555 Viking Dr.

Morehead, KY 40351

606-784-8911 ext. 3763

Nickolaus Diedrichsen Kevin Christie


Dear6th grade parents,

It is that time of year when we are getting ready to start new beginners in our band program at Rowan County Middle School. Thisis an exciting and important decision that you and your child facebecauseit may influence the direction of your child’s education. Not only will performing in band give your child the opportunity to learn to play an instrument, it may also help your child learn valuable skills that enable them to be successful in many aspects of life.

Research has found that band students represent the top of the academic scale in schools across the country. Students who have been band members have averaged 88 points higher in the SAT tests, which may indicate that they are achieving higher levels of success in verbal and math areas. Research has proven that learning to play a musical instrument also increases spatial reasoning skills in students. Students who participate in band have also shown a higher likelihood to go to college and become successful leaders in society.

Participation in band also helps build self-esteem, while teaching self-discipline. Students’ social skills, communication skills, leadership skills, self-concept, cooperative talents and creative minds will be enhanced by participation in band. Coordination is also improved. Most importantly, playing in the band is fun for students. Playing in band may help motivate students to try harder in school and make new friends while experiencing the fun of making music together. The positive effects of participation in music are endless and we hope that you and your child take advantage of the opportunity before you.

We would like to point out that it IS POSSIBLE for students to be involved in athletics, other extra-curricular activities andband. It is encouraged at RCMS to keep students involved in activities and help them become a well-rounded student. After-school band activities are limited to 2 or 3 public performances per year, and an occasional rehearsal to combine the band classes. There isn’t much after-school time involved with 6th grade band.

Following this letter, you will find a list of frequently asked questions about starting students in the beginning band program. If you wish for you child to become enrolled in the Rowan County Middle School Band, please complete the sign-up form attached to this packet and send it to the Middle School. If your child is not sure about joining band, they have the opportunity to visit the band roomduring the first week of school. There will be an informational meeting on Tuesday August 30, 2012 at 6:30 p.m. in the Middle School Cafeteria. Kerry Davis, of the Don Wilson Music Co. of Lexington, KY will be available to set up instrument rental for all those interested. I will be issuing school owned instruments. More information will be posted on my teacher web page. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me through email or at school.

We look forward to meeting you and having your child as a member of the band program at Rowan County Middle School.


Nickolaus Diedrichsen