
Chapter 1 Introduction

Appendix 1-A. NPDES Boilerplate Language

Appendix 1-B. Pretreatment Acronym List

Appendix 1-C. Ordering Guidance Documents

Chapter 2 Sewer Use Ordinance Guidance

Section A. Quick Reference Info

Section B. Discussion

Section C. Local Limits Alternative

Section D. DEM Construction Grants & Loan SUO Requirements

Appendix 2-A. North Carolina Model Sewer Use Ordinance

Appendix 2-B. Sewer Use Ordinance Checklist

Appendix 2-C. NCDEM SUO Letter to Municipalities of January 19, 1993

Appendix 2-D. Construction Grants & Loans SUO Checklist Review

Appendix 2-E. Attorney's Statement Example

Chapter 3 Industrial Waste Survey Guidance

Section A. Quick Reference Info

Section B. Discussion

Section C. How to

Appendix 3-A. Industrial User Wastewater Survey Short Form

Appendix 3-B. Industrial User Wastewater Survey Long Form

Appendix 3-C. Dropping a User from Significant Industrial User Status

Appendix 3-D. Categorical Regulations Summary

Appendix 3-E. Example Summary of IWS sent to the Division

Appendix 3-F. EPA Contacts for Categorical Pretreatment Standards

Chapter 4 Long Term Monitoring Plan Guidance

Section A. Quick Reference Info

Section B. Discussion

Section C. How to

Section D. Recording and Reporting Data

Section E. Special Case Discussions

Section F. Modified Programs Short Term Monitoring Plans

Section G. "How to" for Non-Discharge WWTP STMPs

Appendix 4-A. LTMP Model (Activated Sludge / Aerobic Digester WWTP)

Appendix 4-B. Example LTMP Summary Data Form

Appendix 4-C. Headworks Short Term Monitoring Plan Model (Modified Programs) Activated Sludge / Aerobic Digester WWTP

Appendix 4-D. Headworks Short Term Monitoring Plan Model (Modified Programs) Lagoon WWTP with Land Application of Effluent (Spray Field / Irrigation)

Chapter 5 Headworks Analysis Guidance

Section A. Quick Reference Info

Section B. Discussion

Section C. Methods of Completing an HWA

Section D. HWA Update Frequency and DEM Submittal Requirement

Section E. HWA Decisions and Calculations

Section F. Organic Chemical Headworks Analysis

Section G. Typical Prelim 4.0 Problems

Section H. Treatable Pollutant HWA Discussion

Section I. NC Action Levels Discussion

Section J. Non-discharge HWA Decisions and Calculations

Section K. Headworks Addendum for Sludge Loadings (HASL)

Appendix 5-A. Excel HWA Spreadsheet (Hardcopy)

Appendix 5-B. Excel Organics HWA Spreadsheet (Hardcopy)

Appendix 5-C. Headworks Analysis Hand Calculation Worksheets

Appendix 5-D. Literature Removal Rates & Inhibition Thresholds

Appendix 5-E. NCWQS from 15A NCAC 2B .0200

Appendix 5-F. Removal Rate Worksheets

Appendix 5-G. HWA and Organic HWA Spreadsheet Order Form

Appendix 5-H. 40 CFR 503 Land Application of Residuals Limits

Appendix 5-I. Removal Rates Worksheet for Unpaired Data

Appendix 5-J. North Carolina Groundwater Quality Standards

from 15A NCAC 2L .0200

Appendix 5-K. Headworks Addendum for Sludge Loadings (HASL)


Chapter 6 Industrial User Pretreatment Permits Guidance

Section A. Quick Reference Info

Section B. How to Write and Issue IUPs

Section C. Allocation Tables

Section D. Compliance Schedules

Appendix 6-A. IU Wastewater Survey & Application Form

Appendix 6-B. Generic Blank IUP

Appendix 6-C. Generic Blank IUP Synopsis

Appendix 6-D. Sample Transmittal Letter

Appendix 6-E. Local Limits Procedure

Appendix 6-F. Combined Wastestream Formula Spreadsheet

Chapter 7 Sampling, Compliance, and Inspection

Section A. Sampling Quick Reference Info.

Section B. Sampling Discussion

Section C. Compliance Judgment Quick Reference Info.

Section D. Compliance Judgment Discussion

Section E. Compliance Judgment Special Case Discussion

Section F. Inspection Quick Reference Info.

Section G. Annual Inspections of SIUs

Section H. Inspection Special Case Discussion

Appendix 7-A. Sample Collection / Chain of Custody Form

(For Use with a Sampling Form)

Appendix 7-B. Sample Collection / Chain of Custody Form

(For Use without a Sampling Form)

Chapter 7 Sampling, Compliance, and Inspection (continued)

Appendix 7-C. Compliance Judgment Worksheet for Significant

Noncompliance (SNC) With Limits

Appendix 7-D. Significant Industrial User (SIU) Inspection Form

Chapter 8 Enforcement Guidance

Section A. Quick Reference Info

Section B. Discussion

Appendix 8-A. North Carolina Model Enforcement Response Plan

Appendix 8-B. Example Notice of Violation

Appendix 8-C. Enforcement Orders

Chapter 9 Pretreatment Annual Report Guidance

Section A. Quick Reference Info

Section B. Completing your PAR

Chapter 10 Pretreatment Authorization to Construct

Section A. Quick Reference Info

Section B. Division Requirements and Recommendations Discussion

Appendix 10-A. Example Authorization to Construct Letter

Appendix 10-B. Biological Treatment Facility

Authorization to Construct Review Checklist

Appendix 10-C. Dissolved Air Flotation Treatment Facility

Authorization to Construct Review Checklist

Appendix 10-D. Chemical Precipitation Treatment Facility

Authorization to Construct Review Checklist

Appendix 10-E. Ultrafiltration Treatment Facility

Authorization to Construct Review Checklist

Appendix 10-F. Air Stripping & Activated Carbon

Authorization to Construct Review Checklist

Chapter 11 Removal Credit Guidance

Section A. Quick Reference Info

Section B. Discussion

Section C. Removal Credit Pollutant Availability

Section D. Application Requirements

Section E. Removal Credit Continuing Requirements

Appendix 11-A. 40 CFR 403.7

Appendix 11-B. Model Removal Credit Summary Form

Appendix 11-C. Typical NPDES Removal Credit Language

Chapter 12 Miscellaneous Information

Section A. Estimation of Costs and Time Requirements

Title: Table of Contents

File name: CG Table of Contents

Revision date: September 1, 1993 Page: XXX