Ms. Scirbona & Ms. O’Connell

(845) 298-5100 ext. 31070 (845) 298-5100 ext. 30147

Welcome to practical chemistry. This course has been designed to give you a broad based knowledge in chemistry and laboratory techniques with practical everyday applications. The course outline and possible topics of study are attached. This course will be a strong statement on your transcript to colleges and will also provide you with valuable lab skills. This course has no science or math prerequisites; however, you should have taken and successfully completed two or three years of high school science. If you work hard, you will succeed.


You will only need a binder, pen (black or blue ink only) or pencil, calculator, and your reference table for this class; there is no text book. A majority of this class is hands on work, and it is imperative that you are in class every day. You will begin building your reference table during the first week of school. This reference table will serve as a sort of portfolio for the year which you will build from the knowledge and skills you will learn in the class. Completion of your reference table will count as a part of your quiz and class participation grade. It is important that you bring this every day to class and are diligent with its upkeep. You may only use your reference table for in class assessments.


You are expected to be respectful to both your instructors and your classmates. Disrespect will not be tolerated in any way, shape, or form. Hats are not to be worn in the classroom, and cell phones are expected to be put away and not visible at all times. You are expected to be in class every day, on time and ready to work. If you are late to class three times without a pass you will receive a written referral. If you are not in class, for whatever reason, legal or illegal, you will be responsible for any missed work or information. If you have an unexcused absence you will receive a 0 for the work missed. We keep extra copies of all course work, but it is your responsibility to find out what you missed when you were absent. All classroom procedures will be reviewed the first week of class.


Tests and quizzes will account for approximately 60% of your overall quarter grade. As this is a hands-on lab course, lab activities and write-ups will make up approximately 20% of student grades. You will receive a lab report grading rubric during the first week of class. Projects, classwork/homework, and participation will account for the remaining 20% of each quarter’s grade. Most of the work in this class will take place in class, so it is imperative that you are in class every day and on time. Occasionally, you will have to work on projects outside of class, or have a homework assignment, but if you work to your full potential, 90% of the work will be able to be completed in class.

Lab work:

As this is a science class, a large percentage of your time will be spent in the lab. Lab work missed due to a legal absence may be made up after school only. We will announce lab make-ups approximately one week in advance. Lab safety is paramount and anything less than complete regard for yourself and your fellow classmates will not be tolerated, EVER. If you ever have a safety concern, never hesitate to ask me. Lab safety procedures will be reviewed in the first few days of class. If you are acting inappropriately in the lab, you will be asked to leave the lab area and receive a grade of 0. This cannot be made up. If there are repeated infractions to the lab safety agreement, an administrative conference will be set up to ensure the safety of the class.

Extra help:

Extra help is always available. We will establish a specific day for after school help within the first few weeks of school. Be pro-active; it is easier to keep up than to catch up.

Parent/Guardian notice:

In order to ensure the success of your child, please be involved with their schoolwork. Please sign the agreement at the end of this document to indicate that you and your child have read, understand and agree to the above guidelines.

Practical Chemistry – Scirbona/O’Connell

Student Name______Per.______

(Please Print)

Student Signature ______Date ______

Parent/Guardian Name______

(Please Print)

Parent/Guardian Signature______Date ______

Parent/Guardian preferred contact information

Email ______

Phone ______