Activity6.1.7 Electricity: The Invisible River of Energy


Electricity is such a constant presencein our lives that we often take it for granted. Electricity provides ourhomes with light and heat. It allows usto communicate with others, and ithelps us get from one place toanother. At the turn of the century, lifechanged dramatically as humanslearned to control electricity and useit to power “labor-saving” devicessuch as the electrical iron and thewashing machine. Perhaps no otherform of energy has changed andshaped our lives as much as electricity.

In this activity you will view the DVD Electricity: The Invisible River of Energy and answer questions about the movie.


  • GTT notebook
  • Pencil
  • DVD – Electricity:The Invisible River of Energy


Before watching the DVD, read the questions below so that you know what to listen for as you watch the movie. Answer the following questions while viewing the DVD Electricity:The Invisible River of Energy.

  1. Electricity is formed by the movement of ______.
  1. What are the three major particles of an atom?


  1. What type of charge does a proton have?______

What type of charge does an electron have?______

  1. A positively or negatively charged atom is called an ______.
  1. Atoms and particles with a like charge ______each other, while atoms with opposite charges ______.
  1. Electricity is divided into two categories, ______and


  1. ______electricity refers to the electrical charge an object develops as a result of having an unequal number of protons and electrons.
  1. ______electricity is made up of moving electrons or ions.
  1. The amount of electrical charge an object has is measured in ______.
  1. A ______is a material that allows electrons to flow easily through it.
  1. Water is a good conductor of electricity – True or False? (Circle one)
  1. ______such as glass and rubber do not allow electrons to flow freely.
  1. The difference in potential energy between an electron at the negative terminal and one at thepositive terminal is called the ______.
  1. This difference between terminals is measured in ______.
  1. ______currents always flow in one direction, while ______currents reverse directions in cycles.
  1. What are the two basic types of circuits?


  1. In a ______circuit, current that passes through an electrical device does not pass through any other devices.
  1. In a ______circuit, current must pass through all of the devices plugged into the circuit.
  1. ______opposes the flow of electricity and consumes power in the circuits by converting electrical energy into heat.
  1. This opposition is measured in ______.
  1. The flow of electricity is measured in units called ______.
  1. A ______is the simplest means of controlling the flow of current through a circuit.
  1. One way a circuit can be overloaded is with a ______.
  1. Another way a circuit can be overloaded is when ______


  1. ______is the rate at which work is done or energy is used.
  1. The ______is used to measure the power required to operate a device.
  1. The flow of electricity through a conductor can produce ______,

______, ______, and ______.

  1. A temporary magnet caused by electricity flowing through a coil of wire is known as an ______.
  1. The typical electric motor has rotating electromagnets on a rotating shaft, called an ______.
  1. The device that reverses the flow of electricity through the electromagnet is called the ______.

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GTT– Unit 6– Lesson 6–Activity6.1.7– Electricity: The Invisible River ofEnergy– Page 1