Senior Seminar Research Paper Outline Assignment

The goal of this assignment is for you to focus on the structure of your senior seminar project. You will submit an outline of your paper, with the understanding that the final paper will be much more detailed. List specific topics in each area that you expect to cover in your paper.

Title Page (page 1)

Abstract Page (page 2)

Introduction (page 3)

  • Broad description of topic(opening paragraph should be broad and grab reader’s attention; think about your approach to your topic)
  • The goal of your paper. What do you intend to do in this paper?
  • Why is your topic/review important and interesting?
  • Thesis statement and research question(s) - The main premise of paper – the major research question you intend to answer
  • If you have any secondary questions, list them as well. Include a least one question about the implications you might derive from this topic analysis – the “so what” question.

Topic Area Overview

  • Detailed Introduction to the context of your paper
  • Provide basic background information (This is a good place for general and descriptive statistics).
  • Topic Area Focus: Specific focus of your paper; Narrow the scope
  • What is already known about your topic? What are the relevant theories and research studies?
  • This section of your paper should be more research-based
  • Include data and results
  • Be clear about which studies you will include in your paper, as well as the overall results and basic “take-home” messages of these studies
  • List subtopics that will become subsections of this part of our paper. Use subheadings to organize the areas you are covering.
  • This is the main section of your paper – the substance of your literature review

Critical Analysis (of the literature you reviewed)

  • What is your analysis of the information you gathered?
  • Put all the information together – what did you find by doing this critical review of the literature? What are the interesting observations to be made after this review?
  • What are the alternative explanations or perspectives?
  • What are the limits of the research you reviewed?
  • Provide a summary of what you learned and what others should learn from your project.

Conclusions and recommendations

  • What is the overall take-home message?
  • What recommendations do you suggest from this literature review and critical analysis?
  • What are your answers to the “so what” questions?
  • What can your audience take away that will be of use in applying this knowledge and further advancing an understanding of these issues.


  • (Provide an APA style separate reference page. Your full paper will include at least 10 scholarly references, i.e., from peer-reviewed journals, chapters in edited books, scholarly books.)


  • In the body of the paper, move from more general, to specific, to conclusions
  • Ensure your conclusions are based on the evidence found in the literature
  • Use headings and subheadings to support organization. Follow APA guidelines for levels of headings, such that it is always clear which sections are “under” a higher order heading level.