China, Japan, and Korea Study Guide ANSWER KEY

  1. Yuan
  2. Ming
  3. Han
  4. Qin
  5. Marco Polo
  6. Mao Zedong
  7. Matthew Perry
  8. Kim Jong Un
  9. Dalai Lama
  10. Kim Jong Il
  11. Kublai Khan
  12. Emperor Qin- Shi Huang Di
  13. Genghis Khan
  14. Confucius
  15. Emperor
  16. Mixed Economy
  17. Communist Party
  18. One-child policy
  19. Interdependent
  20. China
  21. Tokugawa
  22. Meiji
  23. Imperialism
  24. December 7th 1941
  25. Constitutional Monarchy with a parliamentary democracy
  26. Communist dictatorship
  27. Democracy
  28. DMZ or demilitarized zone
  29. Siddhartha Gautama
  30. Japan and China
  31. USA and Soviet Union
  32. Buddhism was founded by Siddhartha Gautama. Buddhists believe in reincarnation, the four noble truths, and the eightfold path.
  33. The Silk Road was an ancient trade route that connected China with the west. It was used for trade for over 1,000 years. Many goods such as silk, gold, spices, etc. were traded. Ideas such as Buddhism were also shared by way of the Silk Road.
  34. During the 1600-1800s the Chinese felt superior to westerners. They were also very suspicious of westerners. Therefore, they refused to trade with Europeans until Great Britain forced them to open up trade during the Opium Wars.
  35. Mao Zedong created a strict communist economy. All farms and businesses were put under the government’s control. People were forced to live like peasants and work on state run farms. A terrible famine took place that killed millions. Mao closed schools and universities during the Cultural Revolution.
  36. China has been accused of denying human rights because of its one child policy, harsh response to peaceful protests, limits on religious worship, and internet censorship.
  37. The Mongols never invaded Japan because typhoons or tropical storms stopped them.
  38. Shogun




  1. The USA dropped two atomic bombs on Japan to end World War II.
  2. Japan is a developed country with a pretty high GDP. Japan’s currency is the yen. Japan exports many things such as cars and electronics.
  3. Korea was a Japanese colony, but after WWII, Japan lost it foreign territory. Korea was split into two parts. North Korea was supported by the communist Soviet Union and South Korea was supported by the USA. In 1950, North Korea invaded South Korea and tried to unite the two parts under one communist government. The USA got involved in the war. The war ended in 1953 as a ceasefire and the two countries remain divided today by the DMZ or demilitarized zone.
  4. North Korea: Communist dictatorship, poor, low GDP, very secretive, citizens have no rights and freedoms, nuclear weapons, cyber attacks

South Korea: Democracy, free market, strong economy, world’s fastest internet access