchings
Mrs. C. John ( SENCO )
Miss K. Hawes
Miss K. Roberts
Mrs. A. Phillips
Mrs K. Jenks
Miss Sophie Rice
Special Needs Support / Mrs. M. Puckett
Teaching Assistants / Mrs. K. Jones
Mrs. N. Radford
Miss. K. Francis
Mrs. A. Rees
Miss S. Williams
Mrs S Early
Miss G. Thomas
Mrs. H. James
Mrs. S. Stanton
Mrs. K. Williams
Mrs A. Davies
Miss S. Power
Mrs N. Evans
Miss C. Giddings
School Clerk / Mrs. B. Brooks
Catering Staff / Mrs. S. Evans ( Cook)
Mrs. J. Small
Mrs. S. Jones
Lunchtime Supervisors / Mrs K Walton
Mrs K. Lewis
Mrs S Jones
Mrs B. Davies
Mrs W. Curtis


  • To provide for the development of the whole child.
  • To encourage children to develop lively and enquiring minds with the ability to question and argue rationally and to apply themselves to tasks and physical skills.
  • To provide a broad curriculum with a variety of teaching methods, i.e. whole class teaching, group teaching and individual teaching.
  • To provide a School Curriculum that is both flexible and well -balanced based on school policies, schemes of work and the Foundation Phase Outcomes.
  • To provide stimulating and imaginative displays within the learning environment to allow for sensory experiences and a love of learning.
  • To provide children with basic educational skills so that they are able to use these skills and adapt them to the changing world in which we live.
  • To create a busy, happy, caring spirit within the school community where children are taught to be responsible for themselves and considerate to others.
  • To encourage self-discipline as well as discipline within the learning environment. It is the expectation of this school to accept consistent good behaviour and values.
  • To provide equal opportunities for children throughout the school including those with Additional Learning Needs.
  • To encourage parents to take an active part in their child's education and to invite them into school to help and share the experiences with their children.
  • To provide opportunities for parent and teacher interaction, communication and consultation.
  • To develop links with the local community, playgroups and industry.
  • To liaise with our partner junior school to ensure smooth transition, progression and continuity.

Central to the ethos of the school is the theory that children learn from their own experiences and we believe in making full use of the children's interests as a stimulus for learning.

Admission to School

Parents are asked to place their child's name on the School's Admission Register soon after the child's first birthday.

In the year prior to starting nursery, school will contact the parents by letter to offer a placement, which the parent has to accept in writing. As a rule children are usually admitted to the Nursery class on their third birthday. This depends entirely on the places available; parents are welcome to visit the school

During the autumn term all nursery children will be given forms and a booklet, by the local authority. The forms are returned to the School’s Admissions Officer. The LEA will admit pupils up to the planned admission limit. Information regarding rules of admission will be in the booklet provided by the authority.

Times of Opening.

School opening dates

Term / Term Begins / Half Term Begins / Half Term End / Term Ends
Autumn 2012 / Mon3rd Sept / Mon 29th Oct / Fri 2nd Nov / Fri 21st Dec
Spring 2013 / Mon 7th Jan / Mon 11th Feb / Fri 15thFeb / Thurs 28th Mar
Summer 2013 / Mon 15th April / Mon 27thMay / Fri 31stMay / Tues 23rd July

Language and Play

Language and Play is held in our school hall on Thursday mornings from 9:00 to 10:15. This is

a pre-school toddler group open to parents with children aged from birth to 3 years.



Morning Session / 8:50 a.m. to 11:15 a.m.
Afternoon Session / 12:45 p.m. to 3:20 p.m.

Children can be taken to the front entrance of the Nursery and helped with their coats and fruit boxes. At the end of the session, parents are requested to wait outside the appropriate door at the front of the building. The Nursery teacher and Teaching Assistants will only dismiss the children to parents or another appointed person.


School officially starts at 8-50 a.m. Children can be taken straight to their cloakroom doors where the teacher will meet them at 8-40a.m. Parents are asked to allow their children to enter the cloakrooms and hang up their coats themselves - this will encourage them to become independent as well as keeping our fire exits as clear as possible.

