Student Self-Service Tutorial: Accept/Decline My Financial Aid

/ Student Self-Service Tutorial: Accept/DeclineMy Financial Aid

Last Revised:12/14/2011



Document Title:Student Self-Service Tutorial: Accept/Decline My Financial Aid

Author:Common Management System

File Reference:accptDecMyFinancialAid.doc

Revision History

Revision Date / Revised By / Summary of Revisions / Section(s) Revised
07/21/10 / CMS / Whole Document / All
08/30/11 / Andrea Frost / New Version Update / All
12/14/11 / Vivian Fang / Review Edit / All

Review / Approval History

Review Date / Reviewed By / Action (Reviewed, Recommended or Approved)
July 21,2010 / Tiffany Chang / Reviewed, Updated and Approved

Table of ContentsPage

1.0 Logging in:

2.0 Navigating to the Student Center and Financial Aid Information Section:

3.0 Inside the Finances Section:

4.0 Navigating the Award Package page:

5.0 Viewingscheduled disbursement byterm:...... 12

6.0 Accepting or declining the financial aid:

7.0 Saving or canceling:

Last Revised: 12/14/2011Page1

Student Self-Service Tutorial: Accept/Decline My Financial Aid

1.0 Logging in:

To login to MyCoyote Self-Service web site:

1.Type your MyCoyote Identification in the Coyote Id text box

2.Type your Password in the Password text box

3.Select the Sign In buttone of m

Image of my coyote log in site showing class coyote ID text box and password text box

Sign In button

2.0 Navigating to the Student Center and Financial Aid Information Section:

To navigate to the MyCoyote Student Center Self-Service web site, select the Student Center link after logging in MyCoyote.Image of my coyote student self-service link showing the student center link

Student Center link

Inside the Student Center web site there are three sections:

1.Academics section

2.Finances section

3.Personal Information section

Image of my coyote student center page showing academic section, finances section and the personal information section

3.0 Inside the Finances Section:

The Finances section provides following links:

1.Account Inquiry

2.View Financial Aid

3.Accept/Decline AwardsImage of my coyote student center finances section

Select the Accept/Decline Awards link

of my coyote student center finances section showing accept or decline awards link

4.0 Navigating the Award Package page:

The Select Aid Year to View page appears.

Image of my coyote student center financial aid page showing selct aid year section

Select the Aid Year link

Image of my coyote stude

The Award Package page appears

5.0 Viewing scheduled disbursements by term:

Select the name of the Award link.

The Award Detail page appears.

In the Award Detail page, you can see the following information:

1.Type of award

2.Disbursement date

3.Award Term

4.Award amount

Image of my coyote student center financial aid and award detail page

Select the Return to Award Package link to return to the Award Package page.

Image of my coyote student center financial aid page showing return to award package link

6.0 Accepting or declining the financial aid:

In Award Package page, you can accept or decline the financial aid for a particular aid year and term. Select the Accept or Decline check box to accept or decline the award.

Image of my coyote student center financial aid page showing the accept or decline check box

There are following options to accept or decline the awards for a particular aid year or term

1. To accept all of the offered awards, select the accept all button.

2. To decline all of the offered awards, select the decline all button.

3. To clear all of the Accept and Decline check boxes, select the clear all button.

4. To update the totals, select the update totals button.

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nancial aid p

Select the Submit button to submit award acknowledgment

7.0 Saving or canceling:

Select Yes button to save the changesSelect the No button to cancel the changes


To access a different section such as Account Inquiry, My Academics or Student Center, select a section from the go to ...drop down list.e of

Last Revised: 12/14/2011Page1of 16