Curriculum Vitae

Sarra Nazem, B.A.

December, 2009

Department of Psychology Tel. (734) 709-2885

West Virginia University Email:

PO Box 6040

Morgantown, WV 26506-6040


2008- West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV. Ph.D. (anticipated May 2013), Clinical Psychology. APA approved doctoral training program.

2001-2005 University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI. B.A., Psychology and Sociology (Sociology Specialization: Law, Criminology and Deviance), with distinction.


Nadorff, M., Nazem, S., & Fiske, A. (in preparation). Sleep disturbance and suicidal ideation in college students.

Friedlander, A., Nazem, S., Fiske, A., Nadorff, M., & Smith, M. (in preparation). Self-concealment, depression, and suicidal ideation: What they don’t know may hurt you.

Weintraub, D., Mavandadi, S., Mamikonyan, E., Siderowf, A., Duda, J., Hurtig, H. H., & et al. (under review). Atomoxetine for the treatment of depression and other neuropsychiatric symptoms in Parkinson’s disease: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study.

Hoops, S., Nazem, S., Siderowf, A., Duda, J., Xie, S., Stern, M., & et al. (2009). Validity of the MoCA and MMSE in the detection of MCI and dementia in Parkinson’s disease. Neurology, 73, 1738-1745.

Mavandadi, S., Nazem, S., Ten Have, T., Siderowf, A., Duda, J., Stern, M. C., & et al. (2009). Use of latent variable modeling to delineate psychiatric and cognitive profiles in Parkinson’s disease without global cognitive impairment. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 17, 986-995.

Nazem, S., Siderowf, A. D., Duda, J. E., Ten Have, T., Colcher, A., Horn, S., & et al. (2009). Montreal cognitive assessment (MoCA) performance in Parkinson’s disease patients with “intact” global cognition. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 57, 304-308.

Nazem, S., Siderowf, A. D., Duda, J. E., Brown, G. K., Ten Have, T., Stern, M. B., & et al. (2008). Suicidal and death ideation in Parkinson's disease. Movement Disorders, 23, 1573-1579.


Fiske, A., Gerolimatos, L., Gould, C., Kehoe, R., Nazem, S., & Price, E. (2009, September). Caring for the caregiver: Recognizing and treating mental health problems in family caregivers. WVU Department of Family Medicine, Morgantown. WV.

Creasy, B., Nazem, S., Smith, M., & Fiske, A. (2009, June). Suicidal behavior in older adults. Summer Institute on Aging, Morgantown, WV.

O’Riley, A., & Nazem, S. (2009, March). Older adults and suicide. Morgantown Suicide Prevention Workshop, Morgantown. WV.

Nazem, S, Moberg, P, Duda, JE, Ten Have, T, Hurtig, H, Stern, MB, & et al. (2007, October). Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) performance in Parkinson’s disease patients with intact cognition by Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) score. Symposium on Etiology, Pathogenesis, and Treatment of Parkinson’s disease and Other Movement Disorders, American Neurological Association, Washington D.C.


Nazem, S., Smith, M., Fiske, A., & Nadorff, M. (2009, November) The Relation Between Self

Disclosure and Suicide Ideation in Younger and Older Adults. Poster session presented at

the Gerontological Society of America annual meeting: Atlanta, GA.

Stewart, S., Nazem, S., Siderowf, A., Duda, J., Colcher, A., Horn, S., & et al. (2009, March). Validity of the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) and Mini-Mental State examination (MMSE) for the detection of mild cognitive impairment and dementia in Parkinson’s disease. Poster session presented at the American Association of Geriatric Psychiatry annual meeting: Honolulu, HA.

Mavandadi, S., Nazem, S., Siderowf, A., Duda, J., Stern, M. B., & Weintraub, D. (2008, June). Use of latent variable modeling to classify psychiatric symptoms and cognitive functioning in Parkinson’s disease. Poster session presented at the Movement Disorder Society 12th International Congress of Parkinson's Disease and Movement Disorders, Chicago, IL.

Mavandadi, S., Nazem, S., Siderowf, A., Duda, J., Stern, M. B., & Weintraub, D. (2008, May). Use of latent variable modeling to classify psychiatric symptoms and cognitive functioning in Parkinson’s disease. Poster session presented at the Institute on Aging Annual Retreat, Philadelphia, PA.

Nazem, S., Siderowf, A., Duda, J., Brown, G., Ten Have, T., Stern, M. B., & Weintraub, D. (2007, June). Death ideation and suicide ideation in Parkinson's disease. Poster session presented at the Movement Disorders Society 11th International Congress, Istanbul, Turkey.

Nazem, S., Siderowf, A., Duda, J., Brown, G., Ten Have, T., Stern, M. B., & Weintraub, D. (2007, May). Death ideation and suicide ideation in Parkinson's disease. Poster session presented at the Institute on Aging Annual Retreat, Philadelphia, PA.