The end of the school day is 3.20p.m. and parents are asked to wait outside the appropriate doors for teachers to release the children safely into their care.

Please inform school if you are unable for any reason, to collect your child at the end of the day and have given permission to another appointed person.

Access to the school is at the rear, off Castle Drive, or the main entrance on Afan Valley Road.


The school gates are closed between 8.30am – 8.55am and 3.10pm – 3.30pm.

Breakfast Club

We believe that young children should start the day with a healthy breakfast. Breakfast Club starts at 8:00 and children are admitted until 8:30. Breakfast Club forms are available from the school office.


School Uniform

We encourage the wearing of school uniform because it is inexpensive, looks smart and is practical. However it is not compulsory. Sweat shirts, polo shirts, fleece jackets. hoodiesand book bags are available through the School Uniform Shop. These can be obtained by picking up an order form from the school office.

Jewellery is not suitable for school, as it can be mislaid or cause accidents. If your child has pierced ears, studs only should be worn at school. Appropriate footwear is also encouraged and in the interest of health and safety the wearing of high heeled shoes and boots is discouraged.


We consider lunch-time a social occasion and lunch-time supervisors are on hand to supervise the children throughout the lunch-time and they pride themselves in caring for your children at such an important part of the day. Having a good quality balanced lunch is a high priority, but added to that is the opportunity to develop good eating habits and to socialise with children from another age group within the school.

Lunch Money

Money is collected and banked on Monday of each week and any money arriving late does cause a problem. School accepts cheques for the payment of lunch money, with cheques made payable to Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council (NPTCBC) with your name, address and card number on the back. No change will be given; any additional money will be forwarded to the following week

Morning/Afternoon Breaks

Children are encouraged to bring fruit for morning or afternoon break and on the advice of the Dental Health Authority; we do not allow sweets, biscuits or crisps.

Water and Milk

We encourage the children to drink water and it is readily available throughout the day. However if you wish your child to bring a bottle of water to school, please ensure it is labelled with your child’s name. Milk is also provided daily by the Local Authority.

Health & Safety

At Crynallt Infants we aim to provide and maintain a safe, healthy environment for children, staff and visitors. Children are encouraged to observe a code of hygiene, safety and healthy eating. The school has a security system in place which allows access to the school through the main entrance. Fire drills are held once a term. The children and staff are made aware of procedures for an emergency evacuation. They are trained to use fire exits and to assemble at a designated safe place in the event of an emergency. The Caretaker checks the Fire Alarms weekly. The ultimate responsibility for Health and Safety in our school rests with Neath /Port Talbot County Borough Council, but in practice it is delegated to the Acting Headteacher as site manager. Three members of staff have obtained first aid certificates.

No smoking Law

No smoking is allowed anywhere on the school premises i.e inside the school gates and cars on the premises.

Equal Opportunities

It is the policy of Crynallt Infants' School to treat all children equally regardless of their religion, race, culture or linguistic background, sex or disability. Our school aims to meet the individual and additional learning needs of each child in this school. This policy extends to all members of staff, parents, guardians and visitors.

Pastoral Care

The school aims to provide a warm, caring environment for children. The class teacher and the Acting Headteacher have the responsibility for the care of your child whilst at school and parents are asked to liaise with the teachers about their child. If a child is taken ill or has an accident, we will contact parents or the designated persons immediately. If we are unable to make contact we will endeavour to do all we can to help the child, i.e. the child may be taken to a doctor or to the hospital. It is vitally important that the following information is accurate and updated.


Home and next contact telephone numbers.

Health problems such as - allergies, asthma, sight, hearing, physical and major operations.

It is the responsibility of the parents to keep the school informed of any changes to these details.

Arrangements for Making Complaints

We aim to keep you as fully informed as possible regarding your child/children’s education. You are invited to get in touch with the acting headteacher at any time should you require further information or have any concerns or worries. We are always happy to make ourselves available at any time but it is sensible to make an appointment.

In the unlikely event that your worries are unresolved, you may write to the governing body or the Local Education Authority.

LA Contacts: - Huw Roberts ( pupil/parent support)

Karl Napierella (Director of Education)


Our school values the individuality of all children, staff, parents and visitors. We agree with and accept the aims and objectives of the Disability Discrimination Act of 1995, code of practise for schools.

