Practical Arrangements - Relationship with the Local Authority

Hartlepool’s IAS Service operates as an in –house but “arms-length” service of the local authority, situated within Child and Adult Services under the responsibility of the Assistant Director of Children’s Services.

This means that the service is funded by the local authority and service staff are employees of the local authority; the difference being that Hartlepool IASS staff are not expected to support or represent the views of the local authority, they are employed to support parent/carers/young people.

It is understood that in order for the service to operate in an independent, neutral and impartial manner, it must be independent and at “arms-length from the local authority. The local authority also supports the role the IASS provides to enable them to network and collaborate at local, regional and national level.

Hartlepool IAS Service is managed separately to that of the SEN Team having autonomy from the local authorities other service and delivery areas. The service has a delegated budget and independent recording systems and occupies office space not connected to Education. Hartlepool IASS has its own materials with the input from the Parent Carer Led Forum and professionals. Hartlepool IASS has responsibility for the content and maintenance of its own material and has an identified area both on the council’s website and the SEND Local Offer of Services webpage. These web based pages also include relevant internal and external links and downloadable documents. Any new information and/or publicity is checked and monitored for its impartiality.

·  Hartlepool’s IASS Staff know that they must be impartial, whether they are providing information, advice or supporting role. Therefore, the service will not make judgements on the views, behaviour or policy of any party and will maintain an impartial stance whilst collaborating and engaging with relevant organisations and networks

·  Wherever possible, parents are provided with the positive and negative of all options available to them, details of their rights and responsibilities, and methods of complaint/appeal where appropriate, enabling them to make a informed decision about the educational needs of their child. Parents are also signposted to other agencies that enable them to verify the impartiality of the information and advice provided. E.G. Advisory Centre for Education (ACE), Independent Panel for Special Educational Advice (IPSEA) and an approved list from the local authority of independent Disagreement Resolution and Mediation Services

·  All information provided is in line with the SEND Code of Practice 2014, current disability legislation, local policy and practice. Service staff are fully aware of the implications of equal opportunities and disability discrimination and endeavour to ensure that the service is as accessible as possible to parents/carers

Policy Effectiveness

On initial contact the Impartiality policy will be shared with parents either over the phone of face to face. Hartlepool’s IAS Services literature states the impartial nature of the service. A copy of the Policy will be displayed in the Offices of Hartlepool IASS and on the LA and SEND Local Offer webpage’s.

It is expected that all staff will adhere to the principles of impartiality laid out in the policy.

Service Policies will be reviewed on an annual basis or when changes occur in law and any amendments agreed with the Learning Difficulty And Disability Steering Group. Policies are also shared and made available with the local authority and other agencies so they are aware they exist and they understand them fully. Every effort will be made to publicise the impartial role of the IAS Service to other services and organisations.

All service policies are accessible and can be downloaded off the local authority’s web site or SEND/Local Offer of Services webpage, which is located on the Hartlepool’s Family Service Directory. Alternatively paper copies can be requested free of charge by contacting the Information, Advice and Support Service:

Tracy Liveras – Hartlepool Information, Advice and Support Service

Level 4, Civic Centre, Victoria Road, Hartlepool, TS24 8AY

Tel: 01429 284876


Publication Date: October 2014

Review Date: October 2015