1. Differentiate between extrinsic and intrinsic semiconductors
  2. What is meant by depletion region?
  3. What is meant by drift current?
  4. What is meant by diffusion current?
  5. What is meant by diffusion capacitance (CD)?
  6. Give the diode current equation?
  7. What is zenerbreakdown?
  8. What is meant by PN Junction diode?
  9. Name the current that flows through a PN Junction .diode?
  10. What is meant by conductivity?


  1. What is a bipolar junction transistor?
  2. Define the different operating regions of transistor.
  3. What are the three types of configuration in transistors?
  4. What are early effect or base and the modulation?
  5. What are the consequence effects of base width modulation?
  6. What is thermal runaway?
  7. List the uses of emitter follower circuit.
  8. What are the types of breakdown in transistor?
  9. Compare BJT and FET.
  10. .What is the application of MOSFET?
  11. Explain the working principle of a MOSFET.
  12. What-are the applications of JFET?


  1. What is Bias? What is the need for biasing?
  2. Define Amplifier.
  3. Based on the transistor configuration how amplifiers are classified.
  4. Define h parameters.
  5. What are the salient features of hybrid parameters?
  6. What are the limitations of h parameters?
  7. List the disadvantages of RC coupled amplifier.
  8. Why hybrid parameters are called so? Define that?
  9. Define Miller effect in input capacitance?
  10. Why RC coupling is popular?
  11. State the various methods of improving CMRR?
  12. Draw CE, CB, CC amplifier & its hybrid equivalent circuit.


  1. What is multistage amplifier?
  2. Classify the Power amplifiers.
  3. Define class amplifiers.
  4. What is differential amplifier?
  5. What is CMRR?
  6. What are the applications of differential amplifier?
  7. What are the advantages of differential amplifier?
  8. What are the different configurations of differential amplifier?
  9. What is meant by tuned circuit?
  10. What is advantage of tuned circuit?
  11. Differentiate between single and stagger tuned amplifiers.
  12. What are the characteristics of an ideal tuned amplifier?
  13. What arethe drawbacks of a single tuned amplifier?


  1. What is feedback?
  2. Classification of feedback amplifiers.
  3. Advantages and disadvantages of negative feedback amplifiers.
  4. What is oscillator?
  5. Comparison between amplifier and oscillator.
  6. State Barkhausen criteria.
  7. List the disadvantages of crystal oscillator.
  8. Name two low frequency oscillators?
  9. Name three high frequency oscillators.
  10. 1What are advantages of crystal oscillator.
  11. 1What are the different feedback topologies?
  12. 1What are the effects of negative feedback?



  1. Explain the structure, operation and VI characteristics of PN junction diode.
  2. Draw the Zener regulation circuit and explain its function for input and output regulation.
  3. Discuss the drift current and diffusion current and derive the equation for it.
  4. Draw the circuit diagram of half wave rectifier and explain its operation with necessary waveform. Also derive the expression for rectification efficiency and TUF.
  5. Explain the working of LED seven segment display using square wave supply.
  6. Explain the V-I characteristics of Zener diode.
  7. Explain in detail about Full Wave Rectifier and derive the expression for its efficiency and TUF.


  1. Explain how the Transconductance of a JFET varies with drain current and gate voltage characteristics and transfer characteristics.
  2. Explain the working of n channel enhancement type MOSFET .sketch its typical characteristics.
  3. Explain the application of FET as a voltage variable resistor.
  4. Explain the input and output characteristics of s CE transistor configuration .List out the comparisons between CE, CB and CC configuration.
  5. With a neat sketch explain the construction and working characteristics of IGBT.
  6. .Explain the input and output characteristics of s CB transistor configuration .List out the comparisons between CE, CB and CC configuration.
  7. .Explain the input and output characteristics of s CC transistor configuration .List out the comparisons between CE, CB and CC configuration.
  8. Explain the negative resistance characteristics of an UJT with neat sketch.
  9. Explain the npn and pnp transistor in detail.
  10. 1Explain the structure and characteristics of SCR.
  11. 1 Explain the structure and characteristics of TRIAC.


  1. Derive the expression for current gain, input impedance and voltage gain of a CB transistor Amplifier.
  2. For a common emitter circuit draw the h-parameter equipment circuit and write the expression for input impendence, output impedance and voltage gain.
  3. Explain the AC analysis of Common base amplifier.
  4. Draw the circuit of a common source FET amplifier and explain its operation.
  5. Explain about CE amplifier and derive the expression for h parameters of the same. Also derive the expression for gain, input impedance and output impedance of CE amplifier.
  6. Explain about the high frequency response of FET and derive the expression for lower cut off frequency and upper cut off frequency.
  7. Explain the Gain and frequency response of CS amplifier.


  1. What do you understand by differential amplifier? Draw the circuit diagram and explain the working of differential amplifier .Explain the circuit operation at CM and DM.
  2. Explain the concept of negative feedback in amplifier .Derive the expression for voltage gain, input impedance and output impedance.
  3. Draw the circuit diagram of an emitter coupled BJT differential amplifier and derive expressions for differential gain, common mode gain, CMRR, input impedance and output impedance.
  4. Explain the different types of neutralisation technique used in tuning amplifier.
  5. Explain in detail about power MOSFET.
  6. Compare the performance and efficiency of class A classBand class C power amplifier.
  7. With neat sketch explain the single tuned amplifier with its gain and frequency response.


  1. Draw and explain the operation of Hartley oscillator and derive the expression for frequency of oscillation and condition of oscillator.
  2. With a neat diagram, explain the construction and working of BJT RC phase shift oscillator.
  3. Derive an equation for the voltage gain of an amplifier that uses series voltage negative feedback.
  4. Derive an equation for the voltage gain of an amplifier that uses shunt voltage negative feedback.
  5. Derive an equation for the voltage gain of an amplifier that uses series current negative feedback.
  6. Derive an equation for the voltage gain of an amplifier that uses shunt current negative feedback.
  7. Draw and explain various feedback topologies.
  8. Derive the general condition for oscillation for s LC oscillator and derive the frequency of oscillation for a colpitts oscillator.
  9. Draw and describe the four types of topology for feedback of an amplifier. Derive the expression for gain with feedback. Mention the advantages of negative feedback amplifier.