Framework: Cleveland White School

The Cleveland White School (CWS) plays a unique role within the educational programs provided to students under the supervision of the Division of Youth Rehabilitation Services. Students exiting their 6 month program at Ferris School move into the Moulds Cottage and attend CWS for 6 weeks as they outwardly transition back to their local community. Other students are assigned to the Snowden or Grace Cottages to serve 1, 2 or more months of Level 4 residential programming and attend the CWS as their day program. At the CWS there is a constant turn-over within the student population. Thus the role of the Transition Coordinator (TC) is vital for managing this student movement into, within, and out of the school with responsibilities supported by the ED and teachers, and performed under the direct supervision of the Assistant Principal.

During Intake of students from Ferris School, the TC will attend the YRS Pre-Transition Meeting (usually held 4 weeks prior to discharge), along with the Ferris Guidance Counselor, to meet the student and parent(s) and to explore options for student when they move into the CWS. At the YRS Exit Meeting (usually 2-7 days before discharge), the TC will finalize plans for the student and physically obtain a packet of the information and documents from the Ferris educational staff required under the Transfer Checklist -see attached Checklist-, e.g. final EPT form with educational, and if appropriate, vocational goals for the student to be addressed while he is at CWS and later upon discharge, CareerScope, Credit Recover Sheet and DSCYF Transcript, School Questionnaire, and current IEP for special education students. The TC coordinator will immediately notify the CWS Assistant Principal as to any missing information. At the Ferris Exit Meeting the school file, the student portfolio and the student’s transition plan will all be reviewed. Information from the school file that should be available to the student in his portfolio will be copied at that time. The school file will be transferred to CWS at the time of the students transfer from Ferris to CWS.

When the student arrives at CWS from Ferris the TC, ED and Assistant Principal will meet with the student to review his school file and portfolio. The ED will further review the student’s progress on past goals and determine any changes from the reported status of the student that will impact future programming or placement options, i.e., student being expelled rather than suspended from school of origin. Then the ED will conduct an EPT meeting for the newly admitted student within 5 days to develop the student’s future educational and vocational program. The district of origin will be contacted to share and update information for all parties.

During Intake of students from the Detention Centers the TC in consultation with the EDs at the 2 Detention Centers will immediately request all information be forwarded per the student Transfer Packet Checklist –see attached. The most recent EPT form from the Detention Center will guide the immediate instruction, and will be updated within 5 days at an EPT meeting. The CWS Assistant Principal will be notified by the TC of missing time sensitive information. The district of origin will be contacted to share and update information for all parties.

During Intake of students directly from the community the TC (or ED for students identified as special education) will administer the BASI and record test results in the FACTS system, contact student’s School of Origin and other agencies for student records and to complete School Questionnaire Form –see attached Questionnaire and In-Take forms. The district of origin will also be contacted to share and update information for all parties. The TC or ED will utilize the Credit Recovery Worksheet in discussions with the School of Origin to identify any partial and full credit units completed by the student and to target possible future Credit Recovery efforts. ED will conduct an EPT meeting for newly admitted students within 5 days to develop the student’s educational and vocational program.

Student Placement in Class is immediate. Classroom teachers will use the EPT information from Ferris or the Detention Centers. For newly admitted students, initial class placement will be based upon results of the BASI and up-dated based on data when classroom teacher administered curriculum based measures. At the next EPT meeting, within 5 days of admission, the ED (or Assistant Principal) will review all educational information, identify student weaknesses, prioritize student’s instructional needs, identify areas for possible Credit Recovery, and identify instructional goals to address BASI and other identified needs. Resulting recommendations and educational plans will be recorded by the ED on the EPT Meeting Form -see attached. All students will receive both a class schedule and an individual learning plan.

On-going Instruction targeted at identified student needs will be provided by teachers, and student performance data will be tracked and reported to the ED. The ED (or Assistant Principal) will convene EPT meetings to discuss student On-going RTI (Response to Instruction) for all students. Thus student educational programs will be actively monitored and adjusted at least every 4 weeks, and be reflected on the updated EPT Meeting Form.

Upon notification of potential student discharge, the ED at the next EPT meeting will compile information to assist the TC with the smooth Transition of the student including possible completion of an Official High School Transcript form to document credits earned while in DSCYF. The ED will administer and record the BASI post-test results—minimum time-lapse of 6 months. For all students the TC will be the primary contact person between the CWS and the school, the employer, internship provider, or the vocational training program.

Key issues, in part, to be addressed by the TC with the student and parent for the future are:

1)  Continuing Education: Who to Call, How to get there, Program requirements

2)  Employment: Who to Call, How to get there, Employment requirements

3)  Internship: Who to Call, How to get there, Internship requirements

4)  Training Program: Who to Call, How to get there, Program requirements

The transition of special education students will be a joint effort of the ED and TC depending on the specific needs of the student. The TC will make the DVR placement referrals.

