2011 BBUC Campers, Potential Campers, Past Campers, BBUC Staff-

I am writing everyone concernedwith an update for the 2011 Black & Blue Umpire Camps. I have personally reached out to all registered 2011 BBUC Campers and a few staff members in regards to a scheduling issue that has come up in my personal life. I will try and do my best to explain the situation and what we are going to do about it as best to my ability.

Over the last couple of weeks, I have switched companies and started a new job with a company called US Food Service. With my excitement of joining this fine organization, came the news of a business trip to Chicago, IL, the very week of the 3-Man camp. Once I learned of this trip, I got into planning mode and began doing the necessary calls to the important parts of the camp (Holiday Inn, Mather Sports Complex) to determine my options with the 2011 camp. I contemplated: canceling the camp, postponing the camp, taking my business trip and leaving my very competent staff in charge or moving it to another date. As many of you know from meeting me and knowing what kind of event I like to put on, I could not rest easy knowing I was thousands of miles away from an event that has my name on it and me not being there to runit.

So here is the decision I have come up with knowing that it may work for some and not for others. The 2011 BBUC campWILL BE MOVED TO JANUARY 2012.

The exact dates are: Friday January 13th- Monday January 16th for BBUC II and Wednesday January 18th- Sunday January 22nd 2012for BBUC III. The camp format will stay the same and the day to day schedule will stay the same, no changes!

I am sure the obvious questions will come up with this announcement so I would like to address a few of them now.

  • January weather?: Typically the weather in January for Sacramento is mid 50's-60's with occasional showers. What I have found living here for the past 7 years, is it less likely for rain in January, then it is February and March. The other benefit that we have is the Mather Sports Complex is all sports turf and we will not have to worry about the dirt infield.
  • NCAA Umpires Clinic?: The 2012 NCAA Umpire Clinic will be January 7th & 8th in Anaheim, CA.
  • What about the Junior College season? Most JC Conferences will not start until the last weekend in January, 1st weekend in February.

With all this being said, basically we are moving the camp back 6 months from now and my hopes are this will allow everyone a little more time to plan, prepare and arrange their schedules to attend. I am moving the cut-off date for registration with deposit to Tuesday December 13th 2011, so please mark your calendars with the new dates I have provided. I also hope this will get umpires excited about getting out and getting ready for the 2012 baseball season by coming to Sacramento, CA. and joining us for the new 2012Black & Blue Umpire Camps on the baseball diamonds of Mather Sports Complex!

I would also like to announce two new additions to the already incredible BBUC Staff of Instructors. Coming aboard for the 2012 camps are and Steve Mattingly and also planning on coming Joe Burleson. Both of these two individuals are personal friends of mine, incredible D-1 College Baseball Umpires and unbelievable instructors! I am equally proud and excited to bring these two great men aboard to the already impressive BBUC Staff. Joe will take on as one of our lead instructor roles under Chief Instructor Scott Higgins guidance. Joe has a personality and disposition that is contagious and resonates well with instructing campers wanting to learn and get better. Steve will be our Chief Classroom Instructional person.With his background in education and his cutting edge teachingswith video and technology, he will be a huge asset to each of you in attendance. I am really looking forward to having both of these two guys join each of us January 2012 in Sacramento.

In conclusion, I appreciate all of you who have registered for the camp thus far and who I have personally spoken with in regards to the changes. For those of you who attended last year and to those of you who have expressed interest in attending future BBUC Camps with us, I would encourage any of you who have questions or concerns to personally call me or email me and I will do my best to answer those questions or concerns. Please allow Jeff Freese BBUC Camp Administrator a couple of days to update the website ( again, all the best to each and everyone of you and thank you so much for your understanding, support and encouragement to me and my family during this process. I look forward to you joining me and my staff in January 2012 for BBUC II & III.


Billy Haze


Black & Blue Umpire Camps LLC
