Unit 3: Workings of the Mind and Body
Directions: Read, research and present the material assigned within your group
Group1 – The Nervous System (pp. 155-159)
Central nervous system-______
Spinal chord-______
Peripheral nervous system-______
Somatic nervous system-______
Autonomic nervous system-______
Short Answers
1. List and describe the parts of a neuron.
2. List four types of neurotransmitters and provide an example role that each plays.
3. Explain the functions of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous
system before and after the before, during and after a runner
completes a race.
Group 2: Studying the Brain (160-168)
(EGG) ______
Computerized axial tomography-______
(CAT) ______
Positron emission tomography-______
(PET) ______
Magnetic resonance imaging - ______
(MRI) ______
Short Answers
1. Explain the functions of each of the brain’s hemispheres.
2. Name and describe the parts located in each of the regions of the
3. Explain the differences between the right and left side of the brain.
Group 3: The Endocrine System (170-173)
Endocrine System- ______
Hormones - ______
Pituitary gland - ______
Thyroid gland- ______
Short Answers
1. Explain the main function of the endocrine system.
2. What impact do the adrenal glands have on our functions? When
might these functions occur?
3. Explain the difference between male and female sex glands? How might each affect human behavior?
4. How do the functions of hormones differ from that of
neurotransmitters in the nervous system?
Group 4: Heredity and Environment (174-176)
Heredity - ______
Identical twins- ______
Fraternal twins-______
Short Answers
1. Explain arguments for each side in understanding human behavior:
Nature vs. Nurture
2. Explain the difference between fraternal and identical twins.
3. How genes influence behavior?
4. Describe several characteristics a person may have. Explain whether
each trait may be from heredity or a product of their environment.