The TC will be responsible for the collection and monitoring of follow along data on the success of the student in maintaining their enrollment in the school, vocational training, or continuing education program; and/or employment. Follow along contacts need to be made with student and family at Day 2, Day 5, Day 10, Day 30, Day 60, and Day 90 following discharge. The TC will produce monthly analysis of student placement data for staff and management review.

Education: Intake Through Transition/TRANSFER Process

Intake / Placement in Class / Instruction / On-Going RTI* Monitoring / Employability Skills / Transition
Transition To School / Transition To Work/Adult Ed
1. Outcome: Based on available information, student immediately placed into programming. / 1. Outcome: BASI verified via curriculum measures. ELA and math priorities initial objectives identified by Ed Planning Team (EPT). Class placement made immediately. / 1. Outcome: Provide on-going student centered instruction. / 1. Outcome: Student response to instruction (RTI) monitored by ED via Ed Planning Team, modification made to student program, EPT Meeting Form updated. / 1. Outcome: All students will receive exposure to employability skills training.
Work experiences and job search training are provided to students not returning to school. / 1. Outcome: Students are successfully transitioned back to school. / 1. Outcome: Students transfer successfully to community based adult education programs plus vocational training or employment.
·  TC – Oversees the intake and initial placement process for all students.
·  ED – Assist TC with intake of sp ed students. Compiles & reviews diagnostic info on ALL students to be presented later to Ed Planning Team (EPT). Updates student status.
·  Teachers –administer curriculum based measures. Results given to ED. / 2. Roles
·  Ed Planning Team (EPT) - Meets biweekly to review data, prioritizes student instructional needs and identify goals. EPT Meeting Form initiated/updated.
·  ED – Chairs EPT meeting (Assistant Principal is back-up chair for ED).
·  ED – Manages educational programs for ALL students @ CWS.
·  TC: Attends EPT meetings so as to connect Intake to Programming to Discharge (Transition Out).
·  Teachers – ELA/Math/Soc St/Sci: Actively participate on EPT. / 2. Roles
·  Teachers –Provide on-going effective instructional interventions within content areas with specific attention to BASI items.
·  ED- Chairs EPT to discuss performance of students (Assistant Principal is back-up chair).
·  TC: Attends EPT meetings so as to connect Intake to Programming to Discharge (Transition Out). / 2. Roles
·  Teachers- Provide instruction, and conduct curriculum based on-going student performance monitoring. Provide ED with student progress data.
·  ED: Chairs EPT meetings to discuss performance of students. Collects data and monitors data from teachers on student performance. Every student’s ed performance reviewed at least every 4 weeks.
·  TC: Attends EPT meetings so as to connect Intake to Programming to Discharge (Transition Out). / 2. Roles
·  Employment Specialist: Conducts 4 Career Exploration classes 4 days per week for all students.
Provide in-depth assistance with employment searches for students not returning to school.
Administer/analyze CareerScope with students.
Attended EPT meetings, and provide ED with timely up-dates on student performance. / 2. Roles
·  TC: Major role in coordinating transition back to school for all students. Actively monitors student placement. Prepare monthly transition data report.
·  ED: Provides TC with all needed info for successful transition for student back to school including updating Credit Recovery Worksheet, etc... If appropriate, principal signs & issues Official HS Transcript for credit work completed.
·  EPT: Provides ED needed info for successful transition to school. / 2. Roles
·  TC: Provides Transfer Packet info to receiving community ed/voc program. Credit Recovery Worksheet updated and forwarded. Referral made to DVR for sp ed students. Actively monitors student placements. Prepares monthly transition data report.
·  Employment Specialist: Work with student to begin employment upon (or prior) to discharge. Also provide follow-along services for up to 60 days to insure continued employment.
3.Timeframe –
All information from Detention Centers & Ferris reviewed @ time of student admission – prior EPT forms/data guide initial placement.
For students admitted directly from community, initial data collected in 5 days. / 3. Timeframe –
Within 5 days of admission, ELA and Math curriculum based diagnostic measures completed. EPT meets within 1 week. Student placed in classes immediately. / 3. Timeframe –
Instruction provided up admission. / 3. Timeframe –
On-going monitoring of student performance by ED with discussion at least once every 4 weeks at EPT meetings. / 3. Timeframe –
All students enrolled in Career Exploration classes. Adult education students provide Work Experiences and job search opportunities immediately upon enrollment. / 3. Timeframe –
Upon admission, TC begins Transition planning process. / 3.Timeframe-
Discharge planning started @ time of admission. Post discharge data collected for 60 days.

TC: Transition Coordinator, ED: Educational Diagnostician, EPT: Ed Planning Team. *RTI: Response to Instruction.

September 13, 2010 Page 1