Lesson Plan Title: Working with SI units

Teacher: Christopher Lembo

Concept / Topic to Teach: SI units and general laboratory equipment

Standards Addressed:

PS.1The student will plan and conduct investigations in which

a)length, mass, volume, density, temperature, weight, and force are accurately measured and reported using metric units (SI—International System of Units);

b)conversions are made among metric units, applying appropriate prefixes;

c)triple beam and electronic balances, thermometers, metric rulers, graduated cylinders, and spring scales are used to gather data;

General Goal(s):

By the end of this lesson students will understand how to work with general scientific equipment and recognize the SI units of measurement.

Specific Objectives:

1. By the end of the lesson students will recognize the SI units of measurement.

2. Students will construct a notebook reference sheet on the measuring equipment.

Required Materials:

Handout on Measurement

Triple Beam balance


Metric ruler

Graduated cylinder

Samples to measure (blocks of wood, metal, and plastic)

Anticipatory Set (Lead-In):

At the beginning of the lesson ask the students “Have any of you measured anything before?” (Most will respond yes) After the students respond ask them “Have you ever used the SI standard?” (Several of the students probably have, but may no recognize the name SI) Finally walk to each piece of equipment and ask them “What do we measure with this (hold up piece of equipment) piece of equipment)?” give students time to respond.

Step-By-Step Procedures:

  1. Pass out the handout on measurement
  2. Divide students up into groups
  3. Have each student take turns measuring the blocks with the metric ruler
  4. Students should then weigh each block with the triple beam balance
  5. Students will then fill a graduated cylinder with 50mL of water
  6. Students should then take the temperature of the water with the thermometer
  7. Students should then put the blocks into the cylinder of water and measure volume
  8. Finally students should calculate density of each block using mass/volume
  9. Next students should take their information and create a Word document on the laptops. This Word document should include each of the pieces of equipment, what they are used for, what type of measurement they display, and examples of values they would get from the piece of equipment
  10. Once students have completed their document, they are to print it and paste it on the beginning section of their notebook as a reference.

Closure (Reflect Anticipatory Set):

After students have completed the lesson, do a group review of the different standard measuring equipment in a laboratory. Ask them to identify the piece of equipment and explain what it measures. Finally ask them to give a standard measurement that piece of equipment would display.

Assessment Based on Objectives:

Assessment for this lesson will be based on anecdotal evaluations during the lesson on SI measurement units. (Can be during the lesson or at the closure portion) Successful completion of the reference sheet, with each piece of equipment adequately described, will produce a satisfactory grade.