Kerkweg 4Tel.:+31 (0)181 402788

3235 XL RockanjeFax:+31 (0)181 402689


ISPS Instruction for any sea going vessel berthed at our Terminal

Dear Ship Security Officer,

As from the 1st of July 2004 the ISPS-code is in force. The terms and conditions of the International Ship and Port Facility Security code will be applicable to our terminal. Consequently this means that our security measures will be intensified.

Please take notice of the below mentioned information / instructions. Furthermore it is the masters’ responsibility to inform all parties concerned about these instructions:


  • It is the masters’ responsibility to instruct his crew/passengers to stay away from the turning circle or working range of our cranes and shovels at any time or circumstance;
  • When it is not necessary to be at our quay or terminal, please stay on board of your vessel. This in order to avoid possible dangerous situations and incidents;
  • At our terminal it is required to stick to the clothing regulations if these stand declared (safety helmet, safety shoes, etc.);
  • At our terminal it is strictly forbidden to use, deal alcoholics or drugs or to be under influence of alcoholics or drugs;
  • In case of security threats, emergency or breaches of security you will be informed by our PFSO / employees with information of evacuation. Any additional costs will be for your account.

ISPS level 1:

  • Normal operations at our terminal, if there will be any changes than you will be informed by our PFSO or your shipping agent;
  • E.P. Stevedoring has to receive your stamped crew list as well as a list mentioning all other visitors/suppliers who will visit your vessel while alongside at our terminal. Without this list shore leave or entrance/leaving of visitors is not possible at all;
  • Shore leave at our terminal is allowed between 08.00 until 16.00 hours on Monday till Friday (official holidays excluded). Also the terminal has been closed from 09.00 until 10.00 hours and from 12.00 until 13.00 hours;
  • Our terminal is watched by camera. If any crewmember/visitors/supplier leave the vessel outside the openings times of the terminal without having permission of the PFSO then all possible costs are for your expenses.;
  • At our terminal inspection of persons, goods and cargo is possible;
  • Ship chandelling is possible if all particular details (name and Id supplier, cargo list, etc.) is send from the Agent/SSO to our PFSO;
  • Communication is possible by mobile phone or portofoon.

ISPS level 2 or 3:

  • Al our operations at our terminal are restricted, if there is any changes during this security level you will be informed by our PFSO or your shipping agent;
  • No visitors, shore leaving and ship chandelling is possible on our terminal;
  • The crew are not allowed to leave or visit the vessel by using our terminal without permission of the PFSO. The vessel will be isolated from shore and they will be make a special agreement (DOS) between the SSO and PFSO. All possible costs are for your expenses.


  • It is not allowed to leave household rubbish, cargo rests, emballage etc. on our terminal. This will be removed and all possible costs are for your expenses.

For any questions about ISPS contact our office. You will be connected to our PFSO.

We thank you in advance for your co-operation.

E.P. Stevedoring B.V.

Engelse versie
