University of Phoenix —Application for Scholarship Support:

Teaching and Learning Research Fellowship

The Teaching and Learning Research Fellowship program is for faculty who are interested in conducting and publishing research on teaching and learning. The fellowship offers comprehensive research support to successful candidates, including access to classrooms and other teaching environments, as well as assistance in the form of funding and research expertise. Please see the Research Funding page at for additional information on award amounts and accompanying expectations.

Send this completed form, the applicant’s curriculum vita, and the research proposal (no more than 7 single-spaced pages, excluding ancillary pages and appendices) addressing the criteria specific for the type of support/award being applied for to the Office of Scholarship Support (OSS). The applicant should be the principal investigator in any application. Only complete application packages will be considered.

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Principal investigator:
City: / State:
Country: / Postal code (if U.S.):
UOPX email: / Alternative email (optional):
Primary phone: / Primary UOPX college:
Primary campus:
UOPX affiliation (faculty, student, staff):
Proposed study title:

Teaching and Learning Fellowship Program

In addition to completed application form,all applications for theTeaching and Learning Fellowship Program must include
a research proposal.Successful applicants will demonstrate a clear need for the proposed study, or series of studies, along with an initial plan for the inquiry with a fully defined budget and timeline for the project. Applicants will also provide an explanation about how they will evaluatethe study at strategic phases of the project.

The research proposal (limited to no more than 7 single-spaced pages, excluding ancillary pages and appendices)
should include the following:

  • Abstract of the proposed research project (200 words or less).
  • Problem statement and its importance including:

─Statement of how this research advances the current state of knowledge in the field empirically, theoretically, and/or methodologically (500 words or less); and

─Statement of how this research will positively impact the researcher’s performance as University of Phoenix faculty (500 words or less)

  • Brief theoretical or conceptual framework for the research
  • Brief review of relevant research/policy literature
  • Research questions to be investigated and hypotheses to be tested
  • Description of research method including:

─Proposed data set and criteria for selecting data file;

─Sample (e.g., groups used, exclusions to sample, and estimated sample sizes);

─Selection of variables and rationale for using them; and

─Analytic techniques, specifically how the variables will be operationalized and how the statistical/qualitative analysis selected is appropriate to answer the hypothesis

  • Overview of potential ethical concerns associated with the research, its implementation, or its representation
  • Description of evaluation of the study at strategic phases of the project
  • Brief dissemination plan for this research and recognition of UOPX support
  • A comprehensive timeline, with allowances for periodical reporting to the OSS
  • References of works cited in the proposal

Disclosure of Other Direct Financial Support

Have you received any other direct financial support for this research, or do you anticipate receiving financial support outside of the Teaching and Learning Fellowship Program for this research?
If yes, please describe the additional funding, including the precise amount of funding anticipated:

Send completed applications to theOffice of Scholarship Support at

Note: Any accepted proposal involving data collection from human subjects requires IRB approval prior to beginning
data collection and before receiving funding.

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