Canditate´s Application


Please read carefully before answering. With this application form the project partner should be able to get a picture of you.


Name of project: / Number of project:
Availability for voluntary service:
weltwärts: / Country:

Personal Data

Male: Female: Member of Kolping: yes: no:

Membership number:

Date of Birth:
First name, Surname:
Street, house number:
Postal code, City:
Occupation, Studies:
Mobile Number:

Person to contact in case of emergency

First name, Surname: / Street, Number:
Postal code, City: / Telephone:

Further information about yourself

Educational background / employments, current situation:

Language ability:

Language / Mother tongue / fluent / good / basic

Have you had any international experiences yet?

yes: no: Where, how long and what kind of?

Which experience do you have with other cultures?

Which abilities / skills do you have that could be helpful in your voluntary work?

Please describe yourself, including your strengths and weaknesses:

Please describe a Situation that was challenging for you and how you solved it:

Please describe an important incident in your life that changed you and explain why it did:

Have you ever lived together with people who don`t belong to your close family? Did you like it? What could have worked better?

Please describe your motivation to be a long time volunteer:

What are your expectations, what do you hope to gain from your voluntary service?

What are your interests in the country you are applying for?

How do you imagine the work to be like?

What do you think you can contribute to the project you are applying for?

Which kinds of work can’t you imagine to do and why not?

Please write something about your previous activities, your interests and involvements in volunteering:

Do you have any handicaps, allergies …?

Yes: no:

14. Do you have a driver’s licence?

Yes: No: