Lohia’s Visions & Challenges of
the 21st Century
The birth centenary of Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia(1910- 1967) is being celebrated at the national and international level. Lohia is remembered today as the great patriot, a renowned freedom fighter, a leading light of the Indian socialist movement who championed the cause of the backward castes in the politics of north India, the leader of the Hindi movement and a well known propagator of equality based new world order.. The marginalzation of the socialist movement in the political discourse of contemporary India has meant that the economic agenda of Lohia – his campaigns against poverty, unemployment and price rise -- is almost forgotten. The narrow, inward gaze of contemporary politics has also meant an erasure of the memory of the international dimension to his politics – his resolute pacifism, opposition to nuclear weapons, protest against racial inequality, advocacy of Indo-Pak federacy and the dream of a world without visas and passports. A small stream of political organizations and movement groups has struggled to keep a fuller memory of Lohia’s politics alive.
Lohia belongs to the select brand of thinkers of the world whose stress on spade, vote and prison are the appropriate steps of action and resistance which, if implemented with sincerity and determination by the millions, will solve many of the problems of the suffering humanity of the 21st century.
Against this backdrop the Faculty of Social Sciences, Banaras Hindu University is organizing a three day international seminar on “Lohia’s Visions & Challenges of 21st Century”. The Seminar will focus on the issues of the Prospects and Challenges before the Indian society, polity and economy in the new millennium with major thrust areas/sub themes as-
  1. Lohia and Indian Freedom Movement
  2. Lohia’s Philosophy and Ideology
3. Lohia and Socialist Parties and Politics / 4. Lohia’s Economics
5. Lohia Ke Log (Lohia and his contemporaries)
6. Caste, Class, Marginalization and Poltics of Lohia
7. Lohia and his Pacifist Politics
8. Lohia, the Hindi Movement and linguistic politics
Paper Submission Details:
Papers on the aforesaid themes are invited from interested scholars and professionals. Abstracts (500 words) should reflect a judicious blend of theoretical rigour and compelling empirical evidence and must clearly mention the theme, methodology and emphasis and should be sent electronically to . A hard copy of the same should be sent to the Seminar Director. The last date for submission of Abstract is 15th September 2011.
The acceptance of Abstract would be intimated in the third week of September. Last date for submission of Full Paper will be 5th October (typed in Times New Roman, maximum 5000 words, with referencing style as per the Chicago Manual.
Presentation: Selected papers will be presented in different technical sessions followed by discussion.
Publication: Accepted papers would be published in form of Seminar Proceedings to be released along with Souvenir at the time of Seminar. The Faculty is in touch with some leading publishing house for the publication of some selected papers of the seminar in the form of a book.
Registration Fee:
Registration fee for Teachers and others is Rs.1000/- per head. For Students/Research Scholars it is Rs.800/- while for accompanying persons it is Rs.800/- (without Seminar Kit). Registration Fee for Overseas participants will be US $ 100 or INR 5000/-. Cheque or draft should be drawn in favour of Lohia Seminar 2011 payable at Varanasi. Registration fee would cover Seminar Kit, meals and photocopies of circulated papers/CD of papers presented in the seminar. The organisers will make efforts to provide modest accommodation to outstation participants subject to availability of the same in University guest house/ hostels of the Faculty. Varanasi town has a number of good hotels with the tariff varying from Rs. 400 for a Non AC single room upwards. Participants willing to stay in hotels and pay for the same may contact the Organising Committee for bookings at least 15 days in advance. / The authors whose papers are accepted for presentation at the Seminar would be exempted from payment of registration fee.
Travel Grant: Authors whose papers are accepted for presentation in the Seminar would be reimbursed to and fro 3AC fare by the shortest route. The town is well connected by rail, road and air services. For joint papers reimbursement would be made for only one author.
Varanasi:Varanasi, ‘The city of light’ is situated on the banks of the north-ward flowing (Uttar-Wahini) Ganga. This is one of the oldest living cities of the world. The antiquity of the city is found in different Puranas and other scriptures like Atharv Ved, Satpath Brahman, the Birhadaryan Upnishad etc. It is believed that the city sits atop Shiva’s trident and therefore, is transcendental and remains unmoved when rest of the world suffers the flux.
Banaras Hindu University:The Universityfounded by the legendary Pt. Madan Mohan Malviya has been a seat of learning from the time of its inception in 1916. The main campus of the University is spread in 1300 acres while its Rajiv Gandhi Campus at Barkachha spreads over more than 2300 acres. The University comprises of 4 Institutes, 14 Faculties and 136 Departments, 4 Inter-Disciplinary Centres and 3 Constituent Schools. Innumerable subjects pertaining to diverse branches of humanities, social sciences, science, technology, modern and Indian medicine, fine arts, performing arts etc. are taught here. The University family consists of more than 15000 students belonging to different religions, castes, races and countries. It has more than 3000 teachers and nearly 5000 non-teaching staff.
Faculty of Social Sciences (FSS): The FSS is a fast diversifying faculty with strong moorings in Economics, History, Political Science and Sociology. Convergence of concerns have allowed it to nurture centres dealing with peace studies and studies in exclusion and inclusive policies. Lohia’s vision figures prominently and overlaps in the curriculum and concerns of its various departments and centres. This makes the FSS the most natural site for deliberations pertaining to Lohia’s relevance in contemporary times.
Chief Patron
Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, BHU
Seminar Director
Prof. A.K. Jain
Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences
Prof. Rajendra Rai
Organising Committee
Prof. A.S. Upadhyaya
Dr. Rakesh Raman
Dr. Sandeep Kumar
Mr. Dhrub Kumar Singh
Dr. Aruna Kumari
Reception Committee
Prof. C.K. Padia (Convener)
Prof. A.K.Pandey
Prof. J. K. Tiwari
Prof. Kiran Barman
Prof. Laxman Rai
Prof. Priyankar Upadyaya
Prof. R. P. Pathak
Prof. Rajendra Rai
Prof. Rita Kumar
Prof. A. S. Upadyaya
Contact Information
All Correspondence/ Communications should be addressed to-
Seminar Director at

Cell: 9305006827 / Lohia’s Visions & Challenges of the 21st Century
10-12 October, 2011
Prof. A.K. Jain
Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences
Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi-221005 / Lohia’s Visions & Challenges
of the 21st Century
10-12 October, 2011
Seminar Director
Prof. A. K. Jain
Organised by
Faculty of Social Sciences
Banaras Hindu University
Registration Form
International Seminar
Lohia’s Visions & Challenges of
the 21st Century
10th – 12th Oct, 2011
Name: …………………………………...... …
Mailing Address: ………….………...... ……......
…………………………..……………...... …......
E-mail: ……………..…………………...... …......
Phone No: ……………..…………………......
Details of Registration fee enclosed:
DD/Cheque drawn in favour of “Lohia Seminar 2011” payable at Varanasi.
Amount: ………………DD/Cheque No……………………….
Bank Name……………..Dated…………….……………………
Title of the Paper…………………………………………………..
Name of Author…………………………….…………………….
Place………………. Signature / Registration Form
International Seminar
Lohia’s Visions & Challenges of
the 21st Century
10th – 12th Oct, 2011
Name: …………………………………...... …
Mailing Address: ………….………...... ……......
…………………………..……………...... …......
E-mail: ……………..…………………...... …......
Phone No: ……………..…………………......
Details of Registration fee enclosed:
DD/Cheque drawn in favour of “Lohia Seminar 2011” payable at Varanasi.
Amount: ………………DD/Cheque No……………………….
Bank Name……………..Dated…………….……………………
Title of the Paper…………………………………………………..
Name of Author…………………………….…………………….
Place………………. Signature / Registration Form
International Seminar
Lohia’s Visions & Challenges of
the 21st Century
10th – 12th Oct, 2011
Name: …………………………………...... …
Mailing Address: ………….………...... ……......
…………………………..……………...... …......
E-mail: ……………..…………………...... …......
Phone No: ……………..…………………......
Details of Registration fee enclosed:
DD/Cheque drawn in favour of “Lohia Seminar 2011” payable at Varanasi.
Amount: ………………DD/Cheque No……………………….
Bank Name……………..Dated…………….……………………
Title of the Paper…………………………………………………..
Name of Author…………………………….…………………….
Place………………. Signature