The Disability Discrimination Act of 1995 aims to end discrimination against people with disabilities and to improve access in all areas of life.


School has a computerised system in place for registration. It is the parent's responsibility to inform school of their child's absence.

AN INITIAL TELEPHONE CALL ( 01639-635256) followed by a letter of explanation is required.

Please leave a recorded message to report any absences.

We operate Teachers 2 Parents contact system. This will involve sending you a text message if we have not received notification of the reason for your child’s absence.

It is important that we are kept up to date with any change oftelephone numbers

No child will be released during the school day unless the Acting Headteacher has been informed and the explanation acceptable.

The Education Welfare Officer visits school on a regular basis to check attendance records. Where absence continues, without explanation or over an unacceptable period, the Acting Headteacher contacts the Educational Welfare Officer (EWO), who follows up the concerns. All late attendance is recorded on computerised attendance and is checked by the EWO.

Each year attendance data is recorded and details reported to parents in the annual governors’ report to parents.

Only 10 days holiday is recorded as authorised absence, any further days are recorded as unauthorised and will be kept on record.

Behaviour and Discipline

It is the school's aim to provide the children with the opportunity to gain skills of living as well as learning in a well structured, relevant curriculum that is appropriate to their needs and ability. Good behaviour makes effective teaching possible and to ensure good behaviour there has to be a co-operative effort by all members of staff within the school. The approach to discipline will be an important contributor to the ethos of the school. The children will be made aware of what is acceptable and unacceptable behaviour.

School Links

Crynallt Infants have created a range of school links to promote effective relationships. These are:

Home / School

FeederSchool Liaison

Further and Higher Education Establishments

Community Links

Commercial Links

European Links.

We have a Home / School Agreement in place and parents are asked to agree to it by signing.


Parents are invited to join the 'Friends of Crynallt Infants' who organise various fund-raising events such as discos, a Christmas shopand summer fete. They would welcome new members to the committee which meets on a regular basis during school hours.

FeederSchool Liaison

We liaise regularly with our Junior and ComprehensiveSchools and pupils from Cefn Saeson help us during our 'Environment Week' and for joint projects involving work experience.

Further and Higher Education Establishments

We welcome students from Neath College at the start of the autumn term. We are delighted to be able to continue to develop the skills of young people who are starting out on their future careers. At times we receive Teaching Students from SwanseaMetropolitanMuseum.

Community Links

We welcome a range of visitors from the community including the local Curate, Community Police Officers, Health Visitors and Road Safety Units. The community in turn supports us enormously by supporting our school fetes. As a school we visit the local church and Nursing Homes at varying times throughout the year. Local playgroups are encouraged to visit us particularly in the summer term.

Commercial and Industrial Links

We regularly subscribe to the Tesco Voucher Scheme, Sainsbury’s Active Kids and Morrison’s Let’s Grow.

European Links

We have created links with various organisations that link us to the wider community.

Parental Consultations

Every parent has an opportunity to discuss their child's work and progress during the Parental Consultation Evenings, which take place during the year. Should the class teacher be concerned about your child at any time, then the member of staff will contact you and invite you to discuss their concerns.

School Library

The school library provides resources for the children in our school to enjoy a wide variety of books. It provides a beneficial and pleasing environment. The valuable resources are available in order to support all areas of the curriculum. Our aim is to foster and nurture a love of books at every opportunity.


We consider our school visits to be a valuable source of learning. Caring for the environment comes with understanding and appreciation. Often children are taken out into the community on walks and visits while some activities involve travelling further afield. Whatever the activity your child’s safety is always considered and we ensure that adequate adult supervision is always provided. When required, Risk Assessments are carried out before each activity or visit.

Charging and remissions

We believe that, in principle, all education should be freely available to every child. However, to help meet the costs of entry and coach hire, The Governing Body of the school has determined that parents are asked to make voluntary contributions towards the cost of some activities and for educational visits further afield.The Acting Head Teacher and staff keep financial requests to parents to the minimum, without restricting the range of educational experiences offered.