Kentucky: A History of the State, Volume I by W.H. Perrin, J.H. Battle & G.C. Kniffin, published 1885.

CHARLES M. HALL, an old settler and leading farmer and fine stock breeder, was born March 4, 1822 where Paducah now stands. His father was on his way to the Purchase from the Green River country, when a storm stopped them at Paducah. The father of our subject raised one crop near Paducah and then returned to Mulenburg County, Ky., where he remained till about 1830; he then returned to the Purchase and settled in Ballard County.

The grandfathers of our subject were William Hall and Charles Morgan of English and Irish descent, and were both in the Revolution. The parents of our subject were Adam and Eda A. (Morgan) Hall with whom he lived till he was twenty-five years old, when he commenced business for himself, running a wood yard, three miles below Cairo for eighteen months; he afterward engaged in farming, cutting cord wood and piloting flat boats down the river to New Orleans. He commenced in life without a dollar, about 1850 he purchased his first farm of 145 acres at $3 per acre, which he improved and has added to till he owns 700 acres, but giving to his children has reduced its area. He was the owner of three negroes when the war broke out.

The father, Adam Hall, rented lands while in the Purchase, till he moved to Missouri in 1837, where he purchased 366 acres of land and resided till his death, when Charles M. brought his mother back to Ballard County, where they have since lived, Mr. Hall having had the care of the family after his father's death.

C. M. Hall was married March 4, 1856, to Mrs. Mary Hall, widow of B. Hall; she is the daughter of Jerman J. and Ann D. Beadles*, natives of Virginia, and of English descent. They came to Graves County in 1830. By this union Mr. and Mrs. Hall have had born to them eight children: Ann E. (now Elliott), Nettie (now Melton), Jerman A. (deceased), Theophilus A. (deceased), James K., Charles M., William A., and Lewis W.

He and wife are members of the Baptist Church. He is a Mason and has been trustee of schools for twenty years. He cast his first presidential vote for James K. Polk, and has voted the Democratic ticket ever since.

* Error - should read Jerman J. and Ann Y. Beadles Wingo