·  Higher Education Resource Fee Award, West Virginia University (Fall 2008-Spring 2011)

·  Finalist, American Neurological Association Outstanding Parkinson’s Disease/Other Movement Disorders Symposia Abstract Award, Washington D.C. (October 2007)

·  University of Michigan Honors (Winter 2002-Winter 2005)

·  University of Michigan Angell Scholar (Winter 2004)

·  University of Michigan Mortar Board (Winter 2004)

·  Psi Chi, National Honor Society in Psychology (Fall 2003)

·  National Society of Collegiate Scholars (Fall 2003)


Mental Health and Aging Lab

Department of Psychology, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV

PI: Amy Fiske, PhD

August 2008 – Current

·  Participate in weekly research lab meetings

·  Assist in studies examining help-seeking and suicidal behavior in younger and older adults, as well as gender differentiation in depressive symptomology

·  Lab Coordinator (2009-2010): Run lab meetings, coordinate topics and presentations

Depression Diagnosis and Treatment in Parkinson’s disease

Geriatric Psychiatry, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA

PI: Daniel Weintraub, MD

July 2006 – July 2008

·  Coordinate a double blind, placebo-controlled study examining the efficacy of atomoxetine for depression in Parkinson’s disease

·  Administer a wide range of psychiatric and neuropsychiatric research instruments including SCID, Mini Panic/Anxiety, Involuntary Emotional Expression Disorder, Psychosis Rating Scale, Hopkins Verbal Learning, Digit Span, Semantic Verbal Fluency, Tower of London

·  Recruit and retain Parkinson’s disease patients at multiple study sites

·  Collect and score data, supervise and perform data entry, clean, and analyze data using SPSS

·  Serve as a liaison between the principal investigator and study collaborators

·  Manage drug accountability, acquisition, and distribution

·  Prepare all IRB documents, maintain research compliance

·  Coordinate neuro-imaging sub-study

·  Prepare manuscripts and presentations


Geriatric Psychiatry, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA

PI: Daniel Weintraub, MD

February 2007 – July 2008

·  Coordinate a matched case-control study examining the correlates between dopamine agonist use and impulse control disorders in Parkinson’s disease patients

·  Administer impulse control questionnaires including DSM-IV criteria for gambling, hypersexuality, compulsive shopping, and compulsive eating and other psychiatric assessments including STAI, Geriatric Depression Scale, Obsessive Compulsive Inventory

·  Collect demographic and medical histories

·  Perform chart reviews and enter data into remote data capture (RDC)

·  Serve as a liaison between the principal investigator and pharmaceutical representatives

·  Prepare all IRB documents, maintain research compliance

Quality of life in Ostomy, Amputee and Parkinson’s disease patients

University of Michigan Center for Behavioral Decision Sciences in Medicine, Ann Arbor, MI

PI: Dylan Smith, PhD

June 2005 – July 2006

·  Coordinated 3 longitudinal studies examining the quality of life in ostomy, amputee and Parkinson’s disease patients

·  Recruited patients and administered interviews

·  Supervised the collection and input of data

·  Coordinated mailings and subject payments

·  Submitted and prepared IRB applications and renewals

·  Assisted in the development of new study designs and questionnaires

·  Prepared weekly grant meeting agenda

·  Edited manuscripts and grant submissions

·  Supervised work study students

University of Michigan Gender and Achievement Research Program, Ann Arbor, MI

PI: Jacquelynne Eccles, PhD

Spring 2002 – June 2005

·  Assisted in the preparation of grant proposals and research presentations/conferences

·  Edited manuscripts and prepared references

·  Performed sensitive document handling and data entry

·  Reconciled pending receipts and organized several grant budgets

·  Performed transcription, coding, and tracking

University of Michigan Vice President for Research, Ann Arbor, MI

PI: Malinda Matney, PhD

Fall 2001 – Spring 2002

·  Assisted in data compilation for the University of Michigan first year student survey

·  Analyzed trends in data

·  Prepared a presentation for undergraduate symposium


Family Medicine, WVU Hospital & Sundale Nursing Home, Morgantown, WV

Supervisor: Amy Fiske, PhD

August 2009 – August 2010

·  Served as a supervised therapist for adult insomnia and depression cases in the WVU Department of Family Medicine

·  Served as a supervised therapist for older adult depression, hoarding and anxiety cases at a long-term care facility

·  Conducted neurological testing

West Virginia University, Quin Curtis Center

Supervisor: Elisa Krackow, PhD

August 2008 – August 2009

·  Served as a supervised therapist (Department of Psychology Clinic)

·  Vertical team assigned to both child and adult cases


University of Michigan Department of Psychology, Ann Arbor, MI

Peer Advising Professor: Nancy Davis, PhD

January 2005 – May 2005

·  Served as an Undergraduate Peer Advisor

·  Counseled and advised University of Michigan undergraduate students with questions and concerns relating to their progress through the psychology department (specific course questions, available research opportunities, concerns about grades, etc.)

·  Guided students through options available for graduate study in psychology

·  Organized a forum for undergraduate students


West Virginia University, Department of Psychology

Supervisor: Amy Fiske, PhD

August 2009 – May 2010

·  Psychology 281, Introduction to Abnormal Psychology Instructor

West Virginia University, Department of Psychology

Supervisors: Claire St. Peter-Pipkin, PhD, Constance Toffle, PhD, Julie Patrick, PhD

August 2008 – May 2009

·  Psychology 101, Introduction to Psychology Instructor


·  Gerontological Society of America


·  Assisted in reviewing abstracts for the American Association of Suicidology 2010 Annual Conference


·  Student Representative, WVU Clinical Training Committee

·  Coach, Morgantown Christian Academy Girls’ High School Volleyball Team

·  Junior Advisor, WVU Mortar Board

·  Section Coordinator, Mortar Board National Senior Honor Society

·  Vice President, University of Michigan Mortar Board

·  Secretary, University of Michigan, Psi Chi, National Honor Society in Psychology

·  Vice President for Membership, University of Michigan, National Society of Collegiate Scholars Student

·  Representative, University of Michigan Psychology Undergraduate Committee

·  Internal Relations Director, University of Michigan Undergraduate Sociology Association

·  Facilitator, Student Organization Roundtable, University of Michigan

·  Chair, Student Government Election Campaign, University of Michigan

·  Voice Your Vote Commission Chair, Michigan Student Assembly, University of Michigan