Carmen Martínez Novo
Associate Professor of Anthropology
University of Kentucky
201 E Lafferty Hall
Lexington, KY 40506
Phone: 859-2130498
Fax: 859-323-1959
Positions Held
2011-present Associate Professor of Anthropology, University of Kentucky
2011-2014 Director of the Latin American Studies Program, University of Kentucky
2007-2008 Chair, Anthropology Program, FLACSO-Ecuador
2003-2011 Professor and Researcher, FLACSO, Quito, Ecuador.
2001-2003 Assistant Professor of Anthropology, Northeastern University, Boston.
2000 Ph.D. in Anthropology, New School for Social Research, New York
1994 M.A. in Historical Studies and Anthropology, New School for Social Research, New York
1989 B.A. in History and Geography, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain
Spanish-English-bilingual, written and spoken
Ecuadorian Kichwa (dialect of Quechua) advanced
2009 (editor) Repensando los movimientos indígenas. Quito: FLACSO.
2006 Who Defines Indigenous? Identities, Development, Intellectuals, and the State in Northern Mexico. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press.
Articles in peer-reviewed journals
2016 “Conocimiento occidental y saberes indígenas en la educación intercultural bilingüe en el Ecuador.” Alteridad: Revista de Educación, Peer Reviewed Journal of the Polytechnic Salesian University v. 11, n. 2, Quito, Ecuador, pp. 206-220.
2016 “Authoritarian Attempts to Overcome Neoliberalism.” In Progress in Human Geography, Special Invited Issue edited by Sarah Elwood entitled “Learning from Postneoliberalisms” other contributors: Patrick Bond (University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa), Sarah Radcliffe (Cambrigde University, UK).
2015 with Victor Breton, “Políticas de reconocimiento neoliberales y posneoliberales en Ecuador: Continuidades y rupturas.” In Special Issue on Contemporary Ethnographies of Indigenous America of Quaderns de l’institut Catalá d’Antropologia 31: 25-49.
2014 “The Minimization of Indigenous Numbers and the Fragmentation of Civil Society in the 2010 Census in Ecuador.” Special issue on Social Identities, Censuses, and Nationalisms in Latin American States, Luis Fernando Angosto and Sabine Kradolfer (eds.), The Journal of Iberian and Latin American Research: The Journal of the Association of Iberian and Latin American Studies of Australasia 20(3), December.
2014 “Managing Diversity in Post-neoliberal Ecuador.” Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology: A Journal of the American Anthropological Association 19(1), March.
2010 With Carlos de la Torre. “Racial Discrimination and Citizenship in Ecuador’s Educational System,” Latin American and Caribbean Ethnic Studies, 5(1), pp. 1-26.
2007 "Antropología indígenista en el Ecuador desde la década de 1970: compromisos políticos, religiosos y tecnocráticos," Revista Colombiana de Antropología, Volumen 43 (enero-diciembre). Páginas: 335-366. Bogotá- Colombia.
2004 “We Are Against the Government, Although We Are the Government.” State Institutions and Indigenous Migrants in Baja California, Mexico in the 1990s. Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology, 9 (2), pp. 352-381.
2004 “The Making of Vulnerabilities: Indigenous Day Laborers in Mexico´s Neoliberal Agriculture.” Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power, 11 (2), pp. 217-241.
2003 “The Culture of Exclusion: Representations of Indigenous Women Street Vendors in Tijuana, Mexico.” Bulletin of Latin American Research, 22(3), pp. 249-268.
Invited Review Essays
2016 “Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Rise and Decline of Indigenous Organization in Ecuador.” Latin American and Caribbean Ethnic Studies, vol. 11, issue 2, p 1-5.
2013 “Indigenous Appropriations and Boundary Crossings: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Indigenous Cultures and Politics in the Andes.” Latin American Research Review 48(2): 218-226.
Edited Issues
In preparation with Pavel Shlossberg, Special Issue “Lasting and Resurgent Forms of Racism After Recognition in Latin America,” Cultural Studies (proposal for special issue accepted by editor Larry Grossman) Contributors: Charles Hale, Eduardo Restrepo, Michael Uzendoski, Emiko Saldivar, Juan Carlos Callirgos, Pavel Shlossberg, Carmen Martínez.
