French III

InstInstructor: Mrs. HeranicRoom#: E-512

Phone:(412) 486-6000 x1032Email:

Class Website:

Course Description:

French III provides the student with the opportunity to strengthen previously acquired language skills. Level III French students continue to develop and refine their proficiency in French with an emphasis on the ability to interact orally and express themselves in writing. French III students are introduced to works of literature. Students continue to develop cultural awareness through the study of specific French cultures. Students are assessed through written, oral and aural exercises, tests and quizzes, daily class participation and projects. Assessment is based on the four communication skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The curriculum has been carefully designed to meet the standards of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL).

Topics Covered:

  • The French-Speaking World (North America, Africa)
  • Sports and Health
  • Daily and Past Activities
  • What one used to do
  • Shopping for Clothing
  • Vacations, Travel, and other activities
  • Cars and Driving

Materials and Resources:

  • Discovering French, Nouveau! Blanc, book and workbook
  • French-English, English-French dictionary (optional, but strongly encouraged)
  • (textbook website)

Keys to Success:

  • Be present in class everyday
  • Bring all materials everyday
  • Communicate as much as possible in French while in class

Extra Help:

Before school (7am) or as agreed upon by student and teacher

Classroom Policies:

It is assumed that students and parents have read and understood all building policies as described in the student handbook. Policies and procedures below are in addition to those in the handbook and specific for this particular class.

  • Grading:

Students will be assessed on:

  • Tests
  • Quizzes
  • Projects
  • Homework
  • Role-Play
  • Class participation
  • Parent Internet Viewer:Please consult the Parent Internet Viewer for all current grades. A grade of “0” indicates that an assignment has not been completed.
  • Homework: All homework will be displayed on the side board. You will only receive credit for homework that is present in class. No late homework is accepted.
  • Make-up and Late Work: Students with excused absences have as many days as they were absent to make up any work. It is the student’s responsibility to see me about any missed work and to turn it in on time. Three points per day will be deducted from all late assignments.
  • Hall Pass Use: Students are to obtain permission before using the blue restroom pass for room E-512. No locker passes are issued for books, folders, notebooks, etc. that are forgotten.
  • Classwork:(includes but is not limited to) oral and written activities, discussions, note taking, group activities and projects, computer lab lessons

Academic Integrity:

  • Cheating and Plagiarism: please refer to pg 7 of the HHS Student Handbook for our district policies.
  • Internet Usage: please refer to pg 7 and 8 of the HHS Student Handbook, and our Acceptable Use Policy for our district policies on computer use.
  • UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES ARE STUDENTS EVER TO USE ANY FORM OF AN ONLINE TRANSLATOR OR DICTIONARY. Any evidence of such usage will result in a zero for that assignment without the possibility of making it up.

Student Name

Student Signature

Parent Signature

Email / Daytime phone