Bowling Green Baptist Church

Finance Committee

Budget RequestForm 2015

As you think about your mission needs for the year of January 2014- December 31, 2014, please pray and think carefully about the resources needed to meet your group’s goals. As you consider the needs, be very specific as you list theresources so that a line item budget may be prepared. Be specific.

Please return this budget request form no later than August 31, 2014 to Terry Bullock .

The budget must be prepared and submitted to the church for action at the October business meeting. The finance committee is starting the budget preparation process.

Item with a priority number between 1 and 5 with 1 as high priority / Amount requested / Month to be spent / Mission to be served
MFuge (1) / 3600 / July / Outreach
PlanetWisdom (1) / 960 / March / Spiritual Growth
Discipleship Now (2) / 70 / Winter / Spiritual Growth
Winter Bonfire (2) / 125 / December/January / Relationship Building
DownloadYM Resources (3) / 220 / Year-Long / Ministry Planning/Support/Training
Bible Study Leader Packs(2) / 85 / Once a quarter / Spiritual Growth
Bible Study Leader Guide (not Pack) (1) / 100 / Once a quarter / Spiritual Growth
Item and Priority / Amount Requested / Month to be spent / Mission to be served
Bible Study Student Guide (1) / 180 / Once a quarter / Spiritual Growth
Outreach Aids (3) / 500 / During service projects / Outreach, local/regional missions
Event Food (5) / 300 / During special events (movies, lock-ins, etc) / Relationship Building (Supplements Wednesday meals, incentives for student participation)
Contingency/Administrative (4) / 200 / Year-Long / Ministry Support (letters, stamps, posters, special videos/study materials, supplement event fees for students who cannot afford costs)

Submitted by ______(Signature)

For Mission Group ______

Date ______
