St. John’s Parish, Castle Street, Tralee

Opening Hours: Mon. - Fri. 9am 1pm & 2pm -5pm Saturdays 9am – 1pm Tel: 7122522


September 26th 2010 –26th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year C


· Tony Byrne Oakpark

· Daniel (Dan) Hayes St Patrick’s Bungalows & formerly St John’s Park

· Edward (Eddie) Sheehy Cluaindara

· Lawrence (Larry) Nunan St Brendan’s Park

and for all those whose anniversaries occur at this time

St. John’s – this Sunday

10.30am Mass - Hymn Numbers

Entrance 83

Offertory 180

Communion 110

Concluding 114

FIRST FRIDAY: October 1st is the first Friday of the month. Masses at usual times. CONFESSIONS – Thursday 4.30pm – 5.30pm.

KERRY EARTH WEEK: As part of Kerry Earth Week - September 26th to October 4th - St. John’s Parish will host two events. Harvest Mass in St. John’s Church at 7pm this Saturday. The Harvest Mass will take place in Curraheen Church & Immaculate Conception Church on Saturday, October 2nd. Blessing of Pets will take place on Sunday, October 3rd in the Parish Car Park at 3pm. The last day of Earth Week, October 4th, is the feast day of St. Francis, patron saint of animals/ecology.

COFFEE MORNING: in aid of Kerry Hospice will take place in the Parish Centre on Friday, October 1st after 10am Mass.

LEGION OF MARY: Meetings are held in St. Brendan’s Pastoral Centre every Monday at 7.30pm. All new members are welcome.

DVD PRESENTATION: The Life of St Gianna Molla This film tells the beautiful story of the life of a new modern saint. A thoroughly modern woman, a wife, mother and medical doctor. This will take place in the Parish Centre on Tuesday, September 28th at 8pm. Under auspices of Legion of Mary

DOMINICAN PILGRIMAGE TO KNOCK: on Sunday, October 10th Coach leaving Dominican Church at 7.30am. Tickets available at Holy Cross Church reception. Also coach operated by O’Shea’s of Kerry leaving Tralee at 7am. Contact O’Shea’s on 7180123 or Donal Kelliher on 087 6361023

AN INVITATION TO REMEMBER: A service of remembrance will be held by Cork University Maternity Hospital on Friday, October 15th at 7.30pm in St. Joseph’s Church(SMA), Wilton. All who have experienced pregnancy or infant loss are welcome to attend.

MARRIAGE ENRICHMENT WEEKEND: for married couples who want to spend time together strengthening their relationship. The next weekend takes place from November 26th – 28th at The Lake Hotel, Killarney. To book or for further information, contact 064 6644319 or visit

MONASTIC WEEKEND: - Carmelite Life? An invitation for single women between 22 – 38 years to experience the Carmelite life. This will take place on the weekend of October 22nd – 24th. Further information from Sr Teresa, Carmelite Monastery, Tallow, Waterford on 058 56205.

TRALEE PRIMARY CARE TEAMS invite you to a “Promoting Positive Ageing Through Primary Health Care” information morning on Tuesday, September 28th in the Parish Centre from 10am – 12.30pm. The focus of the day will be encouraging older people to develop a positive approach to their health. Healthcare professionals including, Dr. Margaret Kelleher, Consultant Psychiatrist, will be on hand to offer support, advice and assistance and answer any queries.

ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS An open public meeting will take place on Monday, September 27th at 8.30pm in the Presentation Prefabs, Upper Castle St. All welcome

FUN TABLE QUIZ: will take place at Na Gaeil Football Club on Thursday, September 30th at 7.30pm. This is in aid of Tralee Imperials Basketball Club.

PUBLIC TALK: on Climate Change – The challenge to all of us will take place on Thursday, September 30th at the Malton Hotel, Killarney at 7.30pm. In this ‘Earth Week’ talk, Fr Sean McDonagh, a Columban missionary, will highlight the religious and ethical dimension of climate change.

SOLAS TRÁ LÍ: is a voluntary organization which is currently seeking volunteers. This would involve going out socially with special needs adults on a Wednesday night. For information, contact Catriona on 087 9230291.

TRALEE CREDIT UNION: is now accepting applications for their Education Awards and Dan Kellegher Memorial Awards. Both awards are open draw awards worth €10,500 where 7 lucky members will receive €1,500 each towards their chosen course of study. Closing date: September 30th. Application forms on or from their offices in Tralee, Castleisland, Ardfert.

BLOOD TRANSFUSION SERVICE: would like to thank the 676 donors who attended the Tralee clinic recently. Donors, together with the families, friends and neighbours that support them, make up a community that brings life and hope to hospital patients every day.

NA GAEIL FOOTBALL CLUB: are holding Bingo every Monday night in the Clubhouse
at 8.30 pm Free bus provided to and from the club. Phone 087 2817577 for information on bus times.

KERRY SCHOOL OF MUSIC: presents Salute to Broadway 2 at Siamsa Tire this Sunday, September 26th at 8pm. Contact Siamsa on 7123055.

USED POSTAGE STAMPS: These can be handed in to Parish Centre in aid of the Irish Guide Dogs for the Blind.

OLD COINS: Trocaire are still collecting the old Irish and foreign coins. These can be handed in to the Parish Centre.

EUCHARISTIC CONGRESS 2012: In preparation for the Eucharistic Congress, we are invited over the coming two years to focus on how we celebrate Eucharist. Over the coming months, from September to January, our focus will be on Gathering - how we gather as a Christian community to celebrate Eucharist.

Coming to Mass is about more than ‘showing up’. It’s about belonging, it’s about togetherness, it’s about hospitality. There is a human feel to it – human beings connecting with one another, aware that they are gathering together as Christ’s body. If there is a human feel of ‘gathering’, then it is more likely that there will be a divine feel to it too – a feeling of God’s hospitality, God’s embrace, God’s presence. Excerpt from Exploring Eucharist - Dónal Harrington, p52, Columba Press 2007