2016 co-edited special issue with Jaime Padilla, “Educación y derechos humanos” for Alteridad: Revista de Educación, peer reviewed journal of the Polytechnic Salesian University, vol. 11, n. 1, Quito, Ecuador.
2016 “Academic Freedom and Civil Rights in Rafael Correa’s Ecuador,” LASA Forum, vol. XLVII, issue 2, Edited by Carmen Martinez Novo. Contributors Catherine Cohaghan, Rudi Colloredo-Mansfeld, Maria Amelia Viteri, Felipe Burbano de Lara, Carmen Martínez Novo.
2016 “Summary of Solicited Reports” by Carmen Martínez Novo. In above issue.
2016 “Academic Freedom and Indigenous Peoples in Ecuador” by Carmen Martínez Novo. In above issue.
2005 Religión, Identidad y Política. Edited journal issue of Iconos, peer reviewed journal of FLACSO, Ecuador, n. 22, on the topic of the connections between religion, identity, and politics. Quito, Ecuador, May.
Book Chapters
In press “Censos de población y administración de la diversidad étnica en el Ecuador” en Víctor Bretón y María José Vilalta (eds.) Administración de poblaciones en América Latina. Barcelona: Icaria editorial.
2017 “Ecuador” in Ken Taylor (ed.) Etiquette and Taboos Around The World. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO.
2016 “The Twenty-first Century Left in Latin America and Indigenous Rights.” In Raab, Josef, and Saskia Hertlein, eds. Spaces—Communities—Discourses: Charting Identity and Belonging in the Americas. Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier & Bilingual Press, Temple, AZ, pp. 281-299.
2015 “The Minimization of Indigenous Numbers and the Fragmentation of Civil Society in the 2010 Census in Ecuador” in Luis F. Angosto-Ferrández and Sabine Kradolfer (eds.) The Politics of Identity in Latin American Censuses. London: Routledge (reprint from Journal issue of the Journal of Iberian and Latin American Research).
2014 “El regreso del indigenismo y el ataque a los derechos indígenas en el Ecuador posneoliberal.” In Laura Valladares (ed.) Nuevas violencias en América Latina: Los derechos indígenas ante las políticas neo-extractivistas y las políticas de seguridad. Mexico D.F.: Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Iztapalapa and Editorial Juan Pablos.
2014 “Is the Cultural Project of the Indigenous Movement in Crisis?: Some Ethnographic Remarks on the Ambiguities of Intercultural Bilingual Education in Ecuador.” In Josef Raab (ed.) New World Colors: Ethnicity, Belonging, and Difference in The Americas. Trier, Germany: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag and Temple, AZ: Bilingual Press (State University of Arizona).
2014 “The Tension Between Western and Indigenous Knowledges in Intercultural Bilingual Education in Ecuador.” In Regina Cortina (ed.) The Education of Indigenous Citizens in Latin America. Bristol, United Kingdom: Multilingual Matters.
2013 “The Backlash Against Indigenous Rights in Ecuador’s Citizen’s Revolution” In Todd Eisenstadt, Michael Danielson, Moisés Bailón, and Carlos Sorroza (eds.) Latin America´s Multicultural Movements: the Struggle Between Communitarianism, Autonomy and Human Rights. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
2013 “Why are indigenous organizations declining in Latin America?” in Douglas Caulkins and Ann Jordan (eds.) A Companion to Organizational Anthropology. Malden, MA: Willey-Blackwell.
2013 “Struggles for the Meaning of Indigenous Within Inculturation Theology in Ecuador.” In Marc Becker (ed.) Indigenous and Afro-Ecuadorians Facing the Twenty First Century. Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
2012 “Luchas por el significado del término “indígena” en la Teología de la Inculturación en Ecuador” In Lola Vázquez, Juan Fernando Regalado, Blas Garzón, Víctor Hugo Torres and José Juncosa (eds.) La presencia salesiana en el Ecuador. Quito: Abya Yala.
2011 “Multiculturalismo oficial en América Latina: ¿Democratización o consolidación de la desigualdad?” In Margarita Chaves (ed.), La multiculturalidad estatalizada. Indígenas, afrodescendientes y configuraciones de estado. Bogotá, Colombia: ICANH.
