Goal Nine: The Roaring 20’s

Pages 528-562

Chapter 16: Section 1 (A Booming Economy)

  1. Henry Ford and the Automobile Industry:
  2. Define mass production:
  1. Before Henry Ford, who drove automobiles?
  1. What car did Henry Ford bring to the American people?
  1. Define scientific management:
  1. Give four specific examples of how the automobile changed America:
  1. A Bustling Economy:
  2. How did advertising change during the consumer revolution?
  1. How did installment credit help people buy things they did not have enough money to buy?
  1. Define bull market:
  1. How did the bull market affect the stock market?
  1. Explain the process of buying on margin.
  1. Cities, Suburbs, and Country:
  2. Where were people migrating to in the 1920s?
  1. Who was migrating?
  1. What made the creation of suburbs possible? (2 things)
  1. Who lived in the suburbs?

Chapter 16: Section 2 (The Business of Government)

  1. The Harding Administration:
  2. Who was Andrew Mellon?
  1. What were his plans for economic policy?
  1. What did he do for the American budget?
  1. What type of economic policy did Harding and Mellon promote to reduce the amount of government regulation in business?
  1. Who was the Ohio Gang? What were they like?
  1. What happened with the Teapot Dome Scandal?
  1. Coolidge Prosperity:
  2. How did Coolidge come to office?
  1. How did Coolidge run the government differently than Harding?
  1. What two quotes did Coolidge use to show his liking for business?
  2. What were the troubles that Silent Cal ignored?
  1. America’s Role in the World:
  2. What did countries agree to at the Washington Naval Disarmament Conference?
  1. What did the Kellogg-Briand Pact outlaw?
  1. How did the Dawes Plan help Britain and France pay their war debts back?

Chapter 16: Section 3 (Social and Cultural Tensions)

  1. Traditionalism and Modernism Clash:
  2. What new division was established with the 1920 census?
  1. Define modernism:
  1. Where did you live if you were modernists?
  1. Explain the differing opinions on education between rural and urban America.
  1. Define fundamentalism:
  1. Where did the fundamentalists and modernists clash?
  1. What was the big issue with the Scopes Trial?
  1. What nickname was given to the Scopes Trial?
  1. What happened to the teacher who taught evolution in the Tennessee school?
  1. The New Ku Klux Klan:
  2. Who did the new Klan direct their attention to?
  1. Prohibition and Crime:
  2. What is Prohibition?
  1. What forbade the manufacture, distribution and sale of alcohol anywhere in the US?
  1. What enforced the 18th Amendment?
  1. Who are bootleggers?
  1. What are speakeasies?
  1. What repealed the 18th Amendment?

Chapter 16: Section 4 (A New Mass Culture)

  1. New Trends in Popular Culture:
  2. What made silent films so ideal as a form of entertainment?
  1. What is significant about the Jazz Singer?
  1. What are “talkies”?
  1. What brought distant events like the Jack Dempsey fight into the homes of Americans?
  1. An Age of Heroes:
  2. Who was Babe Ruth?
  1. Who was Charles Lindbergh?
  1. What did he do that made him an American hero?
  1. Women Assume New Roles:
  2. What are some characteristics of the New Woman of the 1920s?
  3. Who was a flapper?
  1. Modernism in Art and Literature:
  2. What is the “Lost Generation”?
  1. What were the focuses of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s writings?
  1. What were the focuses of Sinclair Lewis’ writings?
  1. What were the focuses of Ernest Hemingway’s writings?

Chapter 16: Section 5 (The Harlem Renaissance)

  1. A New “Black Consciousness:
  2. Who was the most prominent African American leader if the 1920s?
  1. What was the conclusion that he drew?
  1. How did he suggest the problem be combated?
  2. What organization did he form to accomplish his goals?
  1. What two groups did Marcus Garvey influence?
  1. The Jazz Age:
  2. What is jazz and who brought it to America?
  1. Who was the unofficial ambassador of jazz and what instrument did he play?
  1. What was the Cotton Club?
  1. The Harlem Renaissance:
  2. What was the Harlem Renaissance?
  1. Who was Langston Hughes?
  1. How did Langston Hughes symbolize the Harlem Renaissance?
  1. Who was Zora Neale Hurston?
  1. What two themes did she focus on?
  1. What ended the Harlem Renaissance?