Minutes of Implementation Group meeting held on
Friday 5 June 2009
in DCA at 12 noon
Present: Scott Mands, Val Ridley, Laura Christie, Maureen Smith, Dorothy Wilson, Carole
Robertson, Derek Selway, Joyce Barclay, Annette Costello (minutes)
1. / Apologies / ACTIONBruce Patrick, Zena Hyslop, Charmaine Wanless, Elspeth Walker
2. / Presentation
Scott delivered a presentation on Rapid Impact Assessment (IA) Tool Introduction. The group discussed the forms and decided on some amendments which are to be made. (attached) Also a list of contacts to be added to tool. / AC
3. / Completed Impact Assessments
Scott is to seek approval via the committee for getting an area on Dundee City Council website for placing completed Impact Assessments.
All policies should have a Rapid Impact Assessment attached. The group will need to look at and discuss this further as a corporate approach. / SM/MS
4. / Rapid Assessment Tool
Put this in as an amendment to Impact Assessment Tool and take to committee meeting in July. Community Learning & Development are using this tool at the moment. Scott offered to deliver short training sessions to department staff involved in Impact Assessments. Scott also offered to support Equality Champions in delivering IA training within their own departments.
5. / EQIA
Carol feels there is a gap and suggested this should be explained properly to staff that they need EQIA training first before using the Rapid Tool Assessment. EQIA training is currently being delivered by the Equality Partnership and participation levels are high.
6. / Event
Laura gave an update to the group on arrangements to date for the event on 24 August 2009.
- Venue - West Park Hall
- Event Title - Wha's Like Us - Everyone
- Bob Duncan - Opening speaker
- Laura Astley - Transgender equality trainer
- Possibly a dance group after lunch
- Logo - Celtic knot with the seven strands
- Maximum venue capacity - 200
There was a discussion about having a photo board at the event displaying photographs of the Equality Champions to make people aware of who they are. It was also suggested having a newsletter. Community Information team are to be contacted re quarterly magazine/newsletter. / SM
7. / Invitations
It was decided that invites would be sent by post rather than email. Presentations and information to be sent out in advance. The group are to meet and agree which target groups/individuals are to be invited. Joyce suggested that some priority be given for professionals who bring along members of the community. Joyce asked that some priority be given for professionals who bring along members of the community. Scott asked that places be allocated to excluded groups e.g. deaf community.
Dorothy suggested including in the invite a small questionnaire which could be used in the single equalities scheme. / ALL
8. / Booking Form/Programme
Next step is to get the programme done. Christine Lowden & Carol Snedden are to set up LGBT group.
When the booking form is designed add the question Would you like to be on a list of contacts for future events? / SM
9. / Equality Action Plan
Scott is to report to the SMT on the progress of the E&D Action Plan 16th July / SM
10. / Date of Next Meeting
TBA. Scott will be in touch re a meeting for the Planning Group. / SM