2015 KCISECLibraryReading Course Regulation

Dear all:

Thanks for supporting the Reading Course in Library Program.

This purpose of regulation is to make Library being a better place and develop students'goodreadinghabits. Please follow the rules below during the reading class.


  1. Please make the students enterandleavethe Library inorder as a class.
  2. Please remind the students to obey the library rules.
  3. Please keep the class in order and prevent students from making noise or wandering during the reading class.

B.Reading CourseGuidance

  1. Before come to library, please remind students bring their own student card and all books they need to return.
  2. Please lead the students tobe seated in the designated area.
  3. Please assign a head student to manage “Library-Bookmark” during class.
  4. Please guide students to use “Library-Bookmark” and ask them to take one bookin the same time. Students should put the book back to the bookshelfbefore taking a second one. (Librarians canhelp toexplain how to use the “Library-Bookmark” as long as readers need help.
  5. Please choose Chinesebooks in Chinesereading class, and choose Englishbooks in English reading class.
  6. Please lead the students to put chairs backtotheiroriginalplace after class.

C.Borrowing & Returning Books

Pleaseremind students the following rules before entering the Library:

  1. Students can return books when they come to library before reading class began.
  2. Borrow and return books services are not offer during the reading class.
  3. Please lead students to the circulation desk to borrow books if they need after class.

Thanks for your cooperation, and please feel free to contact library for any information.





1. 上課前提醒學生,將要還書籍攜帶至圖書館辦理歸還,以及隨身攜帶一卡通。

2. 请以班级为单位,组织学生有序地统一进入和离开图书馆。

3. 提醒学生遵守图书馆的阅览规则。

4. 维护课堂纪律,避免学生大声喧哗、随意走动、饮食等不当行为。


1. 指导学生在指定区域范围内就座。

2. 指定1到2名图书长负责领取、发放和回收代书板。

3. 指导学生使用代书板取书,一次选取一本图书,看完后放回原位再选取第二本图书(如有需要,可由图书馆工作人员讲解代书板的使用方法)。

4. 中文阅读课限定阅读中文书籍為主;英文阅读课限定阅读英文书籍為主。

5. 下课前,指导学生将座椅及所有取閱書籍归放到原位。



1. 如需要还书,在进入图书馆时(上课前),依序至流通柜台办理还书续即可。

2. 上课期间不提供借还书服务。

3. 阅读课结束,如有同学需要借书,请老师把控好下课时间,指导同学攜帶一卡通到流通柜台按次序排队办理借书手续。

圖書館 敬啟 2015.03.06