First Congregational Church, United Church of Christ

Spring 2015 Quarterly Meeting Minutes

May 9, 2015


Meeting called to order at 11:11am by Church Moderator Carl Washington. The opening prayer was offered by Rev. Andrews.


The Moderator recommended that the Senior Minister's report to after Other Business andelections of the Youth Deacons to be added to New/Ongoing Business.

Gary Spencer moved to accept the amended agenda and second byAlva "Chip" Tabor.Vote unanimous affirmative.


Modifications:Section V: 4th paragraph, 2nd Sentence changed to "John" rather than "James"

Gail Washington moved to accept the minutes as modified and Steven Parked seconded the motion. Vote unanimously affirmative


Written support submitted. Acknowledged gratitude to the service of Susan Pease Langford, Lonnie Carr, Marvin Mangham, and Carl Davis. There are three vacancies. Those vacancies will be voted on and filled during the next quarterly meeting. Chair Hawkins explained the budget error that was discovered on February 19, 2015 and the efforts to correct the error and ensure it does not happen begin.

Approved the use of a credit card for Rev. Andrews so that he does not have to use his personal funds for emergency expenses.

Trustee Sunday is scheduled for July 12, 2015. The tentative speaker is Ron Hunter, the head coach of Georgia State University basketball team.

The Trustees are hosting a Blue Lights in the Basement fellowship.

Lonnie Carr asked if the budget error affect line items. He also asked what kind of credit card was given to Rev. Andrews (American Express gold card) and expressed concern about that kind of card not having a limited. They were discussed in detail by the board and best practices were put into place.

a. Financial Report

Financial report provided. In 2013, the Church has a surplus of $8,586.80 and in 2014, a deficit of $19,715.44.

For the first quarter of 2015, the congregation is at 20% as opposed to 25% in giving and income. Hawkins has expressed that we consider our spending. Eric Saxon asked that reports be sent via email in advance of the meetings. A secured online access for members has been discussed and will be discussed further.

Eric Saxon asked about the impact of the online giving portal. The use of the portal has not been maximized as of yet. He also stated that OCWM and Thank Offering are not categories are not on the portal and asked it to be added.

b.Investment Committee Report/Steven Parker

Written report submitted in the Annual Report. The current balance as of March 31, 2015 is $578,509. The church's investments grew by 31% because of money flowing into accounts because of dividends from the investments. Long-term investments were moved from the Vanguard account to the United Church Funds. The dividends from Atlanta Life Financial Group (ALFG) stocks are placed into the Henry N. Brown and Norris B. Herndon Funds.

The Henry N. Brown Fund is a newly created fund. Steven Parker would like the Church Council to recommend how that fund is used. Eric Saxon has recommended it be used for church life and reconsider how designated funds are used. He also said the funds should be flexible to possibly augment congregational giving. Parker has asked that the aforementioned be placed on the Council's agenda.

Lonnie Carr has recommended that surplus be placed into reserves. He also stated that there are laws how designated funds can be used.Aaron Johnson has asked about independent auditors who usually would give a report to the congregation. Robert Hawkins explained that it is something that Board of Trustees is working through.

There is slight deficit that affects the church's operation. A dividend check from ALFG for $27,791 that was placed into the SunTrust operations. The Board of Trustees and the Senior Minister agree that the amount should go to UCF to maintain our investments even though at least $50,000 needs to be in the operations account at all times. It is an error that needs to be corrected.

Steven Parker has recommended that we take the $27,791 out of the parking revenue or either raise said amount so that it can be placed in the United Church Fund. It was also emphasized that the lack of giving are really are a results of our deficits in the church’s operations budget.


a. JuneTEAnth Concert, Beckie Spencer reporting for the Servettes

The date for the event is Sunday, June 28, 2015. Invitations have been sent to nine performers with four confirmations received. The congregation and organizations are encouraged to participate. Tickets are $20.00 for adults, ages 11 - 18 and students $10, and those 10 and under are free. The event will honor Mrs. Maxell McEwen who is celebrating her 100th birthday.

b. Garden Committee Update/Levi Butler reporting

The engraved bricks have arrived. The committee will review the contractor bids for their installation.

c. Election of Youth Deacons will be moved, as there is not a quorum.

On Sunday, May 17, 2015, the History Committee will celebrate Henry Hugh Proctor by laying a marker at his grave at Southview Cemetery outlining his impact to First Congregational Church. Roland Yates encourages support and participation by the congregation.


Written report submitted. The organization of church administration manual is in progress. Rev. Andrews is working on the reactivation of the Music and Worship, Membership, and Pastoral Care committees. The Anniversary and Homecoming will be celebrated in the fall. On June 7th, the Church will fellowship with Oglethorpe Presbyterian Church for a sustained dialogue on race. We will discontinue use of the CARE parking deck because of its minimal use. It will be used for special events. The Council has voted to support a formal First Church request to have a seat on the Board of the Atlanta Life Financial Group. It will be requested at the shareholders meeting in mid-May. Rev. Andrews has recommended that the church reengage its AIB relationship and broadcast. Members have agreed to underwrite for the next six months and its impact will be assessed for future efforts. Rev. Andrews has also reified the concern with the Church's decreased giving and revenue. We will formally address sustained stewardship in the near future.


Aaron Johnson moved adjourn the 2015 Spring Quarterly meeting. Eric Saxon seconded the motion. Vote unanimously affirmative.

Meeting adjourned at12:50pm.

Closing prayer offered by Rev. Andrews

Spring 2015 Quarterly Meeting Minutes | page 1