2011 “Etnodesarrollo en la Revolución Ciudadana en Ecuador: Avances, ambiguedades y retrocesos.” In Pablo Palenzuela and Alessandra Olivi (eds). Etnicidad y Desarrollo en los Andes. Sevilla, Spain: Universidad de Sevilla.
2010 “Indigenistas en los margenes del estado: Reflexiones desde la etnografía en la frontera norte de Mexico y en la Amazonia Ecuatoriana.” En Museo de la Ciudad (ed.), Ecuador-México. Vínculo histórico e intercultural (1820-1970). Quito, Fundación Museos de la Ciudad.
2009 The progressive church and the indigenous movement of Ecuador. In Steve Striffler and Carlos de la Torre (eds.) Ecuador Reader. Durham: Duke University Press.
2009 “The Salesian Missions of Ecuador: Building an Anti-Neoliberal Nation with the Indigenous Movement.” In Bridging the Gaps: Faith Based Organizations, Neoliberalism, and Development in Latin America and the Caribbean, eds. Tara Hefferan, Julie Adkins, Laurie Occhipinti. Lanham, MD: Lexinton Books.
2009 “Indigenistas en los márgenes del estado: Reflexiones desde la etnografía en la frontera norte de México y regiones periféricas del Ecuador.” In Ospina, Pablo, Olaf Kaltmeier y Christian Buschges (eds.), Los andes en movimiento. Identidad y poder en el nuevo paisaje político. Quito: Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, Universidad de Bielefeld, Corporación Editora nacional.
This book won the Isabel Tobar Guarderas Prize granted by the Municipal Government of Quito as the best book of the year in the social sciences.
2008 “Ecuador: Militants, Priests, Technocrats and Scholars.” In Deborah Poole (ed.) Companion to Latin American Anthropology. Malden, MA and Oxford: Blackwell.
2007 “Género y educación intercultural bilingüe shuar: Un avance de investigación.” En Will Waters y Michael Hamerly (eds.). Estudios Ecuatorianos. Quito: FLACSO.
2007 “De militantes, religiosos, tecnócratas y otros investigadores: La antropología ecuatoriana y los indígenas desde los años setenta.” En Fernando García (ed.) Memorias del II Congreso Ecuatoriano de Antropología y Arqueología. Pp. 15-40. Quito: Abya Yala.
2007 “Evangelización y movilización étnica: El aporte de la misión salesiana al movimiento indígena de Cotopaxi.” In Christian Buschges, Guillermo Bustos and Olaf Kaltmeier (eds.) Etnicidad y poder en los países andinos. Quito: Corporación Editora Nacional.
2007 “¿Es el multiculturalismo estatal un factor de profundización de la democracia? Reflexiones desde la etnografía en México y Ecuador.” In Víctor Breton (ed.) Ciudadanía y exclusión: España y Ecuador frente al espejo. Madrid: Ediciones de la Catarata.
1999 "Empresas Mixtecas: 'desarrollo' y poder en una cooperativa indígena en la frontera México-Estados Unidos." in Juan Carlos Gimeno and Pilar Monreal (eds). La controversia del desarrollo. Críticas desde la antropología. Madrid, Spain: Catarata-Instituto Universitario de Desarrollo y Cooperación de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
Articles in editor reviewed journals
2016 “El desmantelamiento del estado multicultural en Ecuador.” Ecuador Debate 98, August, pp. 35-50.
2005 “Religión, política e identidad.” Iconos: La revista de FLACSO-Ecuador, 22, pp. 21-26.
2004 “Los misioneros salesianos y el movimiento indígena de Cotopaxi, 1970-2004.” Ecuador Debate, 63 (December):235-268.
2000 "Agro-exportación y etnicidad en la frontera México-Estados Unidos." Ecuador Debate, n. 51, December.
1999 "La vigencia del marxismo en la antropología: una entrevista a William Roseberry." Ecuador Debate, n. 47, August.
1998 "Racismo, amor y desarrollo comunitario." Iconos: The Journal of FLACSO-Ecuador, 4, (December-March).
1997 "Etnicidad y globalización: la otra historia del movimiento de indígenas migrantes en la frontera México-Estados Unidos." Ecuador Debate, n. 40, (April).
Invited book reviews
2010 “Lives of Dust and Water: An Anthropology of Change and Resistance in Northwestern Mexico” by Maria Luz Cruz-Torres, American Ethnologist 37(3): 595-596.
Public Writing
Chair of a Report on “Academic Freedom, Freedom of Expression and Civil Liberties in Ecuador.” For Executive Council of Latin American Studies Association. Contributors: Rudi Colloredo-Mansfeld, Catherine Conaghan, Felipe Burbano, Maria Amelia Viteri, Carmen Martínez Novo.
Awards and Honors
2017 American Council of Learned Societies Fellowship, for the project “The Decline of Indigenous Rights in Latin America.”
2011 Henry Luce Foundation Grant for the Study of Religion and International Affairs for stay at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars in Washington D.C. Project “Catholic Missionaries and Radical Politics in Ecuador” (declined for visa reasons).
2010 John R. Heath Visiting Professorship, Center for International Studies, Grinnell College.
2008 Wenner-Gren Foundation Post-Ph.D. Grant for the project: The Contribution of its Non Indigenous Allies to Ecuador´s Indigenous Movement, 1970s to Present.
2006 Latin American Studies Association Grant to attend Meetings in San Juan, Puerto Rico.
2006 Commission for Scientific and Technological Research of Ecuador, Grant for the project: “Discrimination and Struggles for Citizenship in the Elementary Education System in Ecuador.”
2002 Faculty Development Fund, Northeastern University, for fieldwork on Liberation Theology and the Indigenous Movement in Ecuador.
2001 Richard Carley Hunt Postdoctoral Fellowship, Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, NYC, to publish dissertation results.
1997 MacArthur Fellowship, International Center for Migration, Ethnicity, and Citizenship, New York City, for dissertation writing.
1996 Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research Fellowship, for fieldwork in the Mexico-U.S. border.
1996 Elinor Goldmark Black Fellowship for Advanced Studies in the Dynamics of Social Change, New School for Social Research, for fieldwork in the Mexico-US Border.
1994 and 1995 Diamond Fellowship, for studies at the New School for Social Research.
1993 University Scholarship, for studies at the New School for Social Research.
1992 University Fellowship, for studies at the New School for Social Research.
Participation in international research groups
2011-2014 Participation in research group on “Hegemony, Domination and Governmentality in Latin America.” PI is Víctor Bretón from the University of Lleida, Spain. Researchers in the group teach at the universities of St. Andrews, Scotland, Center for Anthropological and Social Research, Chiapas, Mexico, and Latin American Faculty for the Social Sciences, Quito Ecuador. The group received grant # CSO2011-23521 from the Ministry of Finance of Spain. (35,000 €)
2007-2010 Participation in research team on “Ethnicity and Development in the Andes” led by Dr. Pablo Palenzuela from the University of Seville, Spain (PI). The research team was made up of professors of anthropology and law from the University of Seville and professors from FLACSO, in Quito, Ecuador. The group received grant # SEJ2007-65746 from the Ministry of Education of Spain. (65,000 €)
Teaching Experience
Full-time Positions
2011- Associate Professor of Anthropology at University of Kentucky. Undergraduate Classes: “Human Rights in Global Perspective,” “Culture, Environment, and Global Issues,” “Contemporary Cultures of Latin America,” “Indigenous Latin America,” “Introduction to Latin America.” Graduate Classes: “Political Economy,” “Ontologies, Emotions, Self,” “Elites in Cross-Cultural Comparison.”
2003-2011 Professor and Researcher, FLACSO, Quito, Ecuador. Classes: “Political Anthropology” (Ph.D. and M.A. Program) “Anthropology and Political Economy,” (M.A. Program), “Research Seminar on Ethnographies of Post-Neoliberalism” (Ph.D. and M.A.), “Religion, Politics, and Identity,” “Nation, Gender, and Ethnicity,” and “Anthropology of Gender.”
2007-2008 Chair, Anthropology Program, FLACSO-Ecuador. Designed and achieved the official approval from the Ecuadorian State and the International System of FLACSO of an M.A. Program in Visual Anthropology and Anthropological Documentary that dramatically increased the number of applicants to the Anthropology Program. Left Chair position to accept Visiting Professorship at the Johns Hopkins University.