Rukmani Birla Modern High School, Jaipur

Annual Syllabus for Session 2017-2018

Class – I

Subject: English

Book Name:

Oxford Ink- 1 (Part A and Part B)

Oxford Ink - Enrichment Reader 1

Cursive Book: Millennium’s CursiveStrokes-1

April- May / Revision of previous concepts
  • Sound words
  • Long and short sounds
Course Book -My family
Grammar - Naming Words
Literature -Good Morning (poem)
Cursive Book pages 3-10
  • Show and tell
  • House making activity using shapes
/ November / Course Book - Lesson-6 Everyday Helpers
Grammar - Describing Words
  • Literature - Poem-Good Manners
  • Cursive Book - Pages 41-48
  • Show and tell
  • Ramp Walk Show
  • Describing their favourite toy

July / Course Book –
Lesson-2- 1 Ami Gets a Pet
  • One and More Than One
  • Is, are
  • Literature -Lesson-1 Pluto ,Our dog
Cursive Book - Pages 11-17
  • Audio-Visual story
  • Visit to help in suffering followed by group discussion how will you look after your pet,
  • Flash cards activity
/ December / Course Book - Lesson-7 Fino ,the Little fish
Grammar - Doing Words
  • Literature - Lesson-4 Helping Each Other
Cursive Book - Pages 49-55
  • Rhymes on swings
  • Making objects using shapes
  • Outdoor activity(simon says)

August / Course Book
Lesson-3 The 3 Little Butterfly
Grammar - Articles(a, an)
  • Literature
  • Lesson-2 Water for everyone
Cursive Book - Pages 18-25
  • Flash card activity
  • Butterfly making activity using shapes
/ January / Course Book - Lesson-8 The Magic Cave
Grammar - Place words, Homophones
  • Literature - Lesson-5 Poem – Granny’s Nose
Cursive Book - Pages 56- 60
  • Plantation
  • Small magic show by the students

September / Course Book -
Lesson-4 The Four Friends
Grammar - Pronouns (he ,she ,it ,they)
  • Literature - Lesson-2 Muffins (poem)
Cursive Book - Pages 26-33
  • Making animals (thumb impression)
  • Conversation (role play)
/ February / Course Book - Lesson-9 The Mitten
Grammar - Sentences
  • Literature
  • Lesson-5 What Happened at a Picnic
Cursive Book - Pages 61-64
  • Kite making activity
  • Flash cards activity

October / Course Book
Lesson-5 Picnic at the Farm
Grammar :This ,That ,These, Those
Literature –
Lesson 3 The Missing Kittens
Cursive Book - Pages 34-40
  • Collecting information about different farm animals(scrap book)
/ March / Course Book
Lesson-6 Ben Learns to Buzz
(story narration only)
Grammar - Has, Have

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Subject: Mathematics

Book Name:

Mathematics in Real Life-I(Cordova)

April- May / Lesson-1 Comparison
Flash cards for smallest and largest number
Lesson:-2 Numbers up to 9
  • Group activity-Flash cards for teaching ascending and descending order
/ November / Lesson-9 Addition and Subtraction
up to 99
  • Cross number puzzle
  • Bundle making activity

July / Lesson:-2 Numbers up to 9 (contd...)
Lesson-3 Ordinal Numbers
  • Races for teaching ordinal numbers
Lesson-4 Addition up to 10
  • Picture addition using stickers
/ December / Lesson-11 Shapes
  • Making a scenery using coloured cut outs of different shapes
  • Tangram puzzle
  • Sudoku
Lesson-12 Patterns
  • Making patterns using leaves, stones, matchsticks etc.

August / Lesson--4 Addition up to 10 (contd...)
  • Hopping activity for teaching number line addition
Lesson- 5 Subtraction up to 10
  • Hopping activity for teaching number line subtraction
  • Picture subtraction using stickers
/ January / Lesson-14 Money
  • Grocery set up (buy and sell) to enhance their marketing skills

September / Lesson-6 Numbers 11 to 20
  • Bundle making activity for teaching Tens and Ones using sticks
  • Activity for teaching place values –using chairs in class
Lesson-7 Numbers up to 50
  • Tambola for teaching before, between and after
/ February / Lesson-15 Time
  • Clock making activity
  • Calendar reading activity
Lesson-10 Introduction to Multiplication…….. through activities only.
  • Teaching tables using flash cards and the outdoor activities

October / Lesson-7 Numbers up to 50 (continued)
Lesson- 8 Numbers up to 100
  • Garland making activity
/ March / Revision of the concepts done.
April- May / Lesson –1 About Myself
  • Free Hand Drawing
Lesson-2 My Body Parts
  • Hand Impression
  • Foot impression
  • Photo frame making activity
/ November / Lesson---10 Clothes
  • Visit a tailor shop and collect
information and things related
to his occupation
Lesson 11— My Home
  • Visit to Technology Park
and discussing the trip
  • Igloo making activity using coconut shell and cotton

July / Lesson--3 My Sense Organs
  • Outdoor activity on sense organs
  • Gunny bag ( touch and feel )
  • Blind fold activity
Lesson—4 Taking Care of My Body
  • Things to clean our body
(pasting empty wrappers
followed by group discussion)
  • Situation based questions
  • Live demo
Strokes of tooth brush (poem
will be recited Brush brush--) / December / Lesson—12 How We Move Around
  • Graph making activity pasting pictures of different means of transport in the correct category and developing scenes

August / Lesson –5 My Family
  • Hand puppets(with paper strips)
  • Family Tree
  • Role play (enact like any one
of the family member )
Lesson –6 My School
  • School visit
  • Interviewing different people
in the school / January / Lesson—13Good Manners and Habits
  • Situation based enactment
  • Wall hanging using golden words
Lesson-14 Fascinating World of Plants
  • Mr. Potato( Seed germination activity using potato and mustard seeds)
  • Plantation Day (Planting a seed followed by Poster making activity)
  • Group activity –Collecting different parts of a plant like- seeds, roots, leaves, fruits and stems.

September / Lesson—7 Helpers in My Neighbourhood
  • Collecting information from
different people in their
neighbourhood (like doctor,
teacher, tailor, milkman,
shopkeeper, maid)
Lesson—8 Festivals and Celebrations
  • Pin board activity(pictures of
different festivals ) / February / Lesson-15 Amazing World of Animals
  • Making an aquarium(Under the sea paper plate activity)

October / Lesson—8 Festivals and Celebrations
Lesson---9 Food
  • Salad making activity
/ March / Revision of the concepts done.

Subject: Environmental Studies

Book Name:New Learnwell - 1

Subject: Computer

Book Name:

Computer Masti

Month / Theory / Practical
April-May / Lesson 2: Parts of a Computer Concept: Computer has different parts.
Lesson 2: Worksheets
Class activity: Act out being a computer / Use of Mouse (Move and Click) by using Gcompris software- Missing Letter Activity
July / Lesson 1: Uses of Computer
Concept: Computer as a machine that has many
Lesson 1: Worksheets
Class activity: Play Stand up if… game with students- The teacher will ask a series of questions relevant to the lesson.
For example: Stand up if computers are used in a forest.
Project: Jobs and Purpose of using computer.
Lesson 3 : Healthy Computer Practices
Concept: Correct way of using computers. /
  • Use of Keyboard (Manipulation) by using Gcompris software- Simple Letters Activity
  • Use of Mouse (Left Click) by using Gcompris software- Colour Activity (Rebuild the Mosaic), Amusement Activity(Find the strawberry in Hexagon)

August / Lesson 3 : Healthy Computer Practices
Lesson 3: Worksheets
Class Activity: Discussion on other things in house that we have to keep clean and use safely.
Lesson 4 : Using a Mouse
Concept : Functions of a mouse
Lesson 4 : Worksheets / Use of Mouse(Left Click and Right Click) by using Childsplay software- Aquarium (Left click with the mouse on all the swimming fish before they leave the fish tank)
September / Revision
Revision worksheet / Practical assessment based on simple mouse activities and completing the puzzle using Childsplay software or GCompris software
October / Lesson 5: Using a Keyboard
Concept : Functions of a Keyboard
Lesson 5 : Worksheets
Project: List all the instruments that have keys to be pressed to use them /
  • Use of Keyboard (typing letters) by using Gcompris software – Falling Letters
  • Use of Mouse by using GCompris software- Reading
November / Lesson 6: Paint Using a Computer
Concept: Icons, Tools and tool bar
Lesson 6 : Worksheets
Lesson 7 : More Activities using
Concept: Open a new file and existing file and save a file. /
  • Use of TuxPaint to draw images like hut, butterfly
  • Use of TuxPaint by using ‘magic tool’ and colour the pictures.

December / Lesson 7: More Activities usingPaint
Lesson 7 : Worksheets
Lesson 8 : Using a Music Player
Lesson 8 : Worksheets
Project : Make a greeting card for your friend using the different tool options in Tux Paint. / Draw pictures and make a story using slide show option from Tux Paint.
January / Revision
Revision worksheet / Change the Desktop using a variety of pictures and styles.
Practical assessment to make a story using a slide show option from Tux Paint.
February / Lesson 9: Exploring the Desktop
Concept: Elements of Windows
Desktop on a computer.
Lesson 9 : Worksheets /
  • Listen to the sound and click on the image to which it belongs by using Childsplay- Sound Association.
  • Hear the sound played and find the matching sound by using Gcompris software-Discovery Activities- Memory Activities-Audio Memory Games

Subject: General Knowledge

Book Name

Know For Sure BookI

April/May / The Natural World
Important Days (any five)
July / Things Around Me
My National Symbols.
August / Science and Technology
Current Affairs (any five)
September / Number skill
Our States and their Capitals(any five)
October / Language and Literature, Legends and Myths.
Logical Reasoning –Number series
November / Arts and Music
Seven Wonders of the World.
December / Sports
Current Affairs (any five)
January / The World Around us
Logical skills-Odd man out.
February / Mixed Bag
Current Affairs (any five)

Subject: Fine Arts

Fine Arts Folder

April/May / Elements of Art- Colour chart & Lines
July / Elements of Art- Shading
Drawing of Birds
August / Indian Art- Warli Art
September / Drawing of Animals
World Art- African Mask
October / Paper Craft- Paper Plate Parrot
November / Origami tulip with vase
Underwater Creature- Fish
December / Transport- Rocket
Artist- Wassily Kandinsky
January / World Art- Japanese Kite
February / Rabbit & Creative Art