Records Retention Schedule: Record Type Submission Form

* Required field


What do you want to call this record type? Be descriptive and use common terms. Keep in mind that the titles will appear in alphabetical order, so begin the title with a key word.



This is a narrative field in which you can explain about and give examples of records of this type. Also, you may want to refer to or cross reference to another record type. For example, “See [record type]” or “See also [record type].


Last Update

Day, Month, Year (If you don’t enter a revision date, the date of inclusion in the RR Schedule will be used.)


How would you categorize this record type? Select as many as are applicable.

Academics & Programs

Administrative & Financial


Governance, Legal, Safety



Reports, Correspondence & Meetings

Students & Alumni

We can add categories, if necessary, but we prefer to keep the number of categories to a minimum. Indicate here if you would like to request that a new category be created.

Below, note that you may provide instructions for only Active Retention, only Inactive Retention, only Permanent Retention, or any combination thereof. Make sure the retention instructions for various segments of a record’s life cycle are in sync as far as retention and disposal.

Active Retention

Active record – A university record that is easily accessible within the operating unit; accessed frequently or occasionally during the course of the university’s or unit’s operations.

Fiscal Yearsof active retention [enter a number or leave blank; this would typically be 2-5 years]

Modifier [a phrase that modifies the number of fiscal years or is used instead of fiscal years]

Options: Leave blank, select from the drop-down list, or create a new phrase.


New phrase:

Record Managed By

During active retention when the records might be referenced often or occasionally, what unit will have the responsibility of “managing” this record?

*If this record type has an active retention period, this field is required.

Either select one here or indicate other here

Inactive Retention

Inactive record – A university record that is no longer needed during the regular course of operations, but that is retained for legal or business purposes; the record may be stored within a unit or in a central repository.

Fiscal Yearsof inactive retention [enter a number or leave blank; this would typically be 5-10 years]

Modifier [a phrase that modifies the number of fiscal years or is used instead of fiscal years]

Options: Leave blank, select from the drop-down list, or create a new phrase.


New phrase:

Record Stored By

During inactive retention when this record is seldom or never used, what unit will have the responsibility of “storing” the record?

*If this record type has an inactive retention period, this field is required.

Either select one here or indicate other here

Permanent Retention

Archival record – A university record that is retained permanently by the university for legal or business purposes; a non-record that is retained permanently by the university for reference or historical purposes. Archival records used for reference or historical purposes are stored within the University Archives. Permanent records kept for legal or business reasons may be stored (archived) within a central administrative department or office.

Modifier [a phrase that enhances meaning or clarity]

Options: Leave blank, select from the drop-down list, or create a new phrase.


New phrase:

Record Archived By

During permanent retention, what unit will have the responsibilityfor storage of records of this type?

*If this record type is stored permanently, this field is required.

Either select one hereor indicate other here:

Data Classification

Classification* [Considering privacy laws, access and disposal, how sensitive are records of this type?]

Options: Select from the drop-down list, or create a new classification.


New phrase:

Regulatory basis [a law, policy, etc.]

Options: Leave blank, select from the drop-down list, or indicate a new regulatory basis.


New phrase:


* If this record type will at some point be destroyed, this field is required.

Either select one hereor indicate other here:


Would you like to link to your unit’s website or elsewhere? If so, indicate link(s) here.

Notes: Is there anything you would like to explain further or request?

Form completed by (name): *Date submitted*:

Please save this form, then submit it via email to Sheryl Rippke . Questions? Call 294-1385