Hawea Community Association Meeting

16th August20167.30pmHawea Community Centre

PRESENTPaul Cunningham, Doug Brenssell, Laura Solbak, Barbara Chinn, Mike Thomas, Dennis Hughes, John Taylor, Dave Sherwin, , Rachel Brown, Heather Dunkley, Ross McRobie (Wanaka Community Association), Diana Manson, Rob Devine.


Don Robertson, Chrissie Robertson, Ian Henderson (Police),

MOTION => Apologies be accepted

1ST PaulCunningham2ND Doug BrenssellCARRIED


“That the minutes of the 19th July2016HCA Committee meeting & Community Meeting be accepted as true and accurate record.

1STLaura Solbak2NDBarbara ChinnCARRIED



* 9/8/16 - Boyd Brinsdon to Dennis Hughes & Paul Cunningham regarding the previously held HCA/Contact meeting.


* 8/8/16 - Dennis Hughes to Boyd Brinsdon re HCA/Contact meeting regarding the previously held HCA/Contact meeting.


“That the incoming correspondence be received and the outward approved”

1STRob Devine 2ND Paul CunninghamCARRIED



I move that:

  1. The report be received
  2. Accounts for payment be approved.

Ian Rae



“That the Financial report be received.Accounts for payment be approved”

1ST Ian Rae2ND Paul CunninghamCARRIED


* HCA calendar/commitments (Doug Brenssell)

* Guardians (Barbara Chinn) No report (due to no meeting held)

* Community Policing (Ian Henderson)Nothing to report.

* Lake Hawea Community Centre (Doug Brenssell)– with the help of the corrections department the installation of the hanging wires in the building and the mulch in garden have been completed;the guest speaker night is happening on the 26th August at the centre; there has been a leak in the ceiling sprinkler system, with minimal damage sustained.

* Wanaka Community Board (Rachel Brown) – the QLDC are undertaking a trial to mulch with a new contractor, which shall begin in the near future; the Boundary Road recycling station is being reviewed; the Emergency Response plan has been completed and Trevor Andrews would like to present this to the public at the Lake Hawea Community Centre.

* Foreshore Report (John Taylor) – John has advised that the Scott’s Beach willows have been felled by Asplundh and cleaned up by the Thursday group; poplar and willow have also been removed from Taylor’s Beach.

* Green Waste Report (Dennis Hughes) - as per the report. The QLDC will begin mulching trials; there has been a marked increase in the green waste being deposited with a corresponding increase in takings. The growth is manageable and it is a good fund raiser for the community.

* Any other reports

MOTION = Reports

“That the reports be received.”

1ST Paul Cunningham2NDDoug BrenssellCARRIED


*Heather Dunkley (who has some property in the area) has an issue with the reinstating of the Scotts Beach reserve and the impact that it will have on her access and the ongoing maintenance of the vegetation.

Heather is asking for support from the HCA. She would like the grass area reinstated, the plants relocated, perhaps to the toilet area, and the draft plan corrected to show its current non-vegetated state.

The committee voiced moral support for Heather’s issue and advised her to approach the QLDC and visit their e-docs facility on the internet.

* Gladstone Gap update (John Taylor) To date, two working bees have been undertaken to remove briar, hawthorn and larger gorse bushes.

* Domain Road Recycle/Refuse Centre (Paul Cunningham) Issues: non-compliant rubbish is still being dumped.Paul Cunningham has advised that the QLDC & the HCA has developed a plan to control this. The plan will be submitted to the committee next month.

* QLDC communications and the on-going Hawea water issues (Laura Solbak) – Laura received a reply from the QLDC regarding chlorination on the 21st July and the maintenance short term use of the old system. Email from Michele Poole August 9th ‘I have heard back from Jek Rozitis, Veolia’s contract manager. He says that that the maintenance work was urgent because some stone / gravel in the pipe caused a quartz sleeve in the UV plant to shatter. This caused an immediate shut-down of the UV system to avoid any risk that glass might get into the water. The old water intake was brought back into use while repairs were carried out, hence the need for the chlorination and also why there was no prior warning that the water would be chlorinated.

Investigations are still going on to try and establish how a piece of stone got into the system. The manufacturer has also apparently never encountered this problem anywhere else, with a quartz sleeve shattering while in use.’

Further email from Michele Poole Aug 18th ‘I haven’t heard anything further and suspect it won’t be until our chief engineer, Ulrich Glasner, returns from leave. I will make a note in my diary to pursue this for you when he returns towards the end of the month.

* Oxygen bubbles in the water supply: (Ian Rae) Veolia has advised that the pump is too powerful, creating air explosions through the house water pipes in some of the houses in the area. Veolia are addressing it through the depowering of the pump and are continuing to investigate the issue.

* Log splitter costs (Barbara Chinn) – The log splitter is privately owned by members of the Thursday group, who then distributes the wood to the needy. Barbara and the group are suggesting that the wood be sold to cover the costs of its maintenance. In the future, the HCA might be asked to hire the splitter for any splitting projects.

John requests that the Gladstone Gap Project be (reimbursed) allocated a budget of up to $2000.00 to cover the cost of mulch/compost for new trees, chainsaw chains, fuel, and logsplitter hire. (Chains are costing $575, and Logsplitter hire for private units is $100/day each unit. [Commercial rates are $150/day])

John also requests funding for up to $320 to cover the cost of chains for the Thursday Group.

MOTION =>That the HCA provides a budget for the Gladstone Gap up to $2000.00

1ST Paul Cunningham2ND Barbara Chinn CARRIED

MOTION => That the HCA provides funding for chainsaw chains up to $320.00 for the Thursday group $235.00

1STPaul Cunningham2ND Barbara Chinn CARRIED

* AGM preps: John Taylor advised that the preparations need to start.

* Diana Manson: advised that the QLDC will be installing a small car park on Flora Dora Parade.

* Archive Room funding: (Doug Brenssell) Doug has received a quote of $2650.00 for the materials for the construction of the Archive room, which includes the wall and floor. All labour costs will be donated by the tradesman including all electrical, concrete and building work. The shelving and electrical hardware will, however, need to be purchased.

MOTION => That the HCA approves the fundingof $2694.00 for the archives room renovation

“That the payment of $2694.00 for the archives room renovation be approved”

1ST Barbara Chinn 2ND Laura SolbakCARRIED

* Doug Brenssell proposes that the HCA host a ‘Meet the Candidates’ meeting at the Community Centre before the local elections . Paul Cunningham will follow this up.

* Geff Hewson/Pony Club. Paul is asking for the support from the HCA to approach the QLDC for financial assistance for the temporary toilets at the Domain. Paul Cunningham will liaise with Jeff Hewson regarding this.

* Barbara Chinn advised that the Quiz night will be this Friday night.

* Barbara Chinn proposes doing a clean- up of the roads in the suburban Lake Hawea area and would like the HCA to consider a road clean-up. PC HCA supports this.

* Neighbourhood support: Barbara Chinn is busy contacting people concerning the neighbourhood hubs.



FORESHORE – See attached


1. I have transferred $1,495-00 of Green Waste takings into the Association’s ANZ account.

2. Last week John McCone and Owen Ford managed a successful burn of the flax heap. It was good to get that done whilst the surrounding countryside is damp.

3. I expect to hear soon from Erin Moogan (Council Contracts Manager) who has been awarded the mulching contract.

Dennis Hughes



* HCA meeting - Tuesday 20 September 2016