Eastern Ontario Development Program

Community Innovation Fund


Community Innovation enables community-led economic development that enhances and diversifies local economies. Working in partnership with community stakeholders, Community Innovation builds economic and innovative capacity of rural eastern Ontario communities, and develops opportunities for sustainable economic growth and employment within South Lake CFDC’s catchment area.

Eligible Secondary Recipients:

Eligible Secondary Recipients are:

o  Non-profit organizations including municipalities, municipal organizations, corporations, community economic development organizations, and associations

o  Commercial Enterprises including individuals, corporations, partnerships, cooperatives or trusts

o  Aboriginal organizations

o  Post-secondary institutions

Eligible Activities:

Eligible Activities are project activities that:

o  contribute to achieving EODP objectives by supporting community-based initiatives which stimulate business and community economic development opportunities leading to a competitive and diversified regional economy, contribute to the successful development of business and job opportunities and sustainable self-reliant communities

o  demonstrate broad support from the respective community

o  offer sustainable and measurable economic benefits to the local and/or regional economy.

Eligible Activities may include but are not limited to:

Expansion of Economic Assets (capacity building)

o  Industry cluster development and expansion

o  Labour market development (skills gap analysis, skills development, worker transition)

o  Strategic planning and research studies

Business Infrastructure

o  Business incubators

o  Supply chain analysis and development

Eligible Costs:

Eligible Costs are expenses that will be incurred by the Eligible Project Recipient which are reasonable, incremental and required to carry out the Eligible Activities specified above.

Eligible costs may include:

o  Labour

o  Expertise

o  Non-capital

o  Capital

Funding contributions to Not-for-Profits Eligible Project Recipients will be non-repayable contributions toward direct eligible project costs, and may be up to 50% of total Eligible Costs to a maximum of $100,000.00 per Eligible Project Recipient.

Funding contributions to Private Sector For-Profit Eligible Project Recipients will be non-repayable contributions toward direct eligible project costs, and may be up to 50% of total Eligible Costs to a maximum of $100,000.00 per Eligible Project Recipient.

Partnerships and projects with leveraged funds, whether in-kind or cash, will be given priority.

Ineligible Costs:

o  Any costs determined not reasonable, not incremental, and/or not directly related to the eligible project activities;

o  Costs incurred prior to the eligibility date as defined in the FedDev Ontario Contribution Agreement;

o  Any cost that is ineligible under the FedDev Ontario's terms and conditions and program policies;

o  Costs associated with the development of basic websites;

o  Core operating expense; and

o  Municipal infrastructure.

EODP project support in not intended to fund ongoing core operations costs.

All funds must be committed by December 31, 2018.

Application Process:

Complete and sign the Community Innovation Fund application package and send to:

South Lake Community Futures Development Corporation

Community Economic Development Committee

183 The Queensway South

Keswick, Ontario, L4P 2A3

Fax: 905-476-9978 Toll Free Fax: 1-866-606-1244

Email: Elsa Mateus at:

·  The deadline for submission for the first intake will be Friday, April 25th, 2014.

·  Thereafter, beginning in May 2014 applications will be accepted monthly until such time as all available funds are committed.

·  Applications must be submitted each month by the end of business, two Fridays prior to the last Wednesday of the month.

·  The Community Economic Development (CED) Committee reviews the applications on the Monday preceding the last Wednesday of the month and the Board then makes its decisions at its monthly meeting on the final Wednesday of the month.

·  Submit the following mandatory documents with the application:

o  2-3 quotations if the project involves purchasing items or services

o  Terms of Reference detailing the recruitment and hiring process if the project involves hiring a consultant

o  Incorporation documents, Master Business License or Letters Patent noting not-for-profit status

o  For not-for-profit organizations, a list of the volunteer Board of Directors

o  Photographs, letters of support, etc (optional)

Primary consideration will be given to projects that address the following priority areas:

o  Employment & Job Creation

o  Youth Retention

o  Broadband/Connectivity

o  Post Secondary Education Infrastructure and Opportunities

o  Coordination of effort(encouraging partnerships to maximize impact)

o  Transportation

o  Growth Management

o  Innovation

o  Creative Economy

·  Applicants will be notified of the funding decision following the monthly Board Meeting

·  If the application is approved, South Lake CFDC will prepare a Letter of Offer outlining the terms and conditions of funding

·  CFDC contributions will be subject to a 10% hold back until the applicant has completed the project and met all reporting requirements as laid out in the Letter of Offer

·  All projects will be required to submit a Final Report which will include a summary of activities, accomplishments and a financial reconciliation of the project

Please contact the office at 905-476-1244 or Toll Free at 1-866-605-1244 for questions regarding the Application Process and Eligibility Requirements.



Eastern Ontario Development Program

Community Innovation Fund


Legal Name of Applicant:
Operating Name:
Canada Revenue Business No.:
Business/Mailing Address:
Telephone Number:
Fax Number:
Contact Person:
Telephone Number:
Email Address:

Type of Activity: Check () appropriate classification

Industry cluster development and expansion / Business incubators / Other (specify below)
Labour market development
Strategic planning and research studies
Supply chain analysis and development
Project Summary: Provide a brief description of the project. Identify eligible costs for which reimbursement is being requested, by year if applicable.
Amount Requested
(up to 50% of Total Project Costs): / $

Please fill in below

Authorized by:
Your Signature:


Detail entire project budget by year. Identify all sources of funding. For multi-year projects, please fill out corresponding financing tables as well.


Year: April 1, 2016 – March 31, 2017

Costs and Financing:
Project Costs / Amount / Sources of Funding / Amount
$ / South Lake CFDC / $
$ / $
$ / $
$ / $
$ / $
$ / $
Total Costs: / $ / Total Financing: / $

Itemize each detailed expense above excluding tax.

Year: April 1, 2017 – March 31, 2018

Costs and Financing:
Project Costs / Amount / Sources of Funding / Amount
$ / South Lake CFDC / $
$ / $
$ / $
$ / $
$ / $
$ / $
$ / $
Total Costs: / $ / Total Financing: / $

Itemize each detailed expense above excluding tax.

Year: April 1, 2018 – December 31, 2018

Costs and Financing:
Project Costs / Amount / Sources of Funding / Amount
$ / South Lake CFDC / $
$ / $
$ / $
$ / $
$ / $
$ / $
$ / $
Total Costs: / $ / Total Financing: / $

Itemize each detailed expense above excluding tax.


A.  Classification of Organization: Check () appropriate classification

Municipal Government
First Nations
Other (specify)

B.  Organization’s Mandate:

C.  Organizational Structure:

Number of full time employees:
Number of part time employees:

Circle appropriate response

Have you received funding from South Lake CFDC through an EODP initiative before? (Circle appropriate response) / YES / NO
If yes, is the project(s) described in this application incremental?
(For the purpose of this application “incremental” is defined as a project that is new or an initiative that is being added to a project that was previously funded under the Eastern Ontario Development Program) / YES / NO
Please indicate the amount received in total from South Lake CFDC / $

D. Employment:

Current Number of full time employees:
Current Number of part time employees:
Total number of existing employees:
How many Full-Time Equivalent Positions will be created as a result of the project (if any)
Number of full time employees in 3 years:
Number of part time employees in 3 years:
Total number of expected employees:

Partnerships: Identify contributing partners and contact information

Partner / Contribution* / Contact Name / Contact Number

* Contributions may be either cash or in-kind, a product donation, etc.


Start Date:
End Date:

Project Delivery

Detail the project including timeline for delivery

Work Plan

Project Activity / Time Frame / Outcome (identify measurable result and critical issues resolved)


In assessing applications for support we will prioritize projects that contribute towards one or more of the following objectives: Employment & job creation; Broadband/Connectivity; Post secondary education infrastructure and opportunities; Industry cluster development and expansion; Labour market development; Business incubators; Supply chain analysis and development; Transportation; Growth management; Innovation; Creative economy. Please use the spaces below to explain how your project will contribute towards any or all of these priorities and detail what that expected contribution.

Program Objectives

Detail how project contributes to the objective of the program.
Detail how a new business will be created or an existing business will be maintained, by year if applicable.
Detail how many jobs will be created or maintained, by year if applicable.
Detail what the sustainable economic growth is anticipated as a result of this project.
Detail what partnerships will be formed or enhanced as a result of the project.

Project Deliverables

Upon completion of the project the following deliverables will be presented to South Lake CFDC: Deliverables may include copies of reports, before/ after photographs, testimonials, data tables, funded material, etc.


ð  Incorporation documents or Letters Patent noting not-for-profit status

ð  For not-for-profit organizations, a list of the volunteer Board of Directors

ð  Business Plan

ð  Projects that involve hiring a consultant must provide Terms of Reference for the

recruitment and hiring of the consultant.

ð  2-3 quotations for items purchased or services provided must be included for each expense.

ð  Other (photographs, letters of support, etc.)

ð  For requests over $10,000.00, a Financial Statement or a P & L for the last two years from the organization.

NOTE: The above mentioned attachments are mandatory. Applications that do not include these attachments will be deemed incomplete and will not be considered.

By Submitting this application the applicant acknowledges that any information contained may be shared with the Government of Canada.

DOC. # CED-002-02 Page 1 of 11 APRIL, 2016