Name______Due Date______Period____Score____/12

SEE THE LITERATURE CIRCLE PACKET! Prepare FIVE higher level questions to guide the discussion. They cannot be questions that have one-word or yes/no answers OR answers that can be easily found in the text. Prepare your answers to the questions or your reactions to/thoughts about the text. Write in complete sentences!





















Name______Due Date______Period____Score____/12

SEE THE LITERATURE CIRCLE PACKET! Choose three passages to read aloud to the group. Mark the passages in your book with a post-it note and write the page number(s) here. On this sheet, specifically explain the events of each passage in your own words AND tell why you chose each. Be able to discuss your reasons with the group. Write in complete sentences!

1. Page #______

Explanation of passage:______

______Reason for choosing it:______

2. Page #______

Explanation of passage:______

______Reason for choosing it:______

3. Page #______

Explanation of passage:______

______Reason for choosing it:______

Name______Due Date______Period____Score____/12

SEE THE LITERATURE CIRCLE PACKET! Identify three challenging words from the reading to share with the group. Write the complete sentence from the book and find the correct definition in a dictionary. Find a synonym for the word. Also, write the specific reason you chose this word.

1. Word______ Page #______Synonym______

Sentence from book ______



Reason for choosing this word______

2. Word______ Page #______Synonym______

Sentence from book ______



Reason for choosing this word______

3. Word______ Page #______Synonym______

Sentence from book ______



Reason for choosing this word______

Name______Due Date______Period____Score____/12

SEE THE LITERATURE CIRCLE PACKET! Find 3 connections between the reading and something you already know about. Make one of each type and explain them below: Text-to-Text, Text-to-World, or Text-to-Self. Write in complete sentences and BE SPECIFIC!

1. TEXT-to-TEXT (a DIFFERENT text):

Tell about the part from the story you are reading now:______


Tell about the part from the text you’re connecting with & what text it is______



How specifically are the two texts similar?______



Tell about the part from the story you are reading now:______



Tell about the thing/event in the world you’re connecting with:______


How specifically are the two things similar?______


3. TEXT-to-SELF:

Tell about the part from the story you are reading now:______



What are you personally connecting this part with?______

______How specifically are the two similar?______


Name______Due Date______Period____Score____/12

SEE THE LITERATURE CIRCLE PACKET! Draw your illustration here. Do this neatly, colorfully, and fill up the majority of the space. Show your drawing to the group and let them discuss it before you explain it. On the back of this sheet (1) Explain the illustration IN DETAIL and (2) Tell why you chose this specific illustration to